School Nurses Optimize Health and Enhance Learning
Excellence in School Nursing Application
To publicly recognize and annually honor California school nurses who demonstrate excellence in school nursing practice and leadership in school health.
Due –November 1
All applications must be submitted on the CSNO Website under awards section for State consideration by December 15. Southern Section Awardees must submit their application by November 1.
Nominee must be:
- A credentialed school nurse.
- A member in good standing of CSNO for the preceding two years (to advance as a NASN Candidate, you must be a NASN Member in Good Standing for the past two years with no lapse in membership.)
- A school nurse that has practiced at least five years within school nursing.
- A currently practicing school nurse of at least 50%. *If the only school nurse position in a community involves fewer hours than usual, it will be considered for the purpose of this eligibility criteria.
- Evidence of excellence in school nursing practice should be based on School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice 2nd Edition, 2011.
Procedure for Submission of Application*
1.Provide a 1-2 paragraph bio, which will be used in the CSNO State Bulletin.
2. Provide a high resolution digital photo, which will be used in the CSNO State Bulletin.
3.Provide a 300 word summary of accomplishments as a school nursethat address one or all
of the Scope and Standards of Professional School Nursing Practice. The Standards include:
- identifies and implements evidence-based practice and research;
- fosters student, staff or school community education;
- provides quality in your practice;
- conducts professional practice e evaluation;
- encouragescommunication;
- championscollaboration;
- maximizes resource utilization;
- modelsleadership;
- provides oversight for program management;
- ensuresethical standards and practice; and/or
- promotes public/environmental health.
Allsubmissions for State Excellence in SchoolNursing must be submitted electronically on the CSNO Website. Upon submission of all applications and depending on the quality of applications, the CSNO State Board reserves the right to select one section nominee to represent California in the NASN State Affiliate Award. It is recommended that all candidates develop a portfolio of the above contents to be submitted to NASN. California representative from CSNO to advance to NASN, must be an NASN member in good standing for the past two prior years, with no lapse in membership.
The California Representative Committee shall be chaired by the State PR chair, the NASN director, and CSNO President-Elect.The committee will oversee the process of selecting a State an awardee to NASN.
School Nurses Optimize Health and Enhance Learning
Name of Nominee and Credentials ______
Nominee's Home Address ______
City, State and Zip Code______
Phone Number (H)______(W) ______
Employer ______
Address ______
Supervisor & Title______
Present Position ______
Number of years in position ______
Grade levels supervised in position______
Number of students served______
Position Full Time YES ___ NO ___
Provider of direct nursing care in practiceYES ___ NO ___
(Indicate what % ______)
Member of CSNO current and preceding years YES ___ NO ___
Please sign and date below
I,______, certify that the information in this document is accurate and that I am an active member of CSNO. It is my understanding that if any part of this application is incorrect it could jeopardize my participation in the State and National Recognition for the School Nurse of the Year. Additionally, if I am selected as the California representative for CSNO to advance to NASN, I must be an NASN member in good standing for the past two prior years, with no lapse in membership.
Date Signature