Cario General Art Syllabus 2016

Course Overview

Thomas Cario Visual Arts general curriculum is designed to give students a greater appreciation of art through learning, creating, and experiencing art in the classroom. The art program is intended to inspire students to use art as a means of communication and expression and to show how prominent art is in our everyday lives as it has been for centuries. We will learn about art of other cultures while we utilize a variety of techniques and experiment with many different types of media. Middle School Art will cover a wide range of topics including art history, criticism/appreciation, aesthetics, and of course the studio art component.

Materials for Class

Popcorn Supplies

Baby Wipes

Black Sharpie or Black Pen



This quarter students will travel to various destinations as a group under strict supervision to create botanical still life paintings. These painting destinations include various areas around the Park West track/ Cario campus.


-Line up in the designated area on the fine arts hallway before class.

-Proceed to your assigned table, sharpen pencils and get supplies according to level rewards.

-Start sketchbook assignments immediately when entering class.

-Organize and clean work area the last 8 minutes of class.

-Restroom first 5 minutes of arriving in class or last 5 minutes.


-Students are expected to follow the rules of conduct for Cario and the Rules and Guidelines of the Daily Success Chart.

Have a positive attitude. Have the courage to do the right thing. Think before you act; consider the consequences. Look for ways to help others. / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5
Accept feedback appropriately. Produce quality class work. Focus on art from bell to bell. Show cleanliness and good manners. No eating or food in class. Use art room and art time appropriately. / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5
Honor the education process of others. Respond appropriately. Comply or “step” away. Accept “no” for an answer. /
0 1 2 3 4 5 /
0 1 2 3 4 5 /
0 1 2 3 4 5 /
0 1 2 3 4 5 /
0 1 2 3 4 5
Submit original work only. Encourage others to do their best. Refrain from horseplay. Appreciate other’s artwork. Help place equipment back where you found it. Listen, watch and learn. Report any inappropriate behavior or vandalism. / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5
Conduct yourself in an orderly manner. Keep artwork organized.
Keep art supplies organized / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 0 1 2 3 4


Level 5: 125 points Superior: May get supplies and sharpen pencils as needed. Popcorn T/Th, special crafts

Level 4: 124-116 points Excellent: May get supplies and sharpen pencils as needed.

Level 3: 115-107 points Good: May sharpen pencils and get supplies as needed without raising hand.

Level 2: 106-100 points Average: Must raise hand and ask for permission to sharpen pencils and get supplies.

Level 1: 100-0 points Unacceptable: No movement from table. Must raise hand to have pencil sharpened by a volunteer,


*Consequences result when students fail to be accountable to the Daily Success Chart and classroom procedures.

-Warning/Points deducted on Success Chart

-Infractions/Parent Notification

-Drop levels/Parent Notification

-Lunch Detention/Parent Notification

-4th Lunch Detention= Referral/Parent Notification (referred Advanced Art students are subject to dismissal as seen fit by the instructor)

Cario General Art Rubric

100- 93: A: Outstanding, Excellent, Exemplary

92-85: B: Above Average, Very Good, Acceptable

84-76: C: Average, Good

75- 70: D: Below Average, Needs Improvement, Barely Acceptable

Below 70: F: Unsatisfactory, Poor, Unacceptable

Use of Elements/ Principles of Art & Design:

A: Planned carefully, showed an awareness of the elements & principles of design; chose color scheme carefully, used space effectively

B: The artwork shows that the student applied the principles of design using one or more elements effectively, showed an awareness of filling/using positive and negative space

C: The student did the assignment adequately, yet it shows lack of planning and little evidence that the composition was planned.

D: The assignment was completed and turned in, but showed little evidence of any understanding of the elements and principles of art; no evidence of planning

F: The student did the minimum and/or the artwork was not completed.


