Feature A
1a / Read the text and find answers to the following questions. Lue teksti ja vastaa seuraaviin kysymyksiin. (1.1.1)The History of the Automobile
The word “automobile” comes from French automobile, which is a combination of the Greek word autós, which means “self”, and the Latin word mobilis, which means “movable”. Therefore an automobile means something that moves by itself.
Why do we talk about “cars” then? A car was originally any wheeled vehicle powered by animals, that is, drawn by a horse or a bull. Trains also have cars: they are the units where people sit in. Train cars are drawn by locomotives. The modern car is not drawn by anything, but driven by a motor, or an engine.
The first automobile was a steam-powered toy. It was built by Fernand Verbiest around 1672 as a gift for the Chinese Emperor. About a hundred years later Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot experimented by building a full-sized steam-driven artillery tractor, but it did not work well enough to become popular. It was in 1784 that an Englishman William Murdoch introduced a functioning steam carriage, and in 1789 the first automobile patent in the United States was granted to Oliver Evans.
The steam-run automobile was quickly developed with hand brakes, transmission and better steering, but as always, people were scared of new things. In 1865 the Locomotive Act was passed. It required that if you wanted to drive an automobile on a public road in the United Kingdom, you had to have someone walk in front of the car while waving a red flag and blowing a horn. Not very cool, is it? The law was repealed in 1896.
Meanwhile, outside of Great Britain, the development of the automobile continued. The steam engine was not very effective, so better alternatives were sought. The four-stroke petrol internal combustion engine was created by Nikolaus Otto in 1860s, and the four-stroke diesel engine by Rudolph Diesel in 1890s. However, it was the German Karl Benz who is regarded as the inventor of the internal combustion engine for the automobile (patent granted in 1879) and thus the inventor of the modern car (German patent granted in 1886).
1. Mitä automobiili tarkoittaa? a) automobile b) itsestään liikkuva c) joku, mikä liikuttaa
2. Mikä on ”a car”? a) vaunu b) juna c) eläimistä muodostettu jono
3. Minä vuonna ensimmäinen kunnolla toimiva auto esiteltiin? a) 1672 b) 1784 c) 1789
4. Minkälaisia parannuksia höyryautoon kehiteltiin? a) vaihdelaatikko b) vilkut c) äänitorvi
5. Kuka kehitti ensimmäisen nelitahtisen bensamoottorin? a) Benz b) Otto c) Diesel
Feature A
1b / Read the text and find answers to the following questions. Lue teksti ja vastaa seuraaviin kysymyksiin. (1.1.2)Albert Zweinstein Member since 2014
Car Shaking in idle/drive?
Hello! I am hoping someone here can perhaps point me in the right direction. There is a bit of history though... I bought a 2010 Fusion used with 70K miles in 12/13. Starting in 7/14 it's been a huge problem. Simple issues that were fixed quickly but as of late it's becoming a much bigger safety concern.
It started with the car shaking and the engine light on. Mind you I kept up with the maintenance since I have had the car. Dealer said it was first a bolt in the 6th cylinder. Took them 4 days to fix, and when I got it back it broke down an hour later. Took it back the next morning, they said it was 2 bad motor mounts and it was backfiring in the 2nd cylinder. They ended up fixing the 2nd cylinder (I can't remember what was wrong) and let me come get it. An hour later, on the side of the road. Take it back and they say it's all 6 spark plugs are burnt out. I agree to let them replace those and the motor mounts and I got it back a few days later. Light is off but the car is still shaking. It feels like it is cutting out. Mostly in idle but sometimes when its driving. You can feel it in the steering wheel and seat and I just don't know what else it could be. In July of 14 I had to have the whole cooling system re done. This work is all done at a dealer. It isn't due for an oil change quite yet. The only service they recommended that I didn't do was the power steering flush and brake flush. Could this cause the shaking?
Ideas? I also plan to take it to get the fuel injectors cleaned as well this weekend.
1. Milloin kysyjä osti autonsa?
2. Mitkä olivat ensimmäiset merkit viasta?
3. Mitä korjaamossa tehtiin ensin?
4. Mitä tapahtui kuudelle sytytystulpalle?
5. Missä tärinä tuntuu?
6. Mitä on suomeksi a) break down b) replace c) recommend?
Feature A
2a / Study the below questions and find answers to them on the internet. Lue alla olevat kysymykset ja etsi niihin vastaukset internetistä. (1.2.1)Etsi autokorjaamo tai autoliike a) Australiasta, b) Iso-Britanniasta, c) Intiasta, d) Kanadasta ja e) Yhdysvalloista.
Kirjoita ylös jokaisesta yrityksestä 1) nimi, 2) kotisivun osoite, 3) minkä merkkien edustus yrityksellä on, sekä 4) aukioloajat tai toivottu yhteydenottotapa.
2b / Study the below questions and find answers to them on the internet. Lue alla olevat kysymykset ja etsi niihin vastaukset internetistä. (1.2.2)Etsi YouTubesta viisi autoalaan liittyvää englanninkielistä videota, jotka ovat mielestäsi hyödyllisiä.
Kirjaa ylös jokaisesta videosta 1) nimi ja osoite, 2) sisältö lyhyesti sekä 3) miksi se on mielestäsi hyödyllinen.
