Mid-term Evaluation Report on
EQUAL Community Initiative Implementation
in the SlovakRepublic
Executive Summary
January 31, 2007
This Evaluation Report is concerned with the progress in implementation of EQUAL Community Initiative by January 31, 2007. The essential sources of information were programme documents, projects and information from the CI EQUAL Managing Authority and CI EQUAL National Support Structure.
Moreover, this information was amended by on-the-spot controls of 20 projects implemented in the frame of CI EQUAL as well as by interviews with employees of CI EQUAL Managing Authority and CI EQUAL National Support Structure.
Historical context
Support and strengthening of development of less developed regions or those most affected by structural changes is among the priorities of the Slovak Government’s regional policy.
The National Development Plan is a basic programming document for implementation of structural and regional policy of SR for the period 2004-2006. It provides a complex overview on the current situation of regions in the SlovakRepublic and barriers to their development. It defines development priorities and the means of their achievement. It includes objectives, strategy and underlying financial and implementation framework. It also contains characteristics of elaborated sectoral operational programmes and Operational programme Basic Infrastructure as well as characteristics of other programming document with allocated financial aid from the European Union.
The European EQUAL Community Initiative, operating within the framework of European Employment Strategy forms one of Community’s initiatives focusing on elimination and alleviation of all forms of discrimination and inequality on the labour market. Moreover, it provides the opportunity for development, verification and application of new integrated approaches, the results of which are to be incorporated into employment and inclusion policy formation of the SlovakRepublic. As part of this Initiative, all Member States have agreed on common thematic fields, on which they wish to cooperate, and to learn from one another. Total allocation for the Slovak republic 2004-2006 co-financed from ESF is 22266351 EUR.
The strategic goal for the EQUAL Community Initiative in Slovakia is to enhance efficiency of the tools, methods and procedures for addressing the challenges in the field of discrimination and inequalities at labour market through searching for innovative solutions of their operation.
Within the global goal for the EQUAL Community Initiative, specific objectives representing targets of particular measures selected have been identified below:
Reduced unemployment of marginal groups and promoting their integration in the labour market.
Enhanced conditions for minorities for seeking for the opportunities to find a job at labour market
Strengthening the role of the NGO sector in the field of provision of public services
Support the establishment of an environment which motivates the HR development
Strengthening the equal principle regarding opportunities within the labour market
Assistance provision to asylum-seekers in their social and vocational integration
Ensuring conditions for a successful implementation of the EQUAL Community Initiative in Slovakia
Current state
Financial progress
Following tables show current state of the financial progress in EQUAL Community Initiative implementation:
Programme Document / Allocated Funds SF+SBin SKK / Volume of Selected Applications
in SKK / Volume of Selected Applications
in % / Volume of Contracted Funds
in SKK / Volume of Contracted Funds
in % / Volume of Funds Paid Out
in SKK / Volume of Funds
Paid Out
in %
EQUAL Measures / 1 205 054 903 / 1 202 540 970 / 99.79 / 1198540 970 / 99.46 / 204551136,77 / 17
EQUAL Technical Assistance / 104 787 390 / 104 787 390 / 100.00 / 2 873 763 / 2.74 / 20830371,94 / 19
EQUAL total / 1 309 842 293 / 1 307 328 360 / 99.81 / 1201414 733 / 91.72 / 225381508,71 / 17,2
The total EQUAL Community Initiative allocation from the Structural Funds and from the State Budget is SKK 1309842293. Thereof there is SKK 1205054903 allocated for measures and SKK 104787390 for technical assistance.
The total volume of applications approved within the EQUAL Community Initiative is SKK 1 307 328360, which is 99.81 % out of the total allocation. Thereof there are applications approved in the total of SKK 1202540970, which is 99.70 % out of the funds allocated for measures. There are SKK 104787390 approved for technical assistance, which is 100 % out of the funds allocated for technical assistance.
The total volume of funds contracted (signed contracts) within the EQUAL Community Initiative is SKK 1201414 733, which is 91.72 % out of the total allocation. Thereof there are contracts with final beneficiaries in the total of SKK 1198540 970, which is 99.46 % out of the funds allocated for measures. There are SKK 2873763 contracted for technical assistance, which is 2.74 % out of the funds allocated for technical assistance.