A: The student explored several choices before selecting one; generating many ideas; tried unusual combinations or changes on several ideas; made connections to previous knowledge; demonstrated understanding in problem solving skills

B: The student tried a few ideas before selecting one; or based his or her work on someone else’s idea; made decisions after referring to one source; solved the problem in a logical way

C: The student tried an idea but lacked originality; substituted symbols of objects rather than personal observation

D: The student fulfilled the assignment but gave no evidence of trying something new or anything unusual

F: The student showed no evidence of original thought

Effort/ Perseverance:

A: The project continued until it was as complete as the student could make it; gave effort far beyond what was required; took pride in going well beyond the requirement

B: The student worked hard and completed the project but with more effort the artwork could have been outstanding

C: The student finished the project but it could have been improved with more effort; adequate interpretation was made of the assignment but lacked looking finished; chose an easy project and did it indifferently

D: The project was completed with minimum effort

F: The student did not finish the work adequately.

Craftsmanship/ Skill

A: The artwork was beautiful and patiently done; it was as good as hard work could make it

B: With a little more effort, the work could have been outstanding; lacks the finishing touches

C: The student showed average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it could have been; a bit careless

D: The student showed below average craftsmanship, lack of pride in finished work

F: The student showed poor craftsmanship; evidence of laziness or understanding

Grading Procedures

All grades will be recorded in Power School. There will be a minimum of 9 grades recorded as follows: Sketchbook Grade, Daily Success Grade, Artist Reflection Grade, and then 6 project grades.

Tools & Safety

In the Visual Arts classroom, students learn to work with various art tools that are used in the everyday creation of art. These tools include and are not limited to: pencils, brushes, scissors, linoleum cutters, carving tools, wire cutters, pliers, screw drivers, hammers, paper cutter, sand paper, wire, foil, rollers, printing press, various types of clays, glazes, plaster, rubber cement, spray adhesive, plastic wrap, Styrofoam, chalk, pastels, paints, varnish, turpentine and paints. Every precaution and preparation is taken to provide students with proper instruction prior to the use of these tools.

Cleanliness is also an important aspect of art, as well as a means of safety for your child and all students who use the Visual Art classroom. Students are required to clean up their work area and tools before leaving the classroom using the following cleaners; Dishwashing soap/water on brushes, mild detergent/water on tables and a broom to sweep the floor.

Every effort is made to provide your child with a safe environment to learn and work in however accidents do happen even under the strictest supervision. Therefore, I am asking each parent discuss with your child the importance of listening and following directions when using these tools and cleaners in the Visual Arts classroom. If you do not wish your child to use one or more of these items please let me know and I will attempt to accommodate your child with an alternative tool or provide him/her with a separate project from the rest of the class.

If any you have any questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime. You are welcome to stop by the classroom any time. In addition I will need volunteers for my classroom many times during the weeks to come. Please check my Echalk page often to see further notes on classroom procedures and expectations. My email is

Thank you!

Stefani M. Timmerman, NBCT, Cario Visual Arts

Please read all information with your student, print and sign form below for return by April 18, 2016

Tool’s And Safety Permission Form For Parents

This form is due to Ms. Timmerman no later than Monday, April 18 2016 Supplies are due by this date as well. Should there be an issue with purchasing supplies, please indicate on this form and Cario will accommodate your needs as addressed.

______(student name) has my permission to use art tools and materials in the Cario Visual Arts Classroom. Student is also able to travel under strict supervision to outdoor destinations within Cario campus and Park West Track with his/her class to participate still life painting exercises.

______(student name) does not have my permission to use are tools and materials in the Cario Visual Arts Classroom. Student is not able to travel to outdoor destinations within Cario campus and Park West Track for classroom still life painting exercises.

Parent and Student Pledge Form:

Please read the Cario Visual Arts Curriculum Page. Please check and sign! Thank you!

_____I have reviewed the Syllabus, Tools and Safety Form and the Daily Success Chart information with my student online. I will help him /her work to their full potential in Cario Visual Arts

______Parent Name ______Date

______I have reviewed the Syllabus, Safety Form and Daily Success Chart with my Parent or Guardian.

______Student Name ______Date


Are you willing to Volunteer in the art room? Yes or no?

Any comments about supplies or other matters please list them here: