[N.B. This MS Word or PDF document explaining the details of your Tibetan Tattoo Design is dispatched in lieu of Email for the sake of proper display of Rich Text.][If you are receiving this message after your were supposed to receive a JPG tattoo pic or other response from me, please check your SPAM folder.][It is recommended that you print this tattoo-related linguistic information and read it carefully.][This document may contain special characters representing tattoo-text and require a font such as Arial Unicode MS for correct display.]

Dear Tattoo Enthusiast

Josie, as agreed, I am sending you the PNG image - and the PDF file - of the actual Uchen Tibetan script for the following submission:

English Source Text to be converted into Uchen Tibetan Target Text:


Conversion method:

Translation via back-translation into Sanskrit & Pali.

This means that this mail contains some of the info and tattoo-design images that you have received previously but also completely new information and images; in other words, this mail completely replaces all previous (preliminary) communication and all earlier versions of images (excluding the eBay item “mindfulness tattoo”).

A word of clarification with respect to the content of the images: As you shall see, I have only supplied the Tibetan Target Text and have not included the English meanings above (or below, or beside...) the Tibetan. This is quite deliberate and simply is the way I operate. Despite this it is not difficult to figure out what is what in the images if you read the whole Email carefully and also pay attention to the file names.

Please find attached herewith the image(s) containing the Tibetan glyphs.

For your reference, the following section provides detailed linguistic information.


The entire source text, as above, translated / transliterated / transcribed into Tibetan script and then rendered in Wylie-Tibetan (viz. back-transliterated into precise Latinic transcription) would be:

dran pa/


gzo ba/

rjes su dran pa/

blo la 'dzin pa/

dran pa gso ba/

yid la 'char ba/

Please note that the English source item can be translated in different ways. For your convenience several different target-language items are provided – 7 Tibetan words, to be precise.

You may wish to select one Tibetan word for your tattoo design based purely on visual grounds, and / or also based on other factors such as meaning.

The symbols <_ _> / denote ornamental flourishes and punctuation in the Tibetan text.


Phonetic transcription (based on Central-Tibetan pronunciation, simplified):

tran pah.


saw wah.

jéé soo tran pah.

law lah dzin pah.

tran pa saw wah.

yee lah char wah.

(The above is loosely in accordance with Spelled Pronunciation rules and is to be pronounced the way a native English speaker would read these words, except for vowels with Umlaut, which are to be pronounced the German way.IPA Pronunciation / Transcription is much more precise and can be supplied upon request. If you are not familiar with the various systems, here is a quick example that demonstrates the drastic differences in the rendering of sounds: E.G. George | IPA Pronunciation: /dʒɔrdʒ/ | Spelled Pronunciation: [jawrj].)


All of the fully-fledged words appearing in the Tibetan translationand their entire dictionary entries are listed below, with the most pertinent meanings / senses highlighted if the entries are very long. Sometimes it is necessary to include translations from alternative sources, or manually modify the automated listings, in which case annotations are supplied in CAPITALS. In Tibetan, it is quite common to see completely unrelated meanings under the same entry word; if this is the case below, simply ignore the unrelated meanings.