The total volume of funds paid out in line with signed contracts is SKK 225381508.71 which is 17.2 % out of the total allocation. There were SKK 204 551136.77 made within measures (17% of the allocation). There were SKK 20 830371.94 paid out to technical assistance (17% of the allocation).
Programme Document / Allocated Funds SF+SBin SKK / Number of Submitted Applications / Volume of Submitted Applications
in SKK / Number of Selected Applications / Volume of Selected Applications
in SKK / Number of Signed Contracts / Volume of Signed Contracts
in SKK
EQUAL Measures / 1 205 054 903 / 161 / 3 114 626 616 / 101 / 1 202 540 970 / 100 / 1198540 970
EQUAL Technical Assistance / 104 787 390 / 4 / 104 787 390 / 4 / 104 787 390 / 4 / 2 873 763
EQUAL total / 1 309 842 293 / 165 / 3 219 414 006 / 105 / 1 307 328 360 / 104 / 1201414 733
The total number of applications submitted under the EQUAL Community Initiative is 165 in the total volume of SKK 3219414006. Thereof there were 161 proposals applying for SKK 3114626616 from the allocation for measures and 4 technical assistance proposals in the total volume of SKK 104787390.
There were 105 project proposals approved in the total volume of SKK 1307328360. Thereof there were 101 projects in the total of SKK 1307328360 approved under measures and 4 proposals in the total of SKK 104787390 approved under technical assistance.
There were 104 contracts signed (3 applicants backed out of their proposals) in the total volume of SKK 1201414733. Thereof there were 98 contracts (3 applicants backed out of their proposals) signed with applicants for the support from measures in the total volume of SKK 1198540970 and 4 contracts in the total volume of SKK 2873763 signed with technical assistance.
Physical progress
Following table shows current state of the physical progress in EQUAL Community Initiative implementation:
Call for proposals / Deadline for submitting proposals / Assessment of the proposals by Evaluation Committee / Evaluation confirmed by Minister’s signature / Preparation phaseAction 1 / Implementation phase
Action 2
24.5.2005 / 15.10.2004 / 15.11. – 26.11.2004
22.11. – 3.12.2004 / 22.12.2004 / January – July 2005 / since July 2005
The assessment of project implementation and of the activities’ quality based on the quality of outcomes is highly satisfactory. On the basis of on-the-spot controls of 20 projects implemented in the frame of CI EQUAL it can be stated that the projects are very good and sustainable, implementation is running well and the programme is useful for both Final Beneficiaries and target groups (see annexes: monitoring reports and photo documentation of selected outcomes). Most of the projects are innovative; they introduce new education methods and business models supporting social network.Administration of the projects is rather complicated. However, Managing Authority is trying to simplify administrative procedures and to improve communication with Final Beneficiaries.
We appreciate the implementation of National Mainstreaming Strategy. Regular meetings are very useful for identification of outcomes, clarification of innovative components and making available experiences and results of development partnerships.
During the year 2006 Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SlovakRepublic (MLSAaF SR) significantly improved the process of CI EQUAL implementation. In particular we appreciate the efforts to improve communication with Final Beneficiaries and correction of many insufficiencies dated back to the initial period of CI EQUAL programming and launching. An important contribution to successful implementation of CI EQUAL was introduction of preliminary payment financing. We appreciate the work of , CI EQUAL Managing Authority, CI EQUAL National Support Structure and the implementation of National Mainstreaming Strategy. Moreover, we highly appreciate positive, transparent and open approach of MLSAaF SR to the team of experts who drafted this evaluation report.
Relevance towards identified problems or needs
As a part of mid-term evaluation the team of independent experts conducted on-the-spot controls of 20 projects implemented in the frame of CI EQUAL all around Slovakia.Based on the quality of outcomes we consider these projects as well as the whole CI EQUAL for relevant and appropriate towards identified problems and needs.
Efficiency of the input/outcome process
Financial progress by January19, 2007 is positive. By this date, there were 204551137 SKKdrawn (i.e. 17 % of the allocation for measures). There were another 225381508,71 SKKtransferred to Final Beneficiaries in the form of preliminary payments. Total paid out was 429932645,71 SKK. Estimated drawing of total allocation is 75-80 %. Despite the fact that the allocation will not be fully drawn programme goals will be achieved which indicates a high efficiency of the input/outcome process.
