West Grinstead Parish Council
Partridge Green Village Hall
Thursday 7th December 2017 7.30pm
1.Attendance & Apologies for Absence:
2.Declarations of Interest:
3.Chairman’s Announcements:
4.Minutes of the last meeting on 5 October 2017 to be approved.
5.Matters arising: HDC Training re Planning. Tuesday 19th December 9.30am HDC Offices.
7.Current Applications:
Ref No: / Case Officer: / Address: / Proposal:DISC/17/0396
WG/17/077 / Tamara Dale
/ Co-Op 100 High Street Partridge Green Horsham / Approval of details reserved by condition 3 on DC/17/1138
WG/17/078 / Nicola Mason
/ 2 Fosters Cottages Butchers Row West Grinstead Horsham / Change of use from agricultural to residential curtilage
WG/17/079 / Tamara Dale
/ Unit 24A and 24C Star Road Partridge Green Horsham
/ Variation of Condition No 1 to previously permitted Application Reference Number:
DC/16/1237 (The erection of a new external dust extraction unit, an external canopy and a
new boundary fence)
WG/17/080 / Oguzhan Denizer
/ Medlars Swallows Lane Dial Post Horsham West Sussex RH13 8NN / Erection of single storey side/front extension to north-west elevation and installation of double
glazed window to replace existing single glazed window. (Householder Application)
WG/17/081 / Oguzhan Denizer
/ Medlars Swallows Lane Dial Post Horsham West Sussex RH13 8NN
/ Minor single storey side/front extension to north-west elevation and installation of double glazed
window to replace existing single glazed window. (Listed Building Consent)
WG/17/082 / Brett Beswetherick
/ The Dower House 11 Carylls Meadow West Grinstead Horsham West Sussex RH13 8HW
/ Removal of existing rear conservatory and erection of replacement single storey timber framed
WG/17/083 / Will Jones
/ 40 The Rise Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8JD
/ Surgery to 1 x Oak
/ Brett Beswetherick
/ 46 Oakwood Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8JQ
/ Rear single storey extension. Front Porch extension including new pitched roof to replace flat
/ Rebecca Tier
/ Land Adjoining The Orchard Cowfold Road West Grinstead West Sussex
/ Change of Use of Woodland to a Holiday Lodge / Caravan Park, comprising layout, 23x
caravan pitches, access, landscaping and open space.
Amended plans and description. (14 days from 30/11/17 to comment)
WG/17/086 / Nicola Mason / 2 Fosters Cottages Butchers Row West Grinstead Horsham West Sussex RH13 8NF / Change of use of land from agricultural to domestic use in connection with 2 Fosters Cottages.
WG/17/087 / Brett Beswetherick / 8 Forrester Road Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8BJ / Rear ground floor and front first floor single storey extensions
8.Parish Council Observations for Ratification:
WG/17/070 / Hobshorts House Rookcross Lane West Grinstead Horsham / Retention of hardstanding for agricultural purposes, landscaped acoustic bund, extension
of garden curtilage and adjustment to parking area. / The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION in principle but query whether there should also be a listed building application as well, since the proposal possibly affects the curtilage of the building.
(Application Refused by HDC 30/11/17)
WG/17/071 / Co-Op 100 High Street, Partridge Green / Approval of details reserved by condition 3 on DC/17/1138 / No comment from the Parish Council.
WG/17/072 / Priors Byne Farm, Bines Road, Partridge Green, Horsham, West Sussex. RH13 8EQ / Details pursuant to condition 6 on DC/13/2381 / No objection
WG/17/073 / 16 Littleworth Lane Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8JE / Removal of existing rear conservatory and erection of replacement single storey rear extension (Certificate of Lawful Development - Proposed) / No objection
WG/17/074 / Oakleigh House High Street Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8HX / Approval of details reserved by condition 2 on DC/17/1705 / The Parish Council will be guided by the planning officer, but have no objection in principle'
WG/17/075 / Danefold House Littleworth Lane Partridge Green Horsham / Variation of condition 1 on previously permitted Application DC/16/0590 (Construction of
replacement coach house to provide tourist accommodation.) Addition of 2 windows. / No objection
WG/17/076 / 92 Butchers Row West Grinstead Horsham West Sussex RH13 8NF / Approval of details reserved by condition 3, 4 and 5 on DC/17/1044 / We are happy to be guided by the planning officer
WG/17/077 / Bar Cottage Bar Lane Southwater Horsham West Sussex RH13 9DL / Approval of details reserved by condition 3 on DC/17/1431 / We are happy to be guided by the planning officer
9.Amended plans: None
10.Applications Withdrawn: None
11.Applications Granted:
DC/17/1779WG/17/058 / Lee Acre High Street Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8HR / Erection of enclosed front entrance porch and single storey rear/side extension. Installation of additional 1x door and 1x window
to west elevation at ground floor level and 1x window to west elevation at first floor level. / Permitted 10/10/17
(PC No Objection)
WG/17/053 / Brighthams Farm Bines Road Partridge Green West Sussex / Proposed alterations to previously approved application DC/07/0714 (Change of use and extension to building to offices B1 use) to facilitate additional use as two self-catering holiday lets, as well as approved B1 office use / Permitted 17/10/17
(PC NO Objection)
WG/17/060 / Rooklands Farm House Rookcross Lane West Grinstead Horsham West Sussex RH13 8LL / Proposed external structural repairs to SW corner and associated internal decorations. / Application Permitted
(PC No objection)
WG/17/061 / Lock House Lock Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8EG
/ Proposed pitched roof side extension featuring installation of 4x dormers to SE elevation, 3x dormers to NW elevation and 1x to NE elevation at second floor level and associated internal alterations (Householder Applic.)
/ Permitted 10/11/17
/ Lock House Lock Partridge Green Horsham West Sussex RH13 8EG
/ Proposed pitched roof side extension featuring installation of 4x dormers to SE elevation, 3x dormers to NW elevation and 1x to NE elevation at second floor level and associated internal alterations (Listed Building)
/ Permitted 10/11/17
12.Applications Refused:
DC/17/1885WG/17/059 / Land Rear of Oakley Flats High Street Partridge Green RH13 8HX / Demolition of existing detached double garage and erection of replacement detached double garage/workshop / Refused 18-10-17
(PC Objected)
13.Appeals Lodged:
DC/17/1885WG/17/059 / Land Rear of Oakley Flats High Street Partridge Green RH13 8HX
/ Demolition of existing detached double garage and erection of replacement detached double
/ Appeal lodged 14/11/17
14.Appeals Decided: None
Planning Agenda 7th December 2017.docPage 1 of 521/10/18