dran pa / JH-SKT, YOGA / smRti [smṛti]
JH-SKT / {LCh,MSA,MV,C}*; {C}smaraNa; {MSA}smaratA; {C}matIti
JH-ENG / mindfulness; memory; recollection
JH-OE / {C} to remember; be mindful of these thoughts; rememberance
JH-C / one of the five determining factors (yul nges nga, paJca-viSaya-pratiniyama); for others see: yul nges
YOGA / smRta. /smR:smarati
DM / Germano, Poetic Thought 905. Stein.
JV / smriti, mindfulness, memory, presence, awareness, inspection, ., remembrance, recollection, keep thinking about, 1 of 6 stobs, be concerned about, recall, non-slipping of mind (anusmriti 3 jewels and 10 meditation objects, samyaksmriti belongs to bhavana-marga and concerned with ye shes), with longing, thinking of, meditate, sensibility, dependence of a thing upon another, self-recollection, consideration, epithet of kamadeva, think of, ponder, remember, become conscious, long for, be attached to, think of with love, 1 of lam yan lag brgyad, attending to, presence of mind, mindful presence, to remind oneself, to think of, consciousness chakra
IW / 1) (Tha dad pa), be mindful, remember, recollect [R]; 2) [R], previously experienced/ acquainted things having been apprehended, not forgetting them [R] memory, alertness, presence of mind, mindfulness, recollection, smṛti, consciousness, thinking, think, pay attention [R] remember w longing, meditate [R] [not so much recalling the past as spontaneous habits like ducking when someone is trying to hit you] colloquial =] "heart" [R]. 1) (Tha dad pa, be mindful, remember, recollect; 2) *, previously experienced/ acquainted things having been apprehended, not forgetting them * memory, alertness, presence of mind, mindfulness, recollection, .., consciousness, thinking, think, pay attention * remember w longing, meditate * "heart"
RB / (focusing of) attention; consideration; mindfulness/ recollectedness; to recall/ be mindful/ think about/ miss; to be aware/ conscious of; (deliberate) recollection; consciousness
RY / {dran pa, dran pa, dran pa, dran} trans. v.; to think; pay attention, be mindful; recall, be mindful, think about, miss; remember with longing, meditate, become aware of, contemplate 1) mindfulness, memory, alertness, presence of mind, recollection. / recollectedness; alertness; presence of mind; memory, thinking; mindfulness, awareness, presence of mind, attentiveness, attention, memory, recall, remembrance, recollection, consciousness, one's full senses. 2) consciousness, thinking, recollection or memory, Skt. smriti, 3) one of the five object determining mental states, Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {'dris pa'i dngos po mi brjed pa}. 4) one of the {'phags lam gyi yan lag brgyad} the eightfold noble path. memory [ggd]. to bear in mind. keep in mind
dran / YOGA / caturNAM smRty-upasthAnAnAm
JV / to remember, recall, to miss
IW / think [of], remember, recall, recollect, be mindful, remind, have an idea of, be concerned about/w, long for, miss [pha ma dran gyi 'dug: she misses her parents]
RY / {ma dran} I am oblivious to. to think, - of, remember, recall, be mindful, remind, have an idea of, be concerned with, about, long for. vi. to recollect, remember, recall, to miss
dran pa gso ba / JV / refresher course
IW / [Phru gur bslab bya brgyab nas sngar byung dbul phongs sdug bsngal gyi dran pa gso ba] remind, refresh the memory, help to arouse the recollection, regain consciousness, be revived
RY / to remind, help to arouse the recollection
dran gso / DM / to commemorate.
JV / recollection, restore awareness, refresh one's memory, remembrance, a commemoration, remembrance
IW, RY / remember
IW / remind, commemorate, refresh the memory, *, recall recollection
RY / remind, *; reminding, to remind, commemorate, refresh memory, recollection. vi. to *, recall; to make *, remind; to remind, commemorate; refresh memory; recollection