Efficiency of achieving benefits to target group
Despite demanding administration most of the projects are implemented in line with time schedule and in required quality; above all it is thank to exceptional efforts and personal involvement of Final Beneficiaries who had to work many extra hours and use private financial sources to overcome delayed payments. On the other hand, overloaded employees of CI EQUAL Managing Authority and CI EQUAL National Support Structure succeeded in solving many problems under time stress. Efficiency of achieving benefits to target group is therefore positive.
Impact of results on the problem
The first outcomes and results of projects co-financed under CI EQUAL in Slovakia are mostly very good. Therefore in this phase of implementation process the expected impacts of results on the problem seem to be positive.
Permanent sustainability of results
Experimental nature of CI EQUAL does not imply the permanent sustainability of all approved projects. Therefore it is assumed that not all projects will be permanent sustainable.
Possible risks
2007 will be the crucial year for success of CI EQUAL implementation. In case there will be no corrective measures taken (strengthening the team of Managing Authority and further improvement of administrative procedures) there is a real danger of less successful programme implementation resulting into negative assessment in the future.
By January31, 2007, the implementation of CI EQUAL in Slovakia is SATISFACTORY[1].
- Crucial problem that still has not been solved since the very beginning of CI EQUAL implementation is Managing Authority’s staffing. It is necessary to strengthen and to stabilise the team of Managing Authority as well as to keep the continuity of management. Personnel measures will have a direct influence on all other problems. Therefore is should be recognized as a priority.
- Effective communication and co-operation between CI EQUAL Managing Authority and CI EQUAL National Support Structure is very important for the implementation process. In order to avoid misunderstandings we recommend to divide and to specify more in detail their responsibilities and competences. Clarification of competences will contribute to the reduction of administrative requirements, improvement of communication with Final Beneficiaries and consequently better image of Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SlovakRepublic.
- Independent experts who conductedon-the-spot controls of 20 projects implemented in the frame of CI EQUAL all around Slovakia found out that Mr. Ladislav Hankes, ex-director of CI EQUAL who was in power when projects were approved, is working as an expert in the project of NGO Diligent. Monitoring team considers it for conflict of interests. We recommend to check personal relationships of former Managing Authority employees and Steering Committee members to approved projects. If any doubt occurs Managing Authority should carry out an in-depth control and adopt adequate measures.
- With regard to approaching final phase of project implementation it is necessary to take actions increasing drawing of allocated funds (however, all quality and administrative requirements must be met). Managing Authority should approve (or even initiate) Final Beneficiaries’ requests for extension of project implementation. We also recommend to organize a meeting with all Final Beneficiaries concerning the final phase of project implementation.
- At the end of project implementation we suggest to carry out on-the-spot controls of all projects focused on the content and quality of project outcomes and results including international co-operation. Monitoring should be conducted by experts in project-related fields. Its outcome could be an assessment of CI EQUAL benefitsto Slovakia, possibly also Best Practices publication. This project could be financed under Technical Assistance.
- Big challenge for Managing Authority will be making the best of National Mainstreaming Strategy results and their transformation into the legislation and practice. We recommend to create a special team of experts and representatives of political parties who’s task would be to strengthen the real impacts of CI EQUAL.
- Consider more effective using of information technologies in the implementation and administration process. User friendly procedures would save a lot of time of both Final Beneficiaries and Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family employees. In particular, we recommend to use all sheets in MS Excel (including Monitoring Reports), to enable on-line following of Payment Request processing, and possibly filling in Monitoring reports on-line.
- Lay more emphasis on drawing of the allocation for technical assistance. The purpose of technical assistance is to transfer know-how from external experts and to unload employees of Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family. As a result of low technical assistance drawing relevant employees are overloaded and facing difficulties in meeting deadlines.
- Employees of Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family didn’t completetraining on project cycle management with emphasis on monitoring and evaluation which could have made their work more effective. We suggest to use remaining technical assistance funds for organisation of such training.
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[1] Evaluation scale: HS-Highly Satisfactory, S-Satisfactory, U-Unsatisfactory, HU-Highly Unsatisfactory