Pierce County Media Educators

Minutes: October 4th, 2012


• CTE Instructors: Steve Parr, Irvin Walentiny, Diane Carver, John Carr, John Riebli, , Roland Smith, Joe Marten, Beth Watson, Cathleen Livingston-Carlson.

Advisors: Doug Brown, Hannah Brown, Renee Crist, Tom Collins

• The structure that will occur this year is a Fall and Winter meeting with teachers and advisers and the Student Best Works Showcase in the Spring with advisers as jusdges.

1. Discussion of Student Show Case from 2011-2012

May 16th best works from our students, industry standards used in photography, video, graphic design

210 students with another 90 adults=300 people / Goal for 2013 is 600 people

• Sixteen schools participated from Pierce County

• How will this be promoted through the 13 school districts?

• Find sponsors for the best of the best awards.

Golden Film Award= Video camera prize

Master Photographer Award = Digital camera prize

• Media Master (Graphic Design)= Computer software prize

• Plaques were donated through PC3 for 2012 Best Works Showcase Best-of-the-Best Awards.

Where will The Best Works Showcase be hosted this year?

• Looking for a bit better projection system for this year.

• All items with the exception of Graphic Design could be submitted via upload on the web.

• Can we look at the University of Washington –Tacoma, as a possible venue for the showcase?

• Currently there is no budget. How can the Student Showcase be funded?

B&H, Jostens, Walsworth, and other large corporations should be hit up for funding.

2. November 7th, 2012 planning meeting at CPTE at 3:30-5:00 PM

• Steve Parr will present a list of needs and proposed budget for the programs.

• Finding funds for the promotions, venue, awards and food.

• We are looking at approximately raising $2000 to fund the 2013 Showcase event.

• Target dates for 2013 Student Best Work Showcase:

• Friday May 3rd or 10th at 6-9 PM.

• The Tacoma Art Museum is one of the possible venues.

. • Poster and T-shirt contest for promotions.

• Logo contest? (We have a professionally designed logo- do want a student design?)

3-NFTY Film Festival

• Free to students. Held at the Seattle Center. It will occur on April 25-28 2013.

4. October 25th Pierce County General Advisory Meeting at Clover Park Technical College

• There will be a general advisors meeting with all of the program areas in one large group meeting.

• There will be four guest speakers presenting at the meeting.

• Please send notes to all CTE directors with information regarding the need for more advisors.

5. Next year have the PCME Fall meeting after the Pierce County General Advisory Meeting fall kickoff meeting.

• With 13 districts involved last year, tonight only four districts are in attendance.

• We need to know who was involved last year and if they will be involved this year.

6. Advisors

• Tom Collins shared his work experience as a freelance photographer. Image quality seems to be a big issue but he asks “what about vision quality?”

• Does the photo tell or the story?

• What is the vision that our students see? Emotional appeal? Inner Vision?

• The tools of the trade are way over the top. Are our students able to tell the story?

Renee Crist shared what future employers are looking for.

• They’re looking for people who can do it all, photo, graphic design, layout, and writing. • Can they produce a document?

• Scholarship opportunity is Professional Photographers of Washington.

• It started out as a $1000 scholarship that has grown to $2000.

• Go to PTW.org , go to the tab for student photographer of the year to submit work.

• Douglass Brown shared that Vimeo is a place to review video art.

• Many DIY type videos including motion graphics.

Best Works Showcase Venue & Budget Planning Meeting November 7th , 2012 - 3:30 – 5 Pm @ CPTC Building 19.