rjes su dran pa / JH-T / dran/ dran/ drand/ drand/
JH-SKT, YOGA / anusmaraNa. anusmRti
JH-SKT / {C,MSA}*; {MSA}*
JH-ENG / memory; recollection; subsequently remember [rjes=AFTER]
JH-C / Tenses ?? {T}
YOGA / anusmartR. anu-/smR:anusmarati
JV / 10 recollections, 6 subjects of recollection (sangs rgyas, chos, dge 'dun, gtong ba, lha), SA dran pa bcu, rjes dran bcu
IW / recollect, remember [previous situation arising in mind/ thought gnas.Sngon dus su sdug bsngal byung lugs rjes su dran pa,...Bka' drin rjes su dran pa]. recollect, remember, commemorate, remembrance, mindfulness. commemoration, remembrance, anniversary, recollection, remembrance
RB / to remember/ recollect; memory
RY / to recall, remember; recollect, commemorate; 2) memory, recollection, remembrance, commemoration
blo la 'dzin pa / JV / remember, memorize, keep in mind, be grasped [‘dzin] by the mind [blo]
gzo ba / YOGA / jJa
JV, RY / remember, keep in mind
IW / (tha dad pa drin 'jal ba'am gso ba remember [kindness], keep in mind, own, acknowledge [someone’s kindness]
RY / to *, own, acknowledge; {gzo ba, bzo ba, bzo ba, bzo} trans. v
yid la 'char ba / JV / thoughts dawning or rising in the mind
yid / JH-SKT, YOGA / manas. mAnasa
JH-SKT / {LCh,MSA,MV}*; {MSA}manaska; {MV}*
JH-ENG / mind; (main) perceiver; intellect [=nyon yid, afflicted mentality (kliSTamanas)]; intellectual faculty
DM / It obscures appearance of rig pa. 91 I 581.6.
JV / manas, mind, mental functioning, sentience, mental process, integrative mental capacity, categorical perception, ego act, conceptual and emotional elaboration, human constant, subjective frame of mind, function-event particularly concerned with conceptualization, (interprets data transmitted to its center by senses; 2 aspects (transcendent, determinate); example (gzugs mig mig-gi rnam-shes, chos yid yid-kyi rnam-shes), 1 of 28 astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person, intellect, powers of perception and imagination, mental talents, sentiment, disposition, functional mind, bio-computer in the brain, conceptual mind, perceptual consciousness
IW / + expl. mind, manas, thought, subject, subjective mind, thinking process, mental/ intellectual/ faculty/ functioning, sentience, cognitive act
RB / conceptual mind (as the "sixth sense"); isc. imagination
RY / mind. [manas] mind, ideational consciousness; the intellect, mental functioning, thought, subject, subjective mind, thinking process, mental / intellectual faculty, sentience, cognitive act, mental faculty, as compared with cognitive act and consciousness. consciousness. thought. [manas] mind, mental functioning, thought, mind, subject, subjective thinking process, mental / intellectual faculty, sentience, cognitive act, as compared with cognitive act and consciousness; imagination; Manas, mind, functional mind
'char / JH-T / 'char / 'char ' shar ' shar; or: shar / 'chard / 'char / shard [Thumi, p.246-to rise, start] {T}
JH-ENG / appear; dawn; shine; reflect; present themselves; manifest
JH-C / Check tenses {T}
JH-EXT / 1. don blo la mi 'char ro ; 2. snang ba gzhan mi 'char ba ni ; 3. sgyu ma bzhin du 'char tshul phyin ci ma log pa
JH-EXE / 1. the meaning has not appeared to the mind; 2. with respect to the non-appearance of other appearances ...{TGP 24}; 3. the unerring mode of illusory-like appearance{MSI 424}
JV / rising, appearance, occur, arise
IW / 1) [a]rise/ dawn, happen, occur; 2) have the idea; 3) come forth/ up; 4) emerge; 5) appear; 6) manifest; 7) plan/ intention
RY / (thought) occurrence; 1) arise, dawn, occur, come forth / up, rise, emerge, appear, manifest. 2) plan, intention
la / JH-SKT / {C}prati
JH-ENG, RY / and
JH-ENG / (1) [accusative, adverbial accusative, dative, * locative particle:] to; as; -ly; in; at; conjunction: *; but
(2) mountain pass
JH-OE / {C}as being; with regard to
YOGA / tu. antike
JV, RY / on
