Weetwood School Newsletter – No 1

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School Phone Number: 0113 3230450

Date: Friday 11th September2015

Building Extension Delay

As many of you will have gathered by now, our new school extension is not finished! The building works will be continuing for a few weeks to come. We have use of the school hall as we did at the end of last term, albeit slightly reduced in size. We do not have the use of the usual audio / visual equipment. With some adaptations and creativity we can manage the issues the use of the hall presents. The use of the school kitchen did pose a few challenges earlier this week but these have been resolved. Normal service resumed yesterday. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Welcome Back to School!

We are delighted to welcome you all to Weetwood at the start of the new school year. A very special welcome to those of you who are new to Weetwood. We have four new members of staff, Miss Draper who is our new Y3 teacher, Mr Hinson our new Y5 teacher, Miss Wright our new Teaching Assistant in Reception and Mrs Gibson our new Teaching Assistant in Y3 in the afternoons. Mr Crawford is not new but will be taking on a new role as a Teaching Assistant in Y3 in the mornings. The new Reception children have started school this week looking gloriously smart in their uniforms! All our newcomers are settling well with the support and special welcome from our children, staff, parents / carers and others in the community.

To help everybody get off to a good start at the beginning of the school year here are a few reminders about school life which help make school run smoothly.

What should you do if your child is unable to attend school?

If your child is ill, please inform us on the first morning of their absence by telephoning the school office (3230450). Leave a message on the designated absence line stating your child’s name, the class they are in, why they are absent and when they are likely to return. Please speak clearly after the tone. If we do not hear from you on the first day a child is absent the office staff will contact you to find out why your child is not at school. This is an important safeguarding procedure. Ofsted (March 2012) rated Weetwood “Outstanding” for Behaviour and Safety.

It is very helpful if we are informed in writing of medical and dental appointments in advance. Remember your child does not need to have the full day off for appointments; they can be picked up from school and dropped off afterwards depending on the time of their appointment.

In order to benefit fully from the education we provide your child should be in school every day unless they are ill or have a medical/ dental appointment. Any other absence in term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances where there are very strong reasons. Schools are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.

We are very proud of our excellent pupil attendance record and wish tomaintain the high standard.

What should I do if my child is late?

School starts at 8.55 a.m. (not 9.00 - which is a common misconception).

In order to improve punctuality, the staff will be in the playground at 8.50 a.m. lining up the children so they are walking into school for 8.55 a.m. At 8.50 the staff are available for you to have a quick word.

The Reception children do not line up; they go straight into school using the Nursery entrance on Hollin Mount- not the Dining Room (Covered Court) entrance as previously was the case.

At 8.55 a.m. the doors into school are closed. If the children arrive after this time they will have to use the front entrance to get into school. They will need to pick up a “late card” from the school office and must take this to their teacher who will mark them on the register as arriving late.

If children arrive after 9.30 a.m. they will be given an absent / late mark i.e. we know they are here but officially they are counted as absent.

Please ensure your child arrives to school on time every day so that they can be a part of the class from the start, be confident and start learning straight away. Children running into school because they don’t want a late mark is not the best way to begin the day! Arriving at or before 8.50 means they have time to relax and chat with friends before entering school in a calm and relaxed manner.

Where should I park my car?

As a community we take health and safety very seriously at Weetwood. If you have to bring the car to school (walking is the healthier option supporting our “Sustainability” ethos) then please park as far away as possible from the school itself. All pedestrians need to be able to have a clear view of all roads as they prepare to cross the road, particularly the children. At this time of year many of our older pupils start to walk to school unsupervised. Sharing cars and parking further away and walking the last part of the journey to school are good for you, the environment and the health and safety of our children. If you are new to Weetwood please take special note – this issue is taken very seriously by the community of Weetwood.

Please lock your cars and do not leave valuables (bags. laptops etc) in view to tempt thieves.

What happens if my child loses some property?

We put out lost property on the pegs and in the brown labelled box outside the Covered Court, near the assembly hall. You are welcome to check the lost property before or after school and claim any that belongs to you. We will sell, give to Oxfam or throw away ALL lost property remaining at the end of each half term.

To prevent your child losing their property, please mark their name on all clothing, shoes, bags etc. We aim to return named items to the children.

What should my child wear for PE?

The following PE kit is essential and should be in school prior to the lesson and taken home and washed regularly:

Plimsolls / trainers for outdoors

White sports socks

Black / navy shorts

Plain white T-shirt

Black or navy track suit / jogging bottoms and sweat shirt

Please keep PE kit simple in design.

Long hair needs to be tied back for PE.

What about bikes and scooters?

We cannot guarantee the security of bikes or scooters if they are not secured, or are left overnight. There are bars for bike locks and attachments on the shed walls for scooter locks.

Please do not cycle or scoot in the playground, the children should come off their bike or scooter when they enter the playground to avoid accidents.

Safeguarding / Child Protection

As part of our ongoing commitment to improving school standards we will be introducing new ways in which school operates in terms of access to the building and grounds.

These arrangements will be effective from September.

