Sample Service Model

The Service Model should define all possible services, offerings and products so clients may understand the services and products you provide by tier. This page should also identify resources and relationships for related services that you do not provide (i.e., financial planning).

You can customize this sample to make a firm template by including your firm logo, value proposition, brand and color palette. Additionally, we often recommend using this as a starting point for developing a customized piece with a design firm.

This sample service model shows the services provided to three different segments, but you can add more or take away sections depending on your needs. Then, enter the services you provide for each client segment. The level of service becomes more complex from left to right, with the left consisting of the most basic services provided to the lowest client segment. As the tiers grow, the previous services are placed on the bottom, with the benefits from upgrading to the next tier on top.

Incorporate the use of this form into your interactions with prospects and clients.

AssetMark, Inc. is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

©2016 AssetMark, Inc. All rights reserved. For advisor use only. 22066 | M0000 | 5/2016 | EXP 05/01/2018

/ Services tailored to our clients’ needs
Comprehensive Wealth Management
$10,000 in revenue
$1,000,000 in Investable Assets
·  Strategic planning for wealth conservation
·  Charitable gifting strategies
·  Trust creation and asset integration
·  Tax-optimized investing and giving
·  Executive compensation planning for:
–  Deferred compensation
–  Stock options
–  Concentrated portfolios
·  Business financial planning
·  Annual financial plan updates
Financial Planning
$5000 in revenue
$500,000 in Investable Assets
·  Comprehensive financial plan
·  Business balance sheet review and analysis
·  Retirement needs analysis
·  Income distribution strategies
·  Education planning and funding
·  Tax planning
·  Comprehensive insurance planning
·  Estate planning services
·  Consolidated online account access
·  Secure e-document organizer / ·  Comprehensive financial plan
·  Business balance sheet review and analysis
·  Retirement needs analysis
·  Income distribution strategies
·  Education planning and funding
·  Tax planning
·  Comprehensive insurance planning
·  Estate planning services
·  Consolidated online account access
·  Secure e-document organizer
Core Investment Management
$2500 in revenue
$250,000 in Investable Assets
·  Goals and objectives review
·  Custom analysis of risk tolerance
·  Investment management agreement
·  Overall net worth analysis
·  Cash flow and budget review
·  Asset allocation review
·  Portfolio rebalancing
·  Portfolio performance reporting
·  Tax and cost-basis reporting / ·  Goals and objectives review
·  Custom analysis of risk tolerance
·  Investment management agreement
·  Overall net worth analysis
·  Cash flow and budget review
·  Asset allocation review
·  Portfolio rebalancing
·  Portfolio performance reporting
·  Tax and cost-basis reporting / ·  Goals and objectives review
·  Custom analysis of risk tolerance
·  Investment management agreement
·  Overall net worth analysis
·  Cash flow and budget review
·  Asset allocation review
·  Portfolio rebalancing
·  Portfolio performance reporting
·  Tax and cost-basis reporting
Additional Services* / Additional Services*
·  Financial plan development
·  Financial plan updates / ·  Financial plan updates

* Additional services available for an hourly consulting or fixed fee.