3a / Make a short presentation (PowerPoint or poster) on the basic materials and tools needed in your work. Introduce 5 to 10 different materials or tools and explain their use with a minimum of five sentences each. Include pictures! (1.3.1)3b / Make a short presentation (PowerPoint or poster) on the basic processes or tasks in your work. Introduce 5 to 10 different processes and explain them with a minimum of five sentences each. Include pictures! (1.3.2)
Feature B
1a / Read the text and find answers for Pera.Lue teksti ja vastaa Peralle. (2.1.1)
Winter Car Check – 7 things to do
As the days get shorter and the weather turns cold and wet, it’s not just us humans that feel the urge to find warmth and security – cars can struggle too. They need a little care and attention to make sure they will survive the dark months ahead.
The weather experts have told us there’s no returning to the good old times, when summers were warm and sunny and winters were cold and the land covered in snow. Extreme conditions are more and more common and they could surprise you at any time – so make sure your vehicle is ready.
Performing a pre-winter check is simple and doesn’t cost much.
Here are 7 simple checks that the AA advise you should make in order to be sure that your car can face this winter.
Feature B
1b / Read the text and find answers for Pera.Lue teksti ja vastaa Peralle. (2.1.2)
1. Make sure you check your car’s coolant level regularly and, if required, top-up with a mixture of the correct type of antifreeze.
2. Battery failure is the most common cause of winter breakdowns, so make sure yours is up to the job.
3. Make sure all your headlights and indicators are working properly and ensure you keep spare bulbs in the car in case of emergencies.
4. You need specially designed winter tyres for improved safety if you live in an area that is prone to bad weather. There must be at least 3mm of tread on your tyres if you plan to stay on the icy roads.
5. Check your wiper blades as they are bound to get plenty of use. Also, make sure you check for any chips and cracks on the windscreen, as during cold weather these can get worse.
6. The grit that is often used to keep roads from freezing will also make your windscreen need constant cleaning on long journeys. Make sure your reservoir is topped up regularly with a 50% mix of a good quality screen wash and clean water.
7. Believe it or not, some people actually fail to get into their cars during extreme winter weather. To stop doors freezing shut, use a thin coat of polish or Vaseline on rubber door seals. A squirt of WD-40 in the locks will also help to stop them freezing.
Feature B
2a / Read the text and find answers for Pera.Lue teksti ja vastaa Peralle. (2.2.1)
Winter Car Check – 7 things to do
As the days get shorter and the weather turns cold and wet, it’s not just us humans that feel the urge to find warmth and security – cars can struggle too. They need a little care and attention to make sure they will survive the dark months ahead.
The weather experts have told us there’s no returning to the good old times, when summers were warm and sunny and winters were cold and the land covered in snow. Extreme conditions are more and more common and they could surprise you at any time – so make sure your vehicle is ready.
Performing a pre-winter check is simple and doesn’t cost much.
Here are 7 simple checks that the AA advise you should make in order to be sure that your car can face this winter.
Feature B
2b / Read the text and find answers for Pera.Lue teksti ja vastaa Peralle. (2.2.2)
1. Make sure you check your car’s coolant level regularly and, if required, top-up with a mixture of the correct type of antifreeze.
2. Battery failure is the most common cause of winter breakdowns, so make sure yours is up to the job.
3. Make sure all your headlights and indicators are working properly and ensure you keep spare bulbs in the car in case of emergencies.
4. You need specially designed winter tyres for improved safety if you live in an area that is prone to bad weather. There must be at least 3mm of tread on your tyres if you plan to stay on the icy roads.
5. Check your wiper blades as they are bound to get plenty of use. Also, make sure you check for any chips and cracks on the windscreen, as during cold weather these can get worse.
6. The grit that is often used to keep roads from freezing will also make your windscreen need constant cleaning on long journeys. Make sure your reservoir is topped up regularly with a 50% mix of a good quality screen wash and clean water.
7. Believe it or not, some people actually fail to get into their cars during extreme winter weather. To stop doors freezing shut, use a thin coat of polish or Vaseline on rubber door seals. A squirt of WD-40 in the locks will also help to stop them freezing.
Feature B
3a / Read the text and find answers to the following questions. Lue teksti ja vastaa seuraaviin kysymyksiin. (2.3.1)Winter Car Check – 7 things to do
As the days get shorter and the weather turns cold and wet, it’s not just us humans that feel the urge to find warmth and security – cars can struggle too. They need a little care and attention to make sure they will survive the dark months ahead.
The weather experts have told us there’s no returning to the good old times, when summers were warm and sunny and winters were cold and the land covered in snow. Extreme conditions are more and more common and they could surprise you at any time – so make sure your vehicle is ready.
Performing a pre-winter check is simple and doesn’t cost much.
Here are 7 simple checks that the AA advise you should make in order to be sure that your car can face this winter.
1. Describe in one sentence, in your own words, what this text is about.
2. This text mentions that winter weather has changed for good. How?
3. From the text, choose five words that are new / important / interesting to you. List the words and try to explain them in your own words in English.
Feature B
3b / Read the text and find answers to the following questions. Lue teksti ja vastaa seuraaviin kysymyksiin. (2.3.2)1. Make sure you check your car’s coolant level regularly and, if required, top-up with a mixture of the correct type of antifreeze.
2. Battery failure is the most common cause of winter breakdowns, so make sure yours is up to the job.
3. Make sure all your headlights and indicators are working properly and ensure you keep spare bulbs in the car in case of emergencies.
4. You need specially designed winter tyres for improved safety if you live in an area that is prone to bad weather. There must be at least 3mm of tread on your tyres if you plan to stay on the icy roads.
5. Check your wiper blades as they are bound to get plenty of use. Also, make sure you check for any chips and cracks on the windscreen, as during cold weather these can get worse.