Access to the grounds

  • The gates will be open as normal in the morning and be closed at 9.10 a.m. Entry after that time will be through the main gate on Hollin Road.
  • At home time, the gates will be opened at 3.10 p.m. and closed again at 3.40 p.m. If there are after school activities taking place, the Hollin Road gate will re-open at 4.15 p.m. and close at 4.40 p.m. For those parents that stay during the after school activities, we ask that you wait in the outdoor classroom.
  • When the new building is complete the breakfast and after school club entrance will revert to the rear of the building on Hollin Mount. This will be the entrance that will be open for assemblies.
  • Nursery will continue to use their current gate on Hollin Mount.

Access to school

  • As a point of contact a member of staff will be at each entrance. They will be happy to take messages or questions you may have for your child’s teacher.
  • Equipment brought in later in the day may be left with the office to be passed to your child.
  • Children may be collected from the office for appointments.
  • Children arriving late for school will enter via the main reception where they will be given a late card and make their own way to class. Nursery children and parents arriving after the Hollin Mount gates have closed should come to the main gate and walk round to the Nursery enterance.

Breakfast / Afterschool clubs

Children coming into breakfast club will need to take their belongings with them when they go to class. Similarly, children attending afterschool clubs must take everything with them when they leave their class at the end of the school day.

Fisherman’s Wife (Formerly Bryan’s Fish Restaurant) Car Park

Many of our families use this car park at school drop off and pick up with the agreement of the management of the “Fisherman’s Wife”. It has been reported that the car park has been closed in the mornings to stop others (not Weetwood parent / carers) from leaving their cars in the car park all day. You are still welcome to use the car park if you can gain access. Hopefully the closures will be temporary.

Weetwood School Association (PTA) Meeting

Welcome back to all parents and children.

The first WSA meeting of the year will be Tuesday, 22nd September, 8 pm, at school in the library.

All parents who would like to get involved in fundraising for the school are welcome. It is really helpful if all class reps can come to start the year off well. We shall be discussing autumn fundraising activities and funding requests from staff.

New class reps are needed for Reception and for Year 3. Should you be able to take on these roles, please come along or text David Hayter on 07963443651.

Date for the Diary

This year we are only holding two discos.

The Halloween Discois on Friday 9th October.

There will be prizes for scary fancy dress.

Further details in the next few weeks.

David Hayter

Chair of the WSA

Thank You

All the staff would like to say thank you for the lovely gifts and expressions of gratitude they received at the end of the Summer Term in July. We appreciate your kind thoughts.

Remember you can communicate with school via email on

Your email will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.

Below is a calendar for this academic year. It is updated regularly, please keep checking carefully.

Diary Dates 2015 - 2016
Mon 7th / School Open
Wed 9th / Y1 Information Meeting 5.00 – 6.00
Thurs 10th / Y2 Information Meeting 5.00 – 6.00
Mon 14th / Y3 Information Meeting 5.00 – 6.00
Tues 15th / Y4 Information Meeting 5.00 – 6.00
Wed 16th / Y5 Information Meeting 5.00 – 6.00
Thurs 17th / Y6 Information Meeting 5.00 – 6.00
Wed 23rd / School Photographs – Individuals
Reception Information Meeting 5.00 – 6.00
Wed 30th / 5.00 p.m. Phonics Workshop for Reception Parents
Fri 9th / WSA Disco
Wed 14th / 3.30 p.m. – 6.15 p.m. Parents’ Evening - including Assessment without Levels Workshops
Thurs 15th / 5.00 p.m. – 7.15 p.m. Parents’ Evening including Assessment without Levels Workshops
Tues 20th / 9.15 Harvest Assembly for Reception Y1 and Y2
2.15 Harvest Assembly for KS2
Wed 21st – Fri 23rd / Kingswood Residential for Y4
Fri 23rd / School closes for half term week
Half Term
Mon 2nd / School Open
Enterprise projects begin
Wed 16th / FS Christmas Performance 10.00 a.m.
KS1 Christmas Performance 2.15 p.m.
Thurs 17th / KS2 Christmas Performance 6.15 p.m.
Fri 18th / School closes for Christmas Holiday
Christmas Holiday
Mon 4th / School Open
Fri 12th / School closes for half term week
Half Term
Mon 22nd / School Open
Wed 16th / 3.30 p.m. – 6.15 p.m. Parent’s Evening
Thurs 17th / 5.00 p.m. – 7.15 p.m. Parent’s Evening
Tues 22nd / New Nursery Parents’ Meeting
Thurs 24th / School closes for Easter Holiday Weekend
Tues 29th / School Open
Fri 1st / School closes for Easter holiday
Easter Holiday
Mon 18th / School Open
Mon 2nd / Bank Holiday Monday
WB Mon 9th / KS2 Assessment Week
Fri 27th / School closes for half term week
Half Term
Mon 6th / School Open
Tues 7th / 6.00 p.m. Meeting for new Reception Parents
Fri 10th / Sports Day p.m.
WB Mon 13th / Y1 Phonics Check
Fri 1st / KS2 Show
Wed 6th – 8th / Robinwood Residential
Fri 15th / Reports to Parents
Fri 22nd / 2.00 p.m. Y6 Leavers Assembly. School closes for pupils.
Mon 25th
Tues 26th
Wed 27th / School closed for Training Days

Training Days 2015 – 2016

Monday 5th Oct 2015

Monday 13th June 2016

Monday 25th July 2016

Tuesday 26th July 2016

Wednesday 27th July 2016