Match each Term Below with its definition
Attribute / Data / Field / Primary key / ReportCard catalogue / Database / Flat file system / Query / Secondary key
Character / DBMS / Form / Record / Table
Composite key / Entity / Hypermedia / Relationships / Tuple
- A character or group of characters used to identify an unique record in a database, usually a field that cannot be empty.
- A collection of data organised into records
- A collection if data related to a specific entity in a flat file database
- A field or combination of fields in a database that are not necessarily unique to a record but apply to one or more records.
- A group of two or more fields used to identify a record in a database
- A manual method of organising data, usually held in a filing system.
- A method of using media as navigation links to other material
- A question asked of a database to determine if it holds data that matches certain criteria.
- A row in a relational database table, equivalent to a record in a flat file system.
- A software package that builds, maintains and controls access to a database.
- A specific thing about which an information system collects information, also known as a category
- A system of organising data using a single table for all data.
- A view of a database to which fields are organised to facilitate data entry similar to a paper document used to collect data.
- An organised collection of data
- An organised, formatted view of data often presented in a way that will facilitate printing
- Any letter, number, symbol or punctuation
- Any raw facts entered into an information system
- One aspect of a record in a database
- One property of an entity in a relational database
- The method by which entities in a database are related to each other (one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many)