Anatomy and Physiology Unit 1 Review SheetName ______

Hour ______

1. ______investigates the body's structure, whereas ______investigates the processes or functions of living things.

  1. Physiology, cytology
  2. Physiology, anatomy
  3. Anatomy, histology
  4. Histology, cytology
  5. Anatomy, physiology

2. A group of cells with similar structure and function, together with the extracellular substances located between them, form a(n)

  1. organism.
  2. organelle.
  3. tissue.
  4. organ.
  5. organ system.

3. The basic living unit of all plants and animals is the

  1. cell.
  2. chemical.
  3. organ.
  4. organelle.
  5. tissue.

4. Which organ system removes substances from the blood, combats disease, maintains tissue fluid balance, and absorbs fat from the digestive tract?

  1. endocrine
  2. integumentary
  3. lymphatic
  4. respiratory
  5. urinary

5. Which organ system consists of skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands?

  1. endocrine
  2. integumentary
  3. lymphatic
  4. respiratory
  5. urinary

6. Which organ system consists of hormone-secreting glands, such as the pituitary and thyroid glands?

  1. endocrine
  2. integumentary
  3. lymphatic
  4. respiratory
  5. urinary

7. Which of these characteristics of life helps maintain homeostasis when environmental conditions change?

  1. growth and development
  2. metabolism
  3. organization
  4. reproduction
  5. responsiveness

8. Development is a process that begins with fertilization and ends with

  1. birth.
  2. adolescence.
  3. adulthood.
  4. old age.
  5. death.

9. Given these terms related to negative-feedback: 1. control center 2. effector 3. receptor 4. response 5. Stimulus.Arrange them in the correct order as they operate to maintain homeostasis.

  1. 1,2,3,4,5
  2. 2,3,5,1,4
  3. 3,2,1,5,4
  4. 4,5,3,2,1
  5. 5,3,1,2,4

10. A body temperature of 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C) is the ______for body temperature.

  1. constant
  2. lower limit
  3. normal range
  4. set point
  5. upper limit

11. Which of these processes illustrates positive-feedback?

  1. increase in respiratory rate during exercise
  2. increase in heart rate when blood pressure decreases
  3. shivering when body temperature decreases
  4. increase in uterine contractions when uterine stretching increases during childbirth
  5. all of these

12. Failure of negative-feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis

  1. may produce disease.
  2. occurs when blood pressure increases during exercise.
  3. can be corrected by stimulating positive-feedback mechanisms.
  4. cannot be corrected by medical therapy.
  5. all of these

13. According to the concept of negative feedback, a slight increase in blood pressure causes a corresponding:

  1. increase in heart rate.
  2. decrease in heart rate.
  3. no change in heart rate.

14. To maintain homeostasis, the normal range of values for a variable

  1. is always below the set point.
  2. may change in different situations.
  3. may not deviate from the set point.
  4. occurs because of positive-feedback.

15. A term that means "away from the midline" is:

  1. distal
  2. lateral
  3. medial
  4. proximal
  5. superior

16. Which of these descriptions does NOT apply correctly to a person in the anatomic position?

  1. standing erect
  2. head facing forward
  3. feet facing forward
  4. arms hanging to the side
  5. palms facing toward the thighs

17. The scapula (shoulder blade) is ______to the lung.

  1. dorsal
  2. posterior
  3. superficial
  4. all of these

18. The elbow is ______to the wrist.

  1. distal
  2. inferior
  3. lateral
  4. medial
  5. proximal

19. The nose is ______and ______to the ears.

  1. anterior, proximal
  2. superior, lateral
  3. inferior, posterior
  4. anterior, medial
  5. superficial, medial

20. Which of the paired terms below are opposites?

  1. anterior and cephalic
  2. posterior and cephalic
  3. posterior and caudal
  4. superior and cephalic
  5. anterior and dorsal

21. Pancreatitis describes:

  1. inflammation of the pancreas.
  2. removal of the pancreas.
  3. cancer of the pancreas.
  4. secretions from the pancreas.
  5. death of the pancreas.

22. Given these directional terms: 1. caudal 2. cephalic 3. distal 4. inferior 5. proximal Which of these directional terms correctly describes the relationship of the ankle to the knee?

  1. 1,3
  2. 1,3,4
  3. 2,3,4
  4. 3,4
  5. 4,5

23. Which of these anatomical terms refers to the ankle?

  1. manus
  2. femoral
  3. carpal
  4. inguinal
  5. tarsal

24. Which of these anatomical terms refers to the shoulder?

  1. deltoid
  2. brachial
  3. cervical
  4. buccal
  5. digital

25. The only plane that can divide the body into equal halves is the

  1. frontal (coronal) plane.
  2. oblique plane.
  3. midsagittal plane.
  4. transverse plane.
  5. Serengeti plane.

