Minutes of Parish Council meeting Monday 11th November 2002 at

Redmile church

Present Cllrs. Boucher, Campbell-Lamerton, Lindsay, Marshall, Meads, and Wright. 3 Parishioners for the first 10 minutes. Mr Umbers arrived after a school governors meeting.

Apologies Mr Rhodes and Mr S. Burnham (Curate)

Declaration of Interest on items below. None

Acceptance of minutes of meeting 16.9.02 these were agreed a true record and signed.

Matters arising from last meetings

LCC Appraisal outstanding issues. Mr Gavin Walker had responded and directed three issues to the PC for action. VDS under way, Street light review, this would be carried out by councillors, Redmile village hall maintain contact with school on this project.

LCC Long Lane signs revised proposals. Clerk to ask CC to show full name of Barkestone le Vale.

Barkestone Lane bridge, 2 residents have supplied copies of support letters. Still not too late to write in. Letter from Mrs Umbers (Belvoir High) to be circulated.

P3 grass cutting in hand. Clerk to seek new quotes for 2003.

Rails to riding quotes for work now in draft and proposals circulated for decision JAN.

Seat on Frog Lane Cllr. Lindsay to contact Clerk when work can proceed.

Heritage Watch information pack requested.

Bus services changes report from Mrs Fagg. New proposals have been rejected by Mr Rhodes. Cllr. Meads requested that CC be urged to call a meeting of the Focus Group.

Barkestone Old School clock. No progress.

Church Lane trees on order.

Manor Farm. Mr Thompson offered a restoration proposal for the pond area. This was agreed to be acceptable but did not provide additional conservation area to compensate for the loss given to development. Clerk to ask for more land on a like for like basis. Planting of a walnut tree requested.



01/00092/FUL Adj.14, Church Ln Redmile - revisions granted.

02/00010/COU Peacock Farm splitting off farm house - granted on appeal.

02/00375/OUT 20, Frog Lane rebuild of bungalow - granted.

02/00505/FUL 3, Harby Ln. Plungar extension - granted.

02/00553/FUL 12A Church Ln Redmile - refused.

02/00580/FUL Windmill Inn extension to living accommodation.- granted

02/00643/FUL 13, Harby Ln. Plungar extension - granted.

02/00714/TCA The Rectory, Redmile work on willow tree - granted.

Since last meeting:

01/00092/FUL Adj.14, Church Ln. Redmile revised plan. No objection.

01/00229/OUT Mr Smart addition of conservatory - appeal submitted.

02/00580/FUL Windmill Inn, 2 sets revisions. No objection.

02/00711/LBC Cherrytrees, Plungar. No objection.

02/00714/TCA The Rectory, Redmile tree work information.

For Consideration:

02/00806/FUL Harby Ln. Plungar bungalow. It was agreed that an objection would be lodged. Highway access is still poor, garage and garden is outside village envelope, Detrimental affect on neighbours.

02/00825/FUL 2, Town End Barkestone, extension. No objection to original or amendment.


BW request to include canal in policies and events. Reply that VKC use canal for cycle event, Exhibitions at Barkestone and Redmile feature pictures of canal, steering group for bridleway along railway seek co-operation for access point at Plungar.

Freedom of Information 'Publication scheme' for approval draft circulated. It was agreed to adopt a publication scheme based on the mandatory elements of the model scheme plus publication of the agenda and responses to consultations from the optional list.

VDS group request grant or loan. It was agreed to make a loan of £200 to the VDS group.

VDS should remain independent of PC. Needs more involvement from Barkestone.

Churchyard grant (Section 137) requests Barkestone & Redmile.

It was agreed to make grants of Redmile £90, Barkestone and Plungar £70 each.

Financial Statement

Current Acct. 4017.59

Reserve 3712.86

2nd instalment of precept received.

It was agreed that a quarterly review of expenditure against budget would be made.

Accounts for Payment

ABB (st.lg.maint) 181.80 (chq.678)+31.82 VAT

Powergen (st.lg.energy) 278.29 (chq.679)+48.70 VAT

Above paid since last meeting.

James Cole (trees) 24.00 (chq.680)+4.20 VAT

Barks. Old Sch. (rm.hire) 90.00 (chq.681) No VAT

Redmile PCC (rm.hire£10 +grant) 100.00 (chq.682) No VAT

Barkestone (grant) 70.00 (chq.683) No VAT

Plungar PCC (grant) 70.00 (chq.684) No VAT

VDS Steering Group (loan) 200.00 (chq.685) No VAT

It was agreed that these accounts be paid.

Borough Councillor's Report

Mr Umbers having joined the meeting was invited to make a report.

A hall project group has been set up at school and they will be making contact with the PC soon.

MBC budget being drawn up.

Cllr. Marshall asked about Melton airfield housing plan. While BC supported development at Melton airfield this may now be turned down by government as this is a green field site. There is some disagreement with LCC on allocation figures. Lower provision at airfield could require sites to be found on existing settlements. Then the question is whether development fills open spaces in villages or allows extension of envelops. Envelope is simplistic and needs review.

Councillors reports (Pot holes, St lights, etc.)

Hedges removed around The Wicket, Granby lane, Plungar ask Mrs Brett to investigate.

New homes at Cherry Tree Drive have extended garden into field Mrs Brett to investigate.

Pot holes in Plungar by bus shelter and between Grange Farm and bridge.

Depression in Middle Street near to old shop.

Lights in Barkestone still not working.

Electric wires through tree on The Green and nearby, trees need trimming.

Request LCC to use full name of Barkestone le Vale to avoid confusion with Barkston, Lincs.

Jericho Lane stile leading to FP 18 is in need of attention.

Name sign 'Main Street' by canal bridge Redmile needs repainting.

Gate to canal towpath at Redmile needs attention.

Redmile playpark seat in need of repair, contact playpark committee.

Wall between churchyard and playpark in need of repair contact PCC.

Date of Next Meeting

13th January 2003 Plungar

Meeting closed at 9.36pm