YEAR 4 HOMEWORK- Due date: Friday, 14th August, 2015

Remember, it is a good idea to manage your homework tasks over the 2 weeks so you are not leaving it until the last minute. If you have any questions about your homework, please ask your teacher as soon as possible. If you are unable to complete your homework by the due date, let your teacher know as soon as possible so you can make other arrangements.


It is important that you try and read for at least 20 minutes every night. If you have a busy night and are unable to, read for a bit longer on another night. It is a good idea to sometimes read to yourself and at other times to read to an adult.

Writing- Response

We are going to be focusing on ‘Response’ writing in class for the remainder of Term Three. A response is a piece of writing that is written after reading a book, seeing a movie, visiting a famous landmark, eating at a restaurant, anything really! Read through the response on the back of your homework sheet to get a better idea. TASK: Find a movie or book response and bring it into class.

Maths – Subtraction

TASK: Create a subtraction game that you can play with a partner or in a small group. Play the game with a family member or friend at home to test it out!
Time to get creative! Your game might include dice, counters, calculators, etc… It’s up to you!! You may find some ideas in books or on the Internet. Be sure to record in your book the instructions and any rules. We will play these games in the classroom in the weeks following the due date! Good luck!

Inquiry- How Does Design and Technology Impact on our Lives?
Activity: Identify the simple machines around your home! The simple machines are: inclined plane, lever, wheel and axle, pulley, wedge, screw.
Create a mind map (using inspiration on your computers or hand written) with as many objects around the house that are made up of simple machines.
E.g.- Lever –scissors Inclined Plane- stairs

Optional: Be Creative- Instead of a mind map, you might like to create a comic life that includes pictures of you carrying out some of the different forces in your house.

Minions – A Refreshing Summer Movie

By Kayla P
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic.

Minions is a wonderful summer movie.

It is filled with action and funny moments that will entertain many. It begins with a single yellow organism at the dawn of time, which evolves into minions. The Minions travel through different periods of time and encounter people from T-Rex to Napoleon. The minions exist to serve. When they find themselves without a leader they fall into depression. Kevin has a plan to help his Minion friends find a new leader. He convinces Bob and Stuart (Pierre Coffin) to accompany him as they search for a new boss. Soon their journey leads them to villain-con and they find themselves with the biggest, baddest and the world’s first female villain, Scarlet Overkill (Sandra Bullock).

My favorite part is when Bob is the King of England for a few hours and he has to make a speech. At the beginning of the speech he shouts, “King Bob!” and everyone starts to cheer for him. Then, he delivers his speech and, of course, he speaks in Minion-speak. Once Bob finishes his speech everyone is appalled and stands in complete silence. Bob then grabs the microphone and shouts, “King Bob”! Then everyone cheers. Bob sticks his hand out and drops the microphone and walks away.

My favorite character is Bob. He is very adorable and he is the baby of the group. Bob is frightened by the real world and tries hard to be brave for his Minion buddies. Bob has a little stuffed bear name Tim that he is very attached to. Whenever he is in a fight and drops Tim he runs back to get him.

The message of this movie is never give up! Throughout the movie the Minions are really determined to find themselves an evil villain to serve and when they do, they work hard to do whatever it takes to make their boss happy.

Minions is a wonderful movie! I recommend it for boys and girls ages 5 to 18-years-old. I give this movie 5 out of 5 golden stars.