Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS)

Determining your energy consumption

The load analysis tool will assist you in analysing your load and calculating energy use. It lists power requirements (loads) of typical lights and appliances used in the various rooms of your house.

Appliances usually have a nameplate or sticker on the back, which has power consumption information. Correct power ratings (in watts) should be obtained from the nameplates or manufacturer’s literature, or by contacting the manufacturer.

The total energy consumed per day is calculated by multiplying the rating of the appliances by the number of hours that they are used. It is measured in watt-hours per day.


  1. Add ALL the appliances that you plan to power with this renewable energy system.
  2. If you are using a stand alone or off grid power system, tick all the AC appliances that will be used simultaneously.
  3. Choose whether you wish to use a generator to compensate for less sun in winter.
  4. If you get power from any additional sources enter them. eg, an alternator or wind turbine.
  5. Choose how many days of battery backup, and the battery depth of discharge you require.
  6. Click the "See Results" button located near the bottom of the page.
    Tip: 24 hours = 1440 mins, 12 hours = 720 mins, etc

Step 1: Add your appliances

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Add an appliance
Time (mins):

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Optional Settings

Additional energy sources

Step 3: Generator

For home systems, we recommend that you have a generator as backup. Do you also wish to use a generator to compensate for less sun in winter?

TIP: Choose NO if you do not wish to use a generator. Choosing YES will mean you will use fewer solar panels, and will result in an lower up-front cost. Of course, generator running costs will eventually out-weigh the benefits of a cheaper up-front cost.

Step 4: Additional Energy Sources

Please enter the total number of kWh that is contributed by any additional sources (excluding the generator and battery charger). Eg. an alternator, micro-hydro, fuel cell or wind turbine. Leave it blank if you wish your system to be completely powered by solar power.

TIP: kWh = kilowatts × hours = (Watts × hours) ÷ 1000 = (Volts × Amps × hours) ÷ 1000

Step 5: Battery backup

The default values for number of days of autonomy and depth of discharge are standard, only change them if you understand what you are doing..

Choose number of days of autonomy: (Number of consecutive days of battery backup)

Choose % depth of battery discharge:

Step 6: Results & Recommendations

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Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS)

Solar Irradiation Information

Your location: / Sydney, NSW, Australia
Using data from Sydney weather station
Min. solar irradiation per day / 2.36 kWh / m2
Average solar irradiation per day / 4.54 kWh / m2
Max. solar irradiation per day / 6.72 kWh / m2


Energy usage (per day) / 192 kWh
Maximum (Peak) load / 16000 W
Power from other sources (wind, hydro, etc) / 0 Ah a day at 48 V

Solar System

System voltage / 48 V
Current required (factoring loss) / 4494 Ah at 48 V
Solar Panels / 532 × Suntech 130Watt 12Volt Poly-crystalline Solar Panel
Solar Charge Controller / 25 × Plasmatronics 40A Multi-voltage Solar charge controller
Inverter / 5 × Latronics Sinewave Inverter 3500Watt 48Volt
Days of battery backup / 10 days
Battery depth of discharge / 50 %
Battery bank required (factoring loss) / 89887 Ah
We can not recommend a suitable battery bank, please Contact for help designing this system.

Generator and Battery Charger

We can not recommend a suitable generator. Please Contact for more information about designing this system.

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NOTE: Information above is based on your inputs and is a a guide as to the renewable energy equipment required. Please consult an representative for more detailed information.

Additional notes about your application:

Thank you

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this quotation form, it will help to process your quote in an efficient and personalised manner.

Now that you have completed this form please attach any available photographs, site plans, etc you feel will help us process your quotation. Where applicable please mark your proposed position of the turbine(s) and solar system(s).

Please save and return the completed form and other documentation either by email or post.


If the relevant information has been provided we should be able to provide a quotation within one week of receipt of the completed form. We may need to contact you to confirm any details you have been unable to provide and perhaps arrange a site visit, in which case it could take a little longer.We look forward to working with you in the future.


Need help designing your system? Contact Us!

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