26. A(n) ______plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions.

  1. frontal (coronal)
  2. oblique
  3. sagittal
  4. transverse

27. What is another name for the frontal plane? ___Coronal______

28. Which of these statements concerning body regions is correct?

  1. The pelvis is located between the thorax and abdomen.
  2. The leg extends from the knee to the ankle.
  3. The arm extends from the shoulder to the wrist.
  4. The trunk can be divided into the thoracic area and pelvis.
  5. The thorax is often subdivided superficially into four quadrants.

29. The cavity surrounded by the rib cage and bounded inferiorly by the diaphragm is the

  1. mediastinum.
  2. pericardial cavity.
  3. thoracic cavity
  4. abdomen.
  5. pelvic cavity.

30. Homeostatic imbalance has occurred when a

  1. person shivers as a result of being cold.
  2. person's heart rate increases as a result of exercise.
  3. person sweats as a result of being hot.
  4. person's breathing rate increases as a result of exercise.
  5. person becomes ill.

31. Select the option that shows increasing complexity levels.

  1. Organ system, organ, tissue, cellular
  2. Cellular, tissue, organ, organ system
  3. Organ, tissue, cellular, organ system
  4. Cellular, tissue, organ system, organ
  5. Tissue, organ, organ system, cellular

32. The opposite of superior is

  1. lateral.
  2. inferior.
  3. ventral.
  4. distal.
  5. superficial.

33. Which choice below is NOT one of the three components of homeostatic control systems?

  1. The control center
  2. The effector
  3. Stimulus (cause of the initial change)
  4. Receptor (senses the change)

34. The respiratory system contains the

  1. liver, small intestine, and colon.
  2. kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
  3. trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
  4. pituitary, pineal, and thyroid glands.
  5. uterus, vagina, and uterine tube.

35. The spleen is the largest organ in the

  1. nervous system.
  2. endocrine system
  3. respiratory system.
  4. lymphatic system.
  5. reproductive system.

36. Which of the following body systems acts as a fast-acting control system for the body?

  1. Reproductive
  2. Skeletal
  3. Respiratory
  4. Endocrine
  5. Nervous

37. Which of the following body systems functions to produce blood cells?

  1. Cardiovascular
  2. Reproductive
  3. Skeletal
  4. Respiratory
  5. Urinary

38. Which of the following is NOT a necessary human life function?

  1. Excretion
  2. Responsiveness
  3. Movement
  4. Intelligence
  5. Metabolism

39. Which one of the following is NOT a survival need?

  1. Pressure
  2. Food
  3. Water
  4. Transportation
  5. Oxygen

40. The simplest level of structural hierarchy is

  1. the organ level.
  2. the chemical level.
  3. the organismal level.
  4. the cellular level.

41. The ability to sense changes in the environment and respond to them is a physiological ability known as

  1. excretion.
  2. responsiveness.
  3. metabolism.

42. All of the following are correct positioning when placing the body in the anatomical position except

  1. the feet are slightly apart.
  2. the palms are facing forward.
  3. the body is "standing to attention".
  4. the thumbs are pointing medially.

43. Which of the following organs lies in the dorsal cavity?

  1. the lungs
  2. the kidney
  3. the spinal cord
  4. the stomach

Give the “opposite” for each of the following directional terms.

44. caudal -cephalic

45. lateral -medial

46. distal -proximal

47. inferior-superior

48. ventral -dorsal

49. superficial -deep

50. posterior–anterior

Circle the answer which will make the sentence correct.

51. The big toe is on the lateral/medial side of the foot?

52. The scapula is on the anterior/posterior side of the body?

53. The hand is distal/proximal to the elbow?

54. The hips are superior/inferior to the shoulders?

55. The shoulders are medial/lateral to the spine?

56. The knee is distal/proximal to the ankle?

Complete using the terms superior and inferior.

57. The hands are _____Superior_____to the feet

58. The knees are _____Inferior____ to the waist.

59. The elbow is __Superior______to the wrist.

60. The calf muscle is ___Superior__to the ankle.

Complete using the terms anterior and posterior.

61. The heel is ____posterior____ to the toes.

62. The biceps are ___anterior_____ to the triceps.

63. The hamstring is ___posterior___to the quadriceps

Complete using the terms lateral and medial.

64. The arms are ___lateral_____to the midline.

65. The neck is ____medial_____to the arms.

66. The shoulders are ___lateral___to the midline