Colonial Triad League



1.  Name

The name of the Club shall be the “Colonial Triad League Inc.” Hereinafter referred to as the ‘League’.

2.  Colours

The colours of the League shall be Black, Silver and Red.

3.  Objects

The objects of the League shall be:

a)  To primarily organise the game of Triad in the Brisbane area.

b)  To secondly promote the growth of the game of Triad in the Brisbane area.

c)  To thirdly promote the growth of the game of Triad Nationally.

d)  To fourthly promote the growth of the game of Triad/Pyramid globally.

4.  Membership

Membership shall be open to all persons contributing to the objects of the League and paying the prescribed contribution.
The number of members is unlimited.
There shall be seven (7) categories of membership.

a)  Normal membership (Squad League players – competitive)

1.  Normal Members will be those players in a Squad Roster in either the 3v, 2v and/or the 1v formats of the game.

2.  Normal Members shall pay a full contribution toward the League.

3.  Normal Members shall be eligible for nomination on the Committee.

4.  Normal Members may vote at an Annual General Meeting.

5.  Normal Members shall be eighteen (18) years of age or over before the commencement of the season.

6.  Normal Members may be under the age of eighteen (18) years at the commencement of the season with parental and Committee approval.

a)  Normal Members under the age of eighteen (18) years may not vote at Annual General Meetings.

b)  Normal Members under the age of eighteen (18) years are not eligible for election to the Committee.

b)  Social membership (Social League players – non competitive)

1.  Social Members will be those players in the Social League.

2.  Social Members shall pay a full contribution toward the League.

3.  Social Members shall be eligible for nomination on the Committee.

4.  Social Members, if eighteen (18) years of age or older, may vote at an Annual General Meeting.

5.  Social Members may be of any age.

c)  Guests – Non members (Rec League - Casual Player – non competitive)

1.  Guests shall not play in the Squad League or the Social League.

2.  Guests shall pay a minor contribution toward the League.

3.  Guests shall not be eligible for nomination on the Committee.

4.  Guests may not vote at an Annual General Meeting.

5.  Guests may be of any age.

d)  Supporter (non-playing) membership

1.  Supporter Members are those who wish to support/organise the League though not actively play the game.

2.  Supporter Members shall pay a one half contribution toward the League.

3.  Supporter Members shall be eligible for nomination on the Committee.

4.  Supporter Members may vote at an Annual General Meeting

e)  Junior (under 18 player) membership

1.  Junior Members will be those players in the Junior League.

2.  Junior Members shall be under the age of eighteen (18) at the commencement of the season.

3.  Junior Members shall not play in the Squad league.

4.  Junior Members shall not be eligible for nomination on the Committee.

5.  Junior Members shall pay a one half contribution toward the League.

6.  Junior Members may not vote at an Annual General Meeting.

f)  Life membership

1.  Life membership may be considered for special services rendered in connection with the game.

2.  This distinction shall be conferred only at a General Meeting.

3.  No person shall be elected a Life Member of the League unless the affirmative votes be two-thirds (2/3) of the total voting strength of the Annual General Meeting.

4.  Any voting required shall be by secret ballot.

5.  The distinction shall carry with it the right to attend, speak and to vote at all General Meetings of the League.

6.  Life Members shall not be obligated to pay any contribution toward the League.

7.  Life Members may vote at an Annual General Meeting.

8.  Life Members may attend an Annual General Meeting by multimedia based means.

9.  Life Members may vote at an Annual General Meeting by multimedia based means.

g)  Patron (non-playing) membership

1.  Patron Members will be high profile supporters of the game.

2.  Patron Members shall not be obligated to pay any contribution toward the League.

3.  Patron Members may vote at an Annual General Meeting.

4.  Patron Members may attend an Annual General Meeting by multimedia based means.

5.  Patron Members may vote at an Annual General Meeting by multimedia based means.

5.  Contributions

a)  The membership contribution for each Normal Member and for each other class of membership:

1. Is the amount decided by the Committee from time to time at a Committee Meeting.

2. Is payable when, and in the way, the Committee decides.

b)  Contributions shall be used for official League purposes whilst in pursuit of achieving the Objects of the League.

c)  The Committee reserves the right to increase or decrease this amount when need arises.

d)  The contributions shall be set by the Committee as soon as possible after the date of the Annual General Meeting.

e)  Contributions shall be due on the date set by the Committee provided that the aforesaid date is advertised to all members.

f)  Differential contributions may be levied at the discretion of the Committee.

g)  A member shall not be deemed to be nonfinancial until the set contributions are six (6) weeks in arrears. Nonfinancial members shall lose the benefits of their membership. Membership will be reinstated immediately upon payment of Contributions owing.

6.  Management

At the Annual General Meeting of the League a committee comprising the following shall be elected: President, Vice President, Secretary, Registrar, Treasurer, Promotions Officer, Statistics and Game Records Officer, Head Referee, Players Representative, Equipment Officer, Referees’ Liaison and a Players Liaison.

a)  The President may not also hold the position of Treasurer.

b)  All other positions may be held simultaneously by the same member up to a maximum of three (3).

c)  The Committee shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting to that at which it was elected. Each member of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.

d)  A Committee position becomes vacant if the Committee member resigns from office, is removed from office, is absent from 3 consecutive Committee meetings without leave of absence (acceptance of an apology shall be deemed grant of such leave), or if the position is declared vacant by a resolution at a General Meeting.

e)  In the event of a vacancy in the Committee, the Committee may appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.

f)  All Committee and subcommittee positions shall be taken by financial members or Consultants authorised by the Committee.

g)  All Committee and subcommittee positions shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older.

h)  The Committee and any subcommittee may from time to time elicit assistance from non members.

a.  These non members shall be known as Consultants.

b.  A Consultant may sit on the Committee and/or any subcommittees.

c.  A Consultant shall only being able to sit on a committee after a majority approval has been shown by the Committee.

d.  A Consultant shall not have voting rights.

e.  A Consultant shall not need to pay contributions.

i)  The Committee shall be responsible to the League.

j)  Referees’ Liaison and a Players Liaison will be selected from those members of the Committee already elected to hold another position.

7.  Powers of the Committee

The Committee shall have the power:

a)  To fill any casual vacancy that may occur in the Committee or in any subcommittee.

b)  To appoint subcommittees. The Chairperson of the Sub Committee (who shall be elected by the Committee at the next Committee meeting) shall ex officio be a member of all such subcommittees.

c)  To manage and control the finances of the League.

d)  To consider and adjudicate on any apparent infringement of the Constitution of the League, whether such infringement should become known to the Committee by formal protest or otherwise.

e)  To settle any question which may arise and which is not provided for in this Constitution.

f)  To make By-laws as may from time to time be found necessary for the conduct of its business. Such By-laws to remain in force until the next General Meeting when they shall be confirmed, amended or rescinded.

g)  To purchase, lease, hire or by any other (legal) means acquire any real or personal estate necessary or convenient for the purposes of the League.

h)  To buy, sell, supply and deal in all kinds of apparatus and all kinds of provisions, liquid and solid, required or used by members of the League.

i)  To hire and employ all classes of persons whose services may be deemed necessary for the purposes of the League.

j)  To employ the funds of the League as shall be deemed to be in the best interests of the game.

k)  To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects aforesaid or any of them.

l)  In the absence of the President and Vice President at any Meeting of the League, appoint a Chairperson, by voted majority.

8.  Duties of the President

The President shall:

a)  Oversee and manage the general operation of the League

b)  Represent the club (spokesperson)

c)  Chair committee meetings

d)  Delegate tasks to members

e)  Work with Treasurer to devise budget

f)  Co-ordinate game day preparations and execution.

9.  Duties of the Vice President

The Vice President shall:

a)  Assist the President

b)  Chair meetings when the President is unavailable

c)  Represent the League when the President is unavailable

10.  Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall:

a)  Keep all records and Minute Books of the League, and the Seal, in custody.

b)  Keep a record of the names and addresses of all office bearers.

c)  Give notice of all meetings in accordance with the Constitution.

d)  Conduct all general correspondence and keep copies of such correspondence.

e)  Keep all Minutes of Annual General, Special General, General, Special Committee and Committee Meetings.

f)  Make available all minutes of meetings for members if requested.

g)  Advertise all Special Committee, Annual General Meetings, Special General and General Meetings fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting.

h)  Advertise all Committee Meetings when appropriate.

i)  Ensure that the Annual Report is available for the Annual General Meeting.

j)  In cases of suspension, expulsion and protest to notify all parties concerned.

11.  Duties of the Registrar

The Registrar shall:

a)  Coordinate & manage the registration of all playing members.

b)  Ensure the Registration Form includes all required information.

c)  Ensure that all Contributions are paid by agreed due dates.

d)  Maintain the League Register, and produce reports as requested by the Committee.

e)  Provide player details to the relevant team coach and manager.

f)  Keep player details up to date

12.  Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

a)  Ensuring that the League remains financially viable by the effective and transparent management of League funds

b)  Maintain the League Financial Records and produce accurate financial reports for Committee and General Meetings

c)  Receive all monies for and on behalf of the League and immediately thereupon pay those into such bank or banks as the Committee from time to time decide, to the credit of the account or accounts in the name of the “Colonial Triad League Inc.”

d)  Pay all accounts approved by the Committee or General Meeting.

e)  Submit a statement of the financial position of the League at each and every General Meeting to the Committee.

f)  Prepare a Balance Sheet and completed audited Statement of all Accounts to the Secretary fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. These will then be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

g)  Be responsible for providing a petty cash float for general running/reimbursing day to day League costs.

13.  Duties of the Promotions Officer

The Promotions Officer shall:

a)  Co-ordinate the design, branding and concepts of the League.

b)  Ensure that all team logos meet the Leagues standard.

c)  Co-ordinate all advertising, whether audio, visual and/or printed media.

d)  Coordinate all fund raising activities.

e)  Coordinate efforts to obtain sponsorship (money or goods).

14.  Duties of the Statistics and Game Records Officer

The Statistics and Game Records Officer shall:

a)  Video record each Squad League game.

b)  Upload video to YouTube and maintain YouTube channel.

c)  Compile statistics and a League ladder from recorded games.

d)  Produce promotional video segments.

e)  Produce draws and scheduling of games each season.

15.  Duties of the Head Referee
The Head Referee shall:

a)  Liaise between Referees and the Committee.

b)  Co-ordinate all referees on Game Days.

c)  Train all referees to League standard.

d)  Be the point of contact for queries regarding Referees and the Triad Rules of Play.

e)  Chair the Triad Rules of Play subcommittee.

f)  Not also hold the position of Referees Liaison.

g)  Not also hold the position of Team Captain

16.  Duties of the Referees’ Liaison

The Referees’ Liaison shall:

a)  Be available for any Referee to discuss Referee related concerns.

b)  Handle Referees disputes outside of the Committee if possible.

c)  Represent Referees and disputes if the need arises at Committee Meetings.

d)  Not also hold the position of Head Referee.

e)  Not also hold the position of Team Captain.

17.  Duties of the Players Liaison

The Players Liaison shall:

a)  Be available for any player to discuss any player related concern.