SRDMS: Create, Edit and Delete a Review
Quick Links
- General Information
- Create a Review
- Add and Delete Additional (FOA-Specific) Fields
- Editing a Review
- Delete a Review
- Set a Review as an Internet Explorer (IE) Favorite
- Create a Shortcut to a Review in a Network Review Folder or Computer Desktop
Note: Anyone who has access to the system can create, edit or delete a review
Creating a New Review
- Review Types available: Charter Committee, Single Project, Multi-Project and Proposal
- Reviews are listed under the person who is set as the Primary SRO
- Use the multi-project version if a mixed single and multi-project review or multi-component is needed
- Once a review is created, only the review type cannot be changed
- After the Review List screen appears, click the Add button (shown below)
- When the Add New Review window appears, enter a Title (can copy/paste from theFOA), select a Review Type, Primary SRO and mark the Has LOI? box (when a review will contain LOI data)
- IF no additional FOA specific fields need to be tracked, click OK and the review will automatically open
- IF additional FOA specific fields do need to be tracked, click the Additional Fields button and see instructions below.
Add and DeleteAdditional (FOA-Specific) Fields
- Any number of extra check box or text box fields can be added (maximum 2 across)
- Commonly used options are available from the Field-1 Label drop down
- These will appear in columns and order similar to the layout of the Additional Fields window on the RFA/PA/RFP Requirements form and Admin Review Menu\Application Overview Report
- Click the Additional Fields button on the Add Review, Edit Review or Review List windows
- Either select an existing value from the drop down or type a value in the Field-1 Label box
- Hit the Tab on the keyboard or click into the Field-1 Typebox
- If an existing value was selected from the drop down option in the first box, this step will auto-populate the related fields (as shown for the Clinical Protocol and others already entered above)
- If a new value is entered in the first box, select CheckBox or TextBox from the drop down menu to set the field type
- As needed, use the Field-2 Label and Field-2 Type to select a 2nd set of field information that will appear next to the first set (as shown for the Clinical Protocol and others already entered above)
- When the field(s) for a row are complete, click the button to save/add the fields to the list
- After the new fields are saved and prior to any apps/props being imported or created, a default value can be set (i.e. preference to have the checkbox default to being checked vs. unchecked or a specific phrase entered into a comment box across all apps/props).
- Repeat these steps as needed
- To remove fields, click the button
- When additions/deletions are complete, click the to close the form
Editing a Review
- Click once on a specific review on the Review List
- Click the Edit button above the list of reviews
- When the Edit Review window appears, update the Title, Primary SRO or Has LOI? fields, as needed
- Use the Additional Fields button, if additional fields need to be added or deleted
- Click OK when all changes are complete
Deleting a Review
- Staff with the SRP Admin role can ‘restore’ any review that has been deleted.
- Per the Review Document Retention SOP (NIAID file access only), review information should be deleted immediately following the successful input of application priority scores and the uploading of the meeting summary statements into IMPAC II, or action of the NIAID Advisory Council, whichever is later. For proposals, it is after the award has been made.
- Click once on a specific review on the Review List
- Click the Delete button above the list of reviews
- Click OK when the deletion confirmation window appears
Set a Review as anIE Favorite
- Reviews can be added as Internet Explorer ‘Favorites’ immediately after it is opened and the ‘reviewID’ number appears in the internet address box (see below example: reviewID ‘=23’).
- Helpful Hint: if the Favorites Bar is used, select that folder/location for easy access to the link.
- When the ‘reviewID’ appears in the IE address box, click on the Favorites button
- Set the name and location for the Review link in the Add a Favorite pop-up window
Create a Shortcut to a Review in a Network Review Folder or Computer Desktop
- Open the specific review
- Select the review specific internet address (‘reviewID’ number should appear in the IE address box)
- Right-click on the address and select Copy
- Open the folder where the shortcut should be placed
- Right-click inside the folder (not on any specific file)
- Select New and then Shortcut
- When the Create Shortcut window appears, paste the specific review address into the …Location… box and click Next
- When the Select a Title… window appears, enter an abbreviated review name in the box and click Finish
- The newshortcut can be used to open the review