Municipal Applicant: Include names of other municipalities for joint applicationsName:
Municipal Contact:
Zip Code:
CEO Signature:______
Applications must be submitted electronically with a copy . One hard copy of the application with original signature from the Chief Elected Official (CEO) must be submitted by mail delivery. For joint applications, the CEO in each participating municipality must sign the hard copy (submit on separate pages). DHCD will not review an application until such original documentation is received.
1.PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND HOUSING PRODUCTION: Provide a detailed description of the proposed activity. In addition, provide information demonstrating the likelihood that the product from the proposed grant activity will lead directly to the production of multi-family housing within three years following grant completion, including how the funded short-term deliverable moves the municipality along the path to housing production. Please be specific.2.NEED ADDRESSED: Identify the local and/or regional housing need(s) the proposed activity is designed to address and how the activity will address the identified local and/or regional need. Please be specific.
3.CONSISTENCY WITH LOCAL/REGIONAL PLANS: Explain how the proposed activity is consistent with local/regional plans (e.g., master plan, urban renewal plan, consolidated plan, regional plans such as the South Coast Rail Corridor Plan, HPP). Please be specific.
4.COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Describe past and current local efforts that demonstrate meaningful community involvement in and local commitment to the proposed activity. Identify local and regional stakeholders who participated in these efforts and the nature of their involvement, as applicable. Explain how the Applicant will create and maintain meaningful community engagement in implementation of the grant and in moving the community along the path to housing production beyond the short-term grant funded deliverable?
5.NEED FOR FUNDING: Explain why PATH funding is needed to undertake the proposed activity, including previous efforts by the community to obtain funding and leverage other resources for this purpose. If local or regional funding sources are not being used (e.g., CPA or housing trust funds), please explain why they are not available.
6.WORKPLAN: Identify tasks necessary to accomplish the proposed project and measurable benchmarks for success (use matrix form Attachment C).
7.SCHEDULE: Identify the amount of time required to accomplish each task and overall activity (use matrix form Attachment C). Address the feasibility of overall timeline.
8.BUDGET: Identify sources and uses of funding for each task identified in the workplan and indicate whether sources are anticipated or committed (use matrix form Attachment C). Include documentation and timelines for funding availability.
9.READINESS TO PROCEED: Demonstrate readiness by identifying proposed consultantand the scope of the proposed contract. Identify contract selection process that will be used (i.e., either DHCD pre-qualified consultant or c.30B procurement). If a consultant has not been identified at the time of application, other information should be provided that demonstrates readiness (e.g., site control, RFR completed, town meeting vote, commitment to project of other funds).
10.CAPACITY TO UNDERTAKE ACTIVITY: Identify municipal staff responsible for each task in the workplan as well as for grant oversight. Describe the experiences that such staff have in undertaking similar activities.
11.IMPACT OF ACTIVITY: Describe the potential impact (i.e., degree and nature) of the proposed activity on the neighborhood, municipality and region.