A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the above corporation was held on May 21, 2010 at Comcast Media Center.
I. QUORUM. A quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following Directors:
Peggy King
Kathy Robb
John Peterson
Ron Bich
Barbara Lewis
Also in attendance:
Heidi Kuhn
The following corporate actions were taken by appropriate motions duly made, seconded, and adopted by the majority vote of the Directors entitled to vote (unless a higher voting approval is stated).
A. Report by Peggy King.
Peggy King reported that she attended Collaborate and took part in the user group meeting. Even though it was lightly attended, she did get some good contacts like Nicole Scott and Mary Lou Davenport, the Oracle counterpart to Jane Smit. There will be a BI Tech Day near the August QEW that Jane Smit would like to work with us on. There will also be a Java Bus Tour later in the summer and hopefully they will have a stop in Denver.
Peggy also reported that emails sent on the announcement list server need to be centered on our meeting information, other user group information and other technical partner events where RMOUG members get a significant discount. Marketing for seminars needs to go through the events calendar and possibly the miscellaneous list server. For the list server, Heidi will ask non-members to consider a membership rather than just automatically forward information.
Peggy also reported that Pat Van Burkirk hopes to get the next Newsletter out in June. She needs a Board Volunteer to write a Spotlight column for the newsletter. Carolyn Fryc agreed to submit a column.
B. Report by Barbara Lewis.
Barbara Lewis reported that the ISACA/RMOUG meeting was a joint effort that went well with 75-80 people in attendance, of which about 20 were RMOUG members. Arisant sponsored the event.
Barbara also reported that all the remaining Training Days 2010 bags were distributed at the Auraria Spring Fling.
Barbara also reported that the Fire Marshall came to the May Meetup Lab at Regis University and told the group we could not have so many people in the room. Barbara felt that we should probably cut off registration at 23 people in the future unless Regis can make arrangements for another lab or more space. Tim Gorman has agreed to do the next lab on July 8th pending finalization with Regis University. Requests were made for more in-depth hands-on part of the lab. Heidi will send out an announcement to the list server.
C. Report by Ron Bich.
Ron Bich reported that right now it looks like there is a profit for Training Days 2010, but we are still waiting on final numbers. The Board felt that once numbers are finalized, the profits can be put into the scholarship fund.
A. The following motion to accept the list of candidates and vote by acclimation was approved by a majority vote of the Directors.
Nominees: Ron Bic,h, Brad Blake,Carolyn Fryc, Tim Gorman, Tom Green, Peggy King, Allison Leech,Barbara Lewis,John Peterson, Pat Van Buskirk
IV. NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on June 8, 2010 at 6:00 at Corporate Center Offices.
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Bill Schwartzkopf