Scope of work for 2014 / 2015


1.  It is agreed that Contractor will furnish all labor, material and equipment required to effect snow plowing and removal at the premises. Such premises shall include the entire parking lot, all sidewalks and drives, and all interior courtyard sidewalks including the areas around the CARMIKE movie theater.

2.  Service by Contractor shall be performed when the, accumulation of snow exceeds 2" or more. The spreading of salt at the other times to be performed with owner's prior approval. Contractor shall use a spreading mix similar in type to that used by the Department of Transportation. Handicapped parking areas will be given special consideration - no snow to be piled in these areas.

3.  As snow is plowed, it shall be pushed in piles on the lot or off the edges of pavement so that it does not restrict traffic flow. After all the snow has been removed, the piles will be relocated to a central pile as directed by the Jefferson Pointe management. No payment shall be made for snow hauled from the Jefferson Pointe parking lot without Owner's Agent previous written authorization.

4.  Plowing must be done before or after business hours (10:00 PM to 9:00 AM) unless time of snowfall does not allow this. It is critical that all snow and ice be removed from the interior courtyard sidewalks and tenant storefronts by 9:00 AM unless time of snowfall does not allow.

5.  The 2014 / 2015 will be a seasonal, lump sum contract. The formula for basing the seasonal price is as follows;

The contractor will be responsible for the first 30” of removed snow as measured by Ft Wayne International Airport weather station reports. This means if the is 2” or less of snow that is SALTED and NOT REMOVED; the accumulation will not accrue in the 30” total.

As a part of the 30” accumulation total, if the final REMOVED snow event takes the aggregate total past the 30” amount, there will no charge for the excess portion of snow for that final REMOVAL event. This means if the snowfall event surpasses the 30” snowfall aggregate to, for example 32”, then the 32” is included in the 30” REMOVED total.

As a line item, the contractor will provide 2000, 50 lb. bags of sidewalk salt (salt to be sod, plant and concrete friendly and effective to -15 below zero). The cost to Jefferson Pointe will be included in the seasonal bid total but will also be listed as a separate amount. This amount may be removed for the total bid if Jefferson Pointe elects to supply the bag salt for your distribution. If selected for owner supplied bag salt, salt will be delivered to the salt room for contractor at no charge to the contractor.

Contractor to provide 225 tons of parking lot salt, as needed.

Contractor to provide to the owner’s representative, all invoices for salt purchases for Jefferson Pointe.

The contractors invoice to IMI Jefferson Pointe LLC is to show a complete breakdown of charges (labor, bag salt, parking lot salt used, equipment, etc.)

The contract will run from November 1, 2014 – April 1, 2015. Contractor will be paid in 6 equal payments starting the with the November 1st, 2014 invoice.

6.  Should the contractor exceed the Seasonal 30” REMOVED snowfall, the rate for snow removal service shall be stipulated using the following contractor submitted schedule: Exhibit “A”, rates shall be for equipment, materials and labor. Contractor rates may not change for the duration of the 2014 -2015 contract. No fuel surcharges or adjustments will be accepted for the contract period.

A.  Snow removal hourly rates will include:

1.  Specify type of equipment with operator

2.  Specify laborer’s cost per hour

3.  Hourly rates include only time worked on site and not portal to portal transportation.

B.  No additional charges will apply to salt application until the 225 ton of bulk salt and the 2000 bags of 50 lb. -15 degree salt has been applied, respectively. Bulk salt will be applied by the dump with salt spreader

rate and the bag salt will be applied at the Kubota spreader rate.

C.  No increase in cost of additional bulk or bag salt will be allowed unless a cost increase of 10% or greater from the first season purchase and contractor had provided actual cost from supplier at the time of bid submission and provided required supplier invoices for each purchase thru the 2014 -2015 season.

7.  Contractor and Owner's Agent representative shall inspect the premises prior to the start of the snow removal season to determine the condition of the lot and related appurtenances, (i.e. bumper blocks, curbing, landscaping, signage, etc.) It is agreed that the lot and its appearance are in good condition. Contractor shall advise the Owner's Agent of exceptions prior to starting any work

8.  Pursuant to contract, Contractor shall use reasonable care and its best efforts in performing services pursuant to this contract and shall be responsible for any damage caused to the pavement' surface, poles, signs, bumper blocks, fire hydrants, sidewalks, landscaping etc. Landlord may cure damage caused by Contractor and reimburse self by withholding from payments due under this contract. Contractor may install marking pins if desired.