JV / at, in, *, for, of, to, as to, into, up to, by, from, unto, among, under, hillside, mountain slope, towards, mountain pass, candle, taper, wax-light, figure 26, the dative-locative particle, conjunctive of adjectives ("as well *as"), as a clause connector, a mountain pass, can indicate "while something was going on", regarding
IW / LA; 2) upward going mt path; 3) pass; 4) adv particle [Mtshams sbyor dang mtshams sbyor lhag bcas la 'jug pa'i tshig phrad cig] to, for, as well as; 5) La don gyi phrad; 6) what! how!; 7) as for. LA; 2) upward going mt path; 3) pass; 4) adv particle * to, for, as well as; 5) La don gyi phrad; 6) what! how!; 7) as for
RY / what! how! {bla ma'i thugs rje} how kind is the guru!. [particle] as for; {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]. mountain pass. [particle] as for, {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]; mountain pass; so/ in order to; what! how! {bla ma'i thugs rje} how kind is the guru!; what! how! {bla ma'i thugs rje} how kind is the guru!. [particle] as for; {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]; hillside, mountain slope; a mountain pass; / la ka - a mountain pass; [particle] as for, {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]
pa / JH-ENG / father
JH-C / term of address
JV / ah, oh, bdag po'i sgra (particle expressive of ownership or possession), affixed to many words from custom, often changed to ba after vowel or nga, la or ra,
sign of infinitive and participle, often used for finite tense and for par [=pa+la],
person who deals with whatever, inhabitants of a place, ordinal numeral, peculiarity of dialects, distinguish different meanings, used mistakenly for pa'i or ba'i, =don dam pa or fallaciousness, rain, agentive particle, part of past complement, in nominalized constructions
IW / 1) agentive particle; 2) person from ... country; 3) nominalizing particle; 4) past tense particle; 5) PA. [bod yig gsal byed bcu gsum pa 'di'i nga ro 'don tsul la skye gnas mchu dang, byed pa mchu, nang gi rtsol ba mchu gnyis phrad pa dang, phyi'i rtsol ba srog chung sgra med] 1) Ming gzhi'i pho yig cig; 2) male bdag po'i sgra zhig Rta pa,...Bod pa; 3) Ming mtha' zhig [Ga da na ba ma sa...Da drag ...Nga...Phyin pa,...Shes pa,...Rkang pa,...Skyob pa,...Rgyag pa,...Gnod pa,...Dam pa]; 4) ordinal # [gsum pa]. 1) male agentive particle; 2) person/ male from ... country; 3) nominalizing particle for verbs, -ing [all finals except ng, ' l r]; 4) past tense particle; 5) PA. [R] (6) ordinal #)/ [R]. 1) male agentive particle; 2) person/ male from ... country; 3) nominalizing particle for verbs, -ing; 4) past tense particle; 5) PA.; 6) ordinal #
RY / 1) agentive particle. 2) person from a country. 3) nominalizing particle. 4) past tense particle
ba / YOGA / go
DM / See ba glang.
{ SAME AS pa, SEE ABOVE; sign of infinitive and participle, often used for finite tense and for bar [=ba+la] }
JV / ox, cow, bull, affix, SA pa, folio side b as in 189-95b
IW / 1) 15th consonant; 2) noun making particle; 3) prefix/suffix letter; 4) common second part of a word ['chi ba, rgyal ba]; 5) male personifying/agent particle [shing bzo ba, lha sa ba] (6) cow [R] (7) intermediate state). 1) 15th consonant; 2) noun making particle; 3) prefix/ suffix letter; 4) common 2nd part of a word [R]; 5) male personifying/ agent particle [R] (6) cow [R] (7) intermediate state (8) past tense [ng ' r l]. / (6) cow [= 'jo ma dang, drus ma, nu rgyas ma, ba mo, 'bab byed lus ldan, zho srung byed, bzhon ma, 'o 'phel, 'o ma 'ching, yongs 'jo ma. 1) 15th consonant; 2) noun making particle; 3) prefix/ suffix letter; 4) common 2nd part of a word; 5) male personifying/ agent particle; 6) cow; 7) intermediate state; 8) past tense
RY / female cow; a cow; 1) common appended particle as the second part of a word. 2) indicator of the person, agent. 3) cow

Tattoo Translation / Meaning / Style