Mary Scantlin is an ordained minister whose passion is to share Jesus and the Holy Spirit with all who are hungry and desire to realize His purpose for their lives. Daily communion with Jesus remains the priority of her life, creating a passion for imparting to others the freedom, the gifts, and the abundance of life that comes from being Spirit-filled.
Mary’s journey with Him has led her to many ministry activities. She founded a Two-Year Bible school for Grace Assembly in Houston and was director of that school as well as teaching the Basic and Advanced bible classes for four years. The bible school still holds weekly classes, and has since 1987. She has been a children’s pastor, started and led many children’s, women’s and adult ministries and spearheaded an evangelistic outreach into an apartment complex. She has conducted neighborhood and church Bible studies and a Bible study for women living at a half-way-house. Mary continues to speak at various churches and Aglow meetings.
As she worked on her certification to teach Dr. Susan Hyatt’s course, The Spirit, The Bible and Women, she became aware of the many women who had tremendous ministries but were seldom mentioned in church history. Her article on Maria Woodworth Etter brings at least one of these unknown warriors to our attention. She believes that knowing of those who have gone before will encourage women to act on the call that God has on their lives.
She and her husband Frank have been married for 47 years. They have been blessed with three children and five grandchildren.
Remember Maria!
by Mary Scantlin
Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924) lived a typical woman’s existence of that time period. No one could dream that she was destined for a dynamic, Spirit-filled future as a powerful apostle, evangelist and pastor!
The newspapers were drawn to the phenomena of Maria’s tent meetings and how this unlikely woman preacher made the local headlines while she was in town! The local media often belittled Pentecost and Maria. Some examples of headlines:
St. Louis, "An irreverent crows of 10,000 turns the solemn ceremony into a howling farce. . ."
Kansas, "A New Church, Mrs. Woodworth Organizes Her Converts into the The Church of God. . ."
Kokomo, Indiana, "Conversion by Trance, something by Mrs. Woodworth, the Wonderful Evangelist . . ."
Boston, "Maim and Halt tell wonders of 'Faith Cure.' Followers sing praises of Mrs. Etter"
Indianapolis, "Repentance Run Mad, Twenty thousand Persons Under the Spell of the Trance Evangelist . . . "
Topeka, KS "Minors Take Part in Holy roller Services . . . 1
Maria believed the call of the Bridegroom was near. Her thought life was consumed by the relentless call to preach the Gospel. She said, “There was all the time a monitor within, telling me that I should be calling sinners to repentance, . . . awake or dreaming, I seemed to have a large congregation before me, all in tears, as I told them the story of the cross.” 1 These thoughts and this vision would then be interrupted by the persistent voice of reason and circumstance, which would jolt her back to reality and validate the insanity of a woman answering such a call.
Maria was uneducated to the extent she could not read or understand the Bible and was tormented with a spirit of timidity and fear of man. Considering that women were silenced by culture and the church, not being allowed to speak or teach publicly, not allowed in the pulpit and not allowed to vote, the mountain of circumstances against her presented reason enough for silence; but the struggle continued.
God is calling for all His women to live by faith and the time is now for the great company of women (Ps 68:11) to be released in ministry and gifts that will produce a harvest. “Those who hear the Word, and do it, produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams.” (Mark 4:20, The Message)
Maria’s call to preach simply refused to take circumstances for an answer. The fact that she was female, uneducated and afraid did not change God’s mind. Maria’s call was not a new thing. It was simply the Great Commission and the gospel of Jesus, which states: “he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do . . .” (John 14:12, ASV). The one thing that could change the call of God would be her answer.
When Maria overcame her fear and yielded in obedience to God’s call, she found instantly she could read as well as understand the Bible. Etters’ compliance with the call of God to preach His word resulted in a Tsunami wave of salvation, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, miracles, signs, and wonders. Spiritual manifestations and gifts were profuse in every meeting. She was a chosen vessel to dispense the flow of power, comfort and help of a compassionate God toward those He loves.
In Maria’s meetings, children were touched with the same intensity as the adults. Groups of adults and children who fell into trances would awaken to spiritual transformation. The word she preached produced a harvest of souls. As a result, many churches were planted. Mainline churches were also touched after some members went to Maria’s meetings and came “under the power.”