9.  Contractor shall go to the owners RCP website to pre-qualify . Instructions on how to do so are attached. Contractor must submit all RCP, NTRCP paperwork with their bid. These forms can be found on the owner’s website and should be filled out and printed at the time the contractor registers.

10.  A copy of the Insurance requirements is attached.

11.  A refundable $5000.00 damage deposit, made payable to, IMI Jefferson Pointe LLC is required.

12.  Jefferson Pointe and Apple Glen Blvd to be billed separately

All contractors must comply with IMI Jefferson Pointe’s LLC’s insurance requirements and name IMI Jefferson Pointe LLC as additional insured.

Standard Insurance Requirements - Contractors

Contractor shall obtain, pay for and maintain in force at all times during the performance of work the following policies of insurance, each of which shall name

IMI Jeffeson Pointe, LLC and UCR Asset Services are named as additional insureds as respects General Liability, Auto Liability and Umbrella Liability as additional insured and shall be issued by an insurance company having an A.M. Best Rating of AVI or better and admitted in every state where work is to be performed under the contract.

(1) Comprehensive (Commercial) General Liability, including independent contractors and a broad form comprehensive general liability extension endorsement with a combined single limit for both bodily injury and property damage of at lease $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate;

(2) Automobile Liability (including coverage for owned, leased, used, hired or borrowed vehicles) with a combined single limit for both bodily injury and property damage of at least $2,000,000 per occurrence; and

(3) Statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance with employers liability limits as designated by state requirements, but not less than $100,000 (by accident)/$100,000 (per employee), and $100,000 (per disease), and

(4) Professional Liability with a limit of at least $2,000,000.

All insurance policies must contain language requiring insurer to provide UCR Asset Services with a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation, non-renewal or material change of the policy.

A Certificate of Insurance should be provided, evidencing such coverage, specifying that name IMI JEFFERSON POINTE ,LLC and UCR Asset Services have been added as an additional insured and stating that the policy has been amended to provide the thirty (30) days advance notice. If Contractor fails to furnish any insurance certificate, UCR Asset Services is authorized to purchase the required insurance and, in addition to any other remedies which UCR Asset Services may have at law or in equity, may deduct the cost thereof (together with reasonable charges for obtaining said Insurance) from any sums due, or to become due, to Contractor.

Please, answer additional NTRCP clarification questions. This document is required for bid submission in addition to the RCP worksheet in the full package.

1)  Do your employees have paid vacation and sick days? ______
a.)  How many days per year? ______
b.)  What is the required time on the job to be eligible for Vacation and sick days?
2)  Do your employees have health insurance available? ______
a.)  What per cent of cost is paid by employer? ______
b.)  Is health insurance available for employee’s family? ______
c.)  What per cent of cost is paid by employer? ______
3.) Do your employees have a 401K available? ______
a.) What are the time restrictions for participation in a 401K plan? ______
b.) Does the contractor contribute to the employees 401K? ______
c.) how long is required for vestment? ______
4.) What per cent is your work force full time? ______
a.) With benefits? ______
b.) Without benefits? ______
5.) What do you believe is the market pay rate for a full time construction employee here? ______
a.) What is the average pay rate for your full time construction employees? ______
6.) Do you know of market benefits for full time construction employees in this area? ______
a.) Employer paid health care? ______
b.) Paid vacation? ______
c.) Number of sick days? ______
d.) 401K with employer contributions? ______
Exhibit “A” 2014 /2015 snow year
Hourly rate
Skid steer Loader & bucket or 6' blade / ______
Skid Steer Loader w/ 12' Power Angle Blade / ______
5 CY Loader / ______
4.5 CY Loader / ______
4 CY Loader / ______
3 CY Loader w/ 22'Power Angle Blade / ______
Grader / ______
Tri-axel Dump Truck / ______
Tandem Axel Dump Truck / ______
Dump Truck w/ blade / ______
Dump Truck w/ salt spreader / ______
Pick-up w/ Blade / ______
Snow blower including labor / ______
salt (Parking Lot) ton / ______
Salt ( Parking Lot / Magic Salt) / ______
Sand/ Salt per ton / ______
Ice melt (Sidewalks) bag salt / ______
Kubota with salt spreader / ______
Common labor / ______

2014 / 2015 Snow Removal

And Disposal

Bid due date Thursday, August 15, 2014, 5 PM

Today’s date ______

Contractor name ______

Address ______

Phone ______

Contact name ______

Email address ______


*INCLUDES Both Jefferson Pointe Shopping Center and Apple Glen Blvd.

Cost to Jefferson Pointe for 2000 bags of salt as included

As a line item of the full bid amount above ______


Do not include red areas in snow removal bid.