California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-002(REV.01/2011) / memo-ilsb-cfird-jun12item01
Date: / May 10, 2012
TO: / MEMBERS, State Board of Education
FROM: / TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
SUBJECT: / Instructional Quality Commission Update

Summary of Key Issues

The Instructional Quality Commission held its first meeting on May 3–4, 2012. At the meeting, elections for Commission Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Executive Committee were conducted. The Commission elected Louis “Bill” Honig as Chairperson, Michelle Herczogfor Vice Chairperson, and Kristyn Bennett, Angiennette Estonina, and Socorro Shiels will serve as Executive Committee members. Commission Chair Honig appointed the Subject Matter Committee Chairs and Commission Liaisons and the Executive Committee assigned commissioners to Subject Matter Committees.

In addition, each of the Subject Matter Committees elected a Vice Chair and established their committee goals for 2012. This and other information is also available at the State Board of Education Instructional Quality Commission Web page at


Attachment 1: Instructional Quality Commission 2012 Subject Matter Committee and Other Special Assignments (1 Page)

Attachment 2: Instructional Quality Commission 2012 Goals (3 Pages)

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Attachment 1

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Instructional Quality Commission
2012 Subject Matter Committee and Other Special Assignments
Commissioner / Occupation / Appt. Body / Term Ends / Exec. Com. / ELA/
ELD / Math / HSS / Sci / Health / PE / VPA / World Lang / Ed Tech / Ad Hoc on CCSS / *Liaison
Other Assign
Barrett, Angel / Principal / SBE / Dec. 31, 2014 / X / X / C
Bennett, Kristyn / Teacher / SBE / Dec. 31, 2014 / X / X / C / X
D’Souza, Edward / Director / SBE / Dec. 31, 2014 / C / X / VC / CSMP
Dorado, Jose / Teacher-Instructional Coach / SBE / Dec. 31, 2014 / X / X / C
Estonina, Angienette / Teacher / SBE / Dec. 31, 2013 / X / VC / X / X / X
Freiermuth, Lori / Teacher / SBE / Dec. 31, 2013 / X / VC / X
Galvan, Marlene / Teacher-ELA Coach / SBE / Dec. 31, 2013 / X / C / C / X / VC
Herczog, Michelle / Consultant / ASM / July 13, 2013 / VC / X / VC / VC / SC
Hernandez, Martha / Director / SEN / May 31, 2012
Honig, Louis “Bill” / President / SBE / Dec. 31, 2013 / CC
Isken, Jo Ann / Asst. Supt. / SBE / Dec. 31, 2015 / C / X / VC
McTygue, Nancy / Executive Director / SBE / Dec. 31, 2015 / C / VC / X / VC / X
Parish, Will / Teacher / SBE / Dec. 31, 2012 / X / C / X / X
Shiels, Socorro / Asst. Supt. / SBE / Dec. 31, 2015 / X / X / X / X / X
Spykerman, Julie / Teacher-Math Specialist / SBE / Dec. 31, 2015 / VC / C / X / X / SC
Vacant / GOV
Carter, Wilmer A / Assemblymember / ASM / Pleasure Appt Body
Lowenthal, Alan / Senator / SEN / Pleasure Appt Body
Key: CC Commission Chair elected by the Commission Members
VC Vice Chair of Commission elected by the Commission Members or Vice Chair of the Subject Matter Committee (SMC) elected by SMC members
E Executive Committee Member elected by the Commission Members
C Chair of the SMC appointed by the Commission Chair
X Committee or Liaison Assignment made by Commission Executive Committee
CCSS CommonCoreState Standards

CSMP Commission Liaison to the Concurrence Committee for California Subject Matter Project

SC Commission “Sunshine Club”

For more information, contact: Thomas Adams, Executive Director to the Instructional Quality Commission, Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division

at 916-319-0881, ;Tracie Yee, Commission Liaison at 916-319-0454; or visit the Commission Web page at .5/2012.

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Attachment 2

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Goals of the Instructional Quality Commission and Each of Its Committees

Executive Committee:

  1. Update the Handbook on the Organization and Operation of the Commission.
  1. Ensure every member of the Commission follows the Bagley-Keane Open Meeting Act.

3.Provide support for the development of curriculum frameworks in mathematics and English language arts/English language development, and support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Education Technology Committee:

  1. Remain informed on issues that affect education technology as it relates to enhancing student achievement.
  1. Support the Implementation of the CCSS through effective use of education technology.

English Language Art/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter Committee:

  1. Begin preparatory work for the update of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework (ELA/ELD Framework) including:
  1. Review timeline and the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) application recommended to the State Board of Education (SBE).
  1. Attend each of the four Focus Group meetings in May/June 2012 (at least one committee member present).
  1. Recruit and recommend to the SBE members for the CFCC.
  1. Review information from the CDE Panel of Experts regarding the update, revision, and alignment of the state’s current English Language Development (ELD) standards to the CCSS for English Language Arts.
  1. Review the report of the ELA/ELD Focus Group meetings and recommend guidelines to the SBE for the CFCC revision of the ELA/ELD Framework.

2.Consult with other content Subject Matter Committees on the revision of the ELA/ELD Framework, with focus on the integration of the reading and writing Literacy Standards in History–Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.

Health Subject Matter Committee:

  1. Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in health education.
  1. Support the implementation of the CCSS for ELA, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI).

History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee:

  1. Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in history–social science, especially insofar as they could affect the future development of the History–Social Science Framework.
  1. Remain informed on resources to support history–social science teachers in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, and advise the English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee on the development of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework, particularly regarding the Standards for Literacy in History–Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects.

Mathematics Subject Matter Committee:

  1. Provide guidance and support for the 2013 revision of the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.
  1. Recommend to the SBE guidelines to inform the work of the CFCC.

3.Recommend CFCC applicants for appointment by the SBE.

4.Support the implementation of the CCSS for Mathematics.

Physical Education Subject Matter Committee:

1.Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, and professional development for Physical Education.

Science Subject Matter Committee:

1.Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in science education, including the NGSS, the CCSS strand for Literacy in History–Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, and the EEI.

Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Subject Matter Committee:

1.Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in the visual and performing arts.

World Language Subject Matter Committee:

1.Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials in world language education.

Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of the CaliforniaCommonCoreState Standards (CCSS):

  1. Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional development, and instructional materials related to the CCSS.
  1. Become informed and provide feedback on issues on curriculum, assessment, including SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), instruction, and accountability.
  1. Become informed and provide feedback on professional development, including the CCSS stand on Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technology, and Response to Instruction and Intervention (Rti2).
  1. Become informed and provide feedback on instructional materials, including supplemental materials for CCSS to prepare students for college and career readiness.

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