The St Louis Post newspaper on October 13, 1890 reported an unusual demonstration
that took place in the Trinity ME church Sunday evening, and that “a Monday meeting of Methodist Episcopal ministers was convened to discover what caused their congregation to be “seized by the power.” During the M.E. Sunday night service for young folks in the basement and again at the (adult) service upstairs, members were suddenly taken with attacks very much like those which affect people at the Woodworth revivals. They shrieked, and prayed and yelled and sang, making a lot of noise and confusion. The children were first to be seized. A little girl fell on the floor as if she’d been shot. About a dozen followed with some singing and some praying. The services were stopped until the children were quieted, and “order” was restored. In the later service as the sermon progressed, one of the members rose and began to pray loudly and passionately. Others began to jump to their feet with loud cries while some dropped as in a dead faint. Order and quiet were again brought to bear after about an hour. Finally at 11 o’clock, the last member went home quieted. About fifteen were attacked with the “power” when the children and youth were touched again. They will be a trophy to Jesus’ saving and delivering grace.
In the midst of the great revival she birthed, she endured persecution which centered on Pentecostal manifestations as well as her gender. Maria would not bend, but steadfastly continued in her God-given mandate until the day she died. In 2005, though women can vote and teach and even preach in many settings, it is believed that a male covering will prevent ministering women from error. This traditional concept is due to the belief women are more prone to be deceived than men. Hence, this idea of male “covering” is widespread. The cross of Jesus, however, has given men and women equal salvation, the baptism of equal power, and the anointing that teaches truth. For instance, Galatians 3:28 reveals that in the oneness of Christ Jesus, “there is neither male nor female . . .”
Jesus is the head of His church and His blood its only valid covering. Relationship and mutual submission with respect for anointed leadership is biblical. However, the popular current teaching that says a believer needs covering by another person or institution is not found in scripture. Correctly interpreted, the scripture this practice is based upon simply says women have authority over their own heads and can decide for themselves whether to keep a social custom of wearing a veil or not.
Scripture presents us with a female apostle and deacon in Romans 16. History presents female apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists, and principled reformers who changed their world. Spirit-filled Quaker women helped win for the female freedom to vote in America, even though it came at great cost to their personal well being and safety. Do you appreciate the freedom you have as a woman to vote? Maria was not allowed to vote.
While church and society opposed her, Maria Woodworth-Etter surrendered herself to the suffering and reproach that came with the call. She simply walked out, (believing) the promises. As result, multitudes found Christ and were filled with the Spirit and became bold witnesses of His power.
History records an endless parade of powerful women of God like Maria Woodworth-Etter who bore good fruit. Dr Susan Hyatt has “written God’s women back into history” and unveiled their accomplishments with her course: The Spirit, The Bible and Women which God is using, along with the work of many others, to strengthen, teach, and release women into their God-given potential and call.
Dr. Susan Hyatt relates this story: “Pearl Hyatt., a devoted Holiness-Pentecostal believer, along with her husband, Clarence, were saved and baptized in the Spirit in 1939 through the ministry of a powerful woman evangelist, Mary Jeffries. Sister Mary established Pentecostal congregations throughout northeastern Texas and southeastern Oklahoma, and she nurtured this couple and many others as pastors of these congregations.
One day, years later, Pearl was reading 1 Corinthians 14:34 which says, “Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says.” She remarked, 'I see what it says, but I wonder what it really means.'” 3
This statement is the legitimate starting point of a truly Pentecostal/Charismatic interpretation of Scripture regarding biblical womanhood. Pearl’s experience of the Spirit contradicted the uninformed reading of Scripture. Her long and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, together with her general knowledge of the Bible, caused her to override any restrictive interpretation with a theology of womanhood that favored the activity of the Spirit.4
Maria buried her first husband and married Mr. Etter, who unlike Mr. Woodworth, served wholeheartedly with her. Though aged and weak, they served while they had breath. God’s Spirit is still turning weak, wandering sheep into war horses and setting warrior leaders into place who will take up the fight of faith and refuse to be sidelined by weakness, fear and complacency.
As darkness settles in on this earth, let us remember our great cloud of witnesses. Let us be part of the faithful five virgins who believed in the soon-coming call of the bridegroom. Because HE was their focus, they kept their lamps full of oil. They were prepared to go in with the bridegroom to the marriage feast!
You may be called to preach to crowds; BUT if not, you are called to share the Good News of the gospel in your daily life. Tell everyone with which you come into contact about His love and mercy and what God has done in your life.
Like the little boy, give Jesus your inadequate loaves and fishes; and REMEMBER MARIA!
1. Maria Woodworth-Etter, The Complete Collection of Her Life and Teachings, Liardon.
2. Lee Grady, The Mordecai Project, June 24, 2005.
3. Dr. Susan Hyatt, A Biblical Theology of Womanhood Dissertation, Ch. 2.
4. Ibid, Chapter 5, website: