LSS PAC Meeting
HeldDecember 12, 2016 at Room 128 at LSS
In attendance: Julie Swift, Kim Yettaw, Laurie Bowick, Tara Dobby, Erika Peebles, Lisa Stephens, Michael Hylands, Tanya Young, Bob Andrews, Marcello Moino, Dawne Tomlinson
Meeting Called to order at 7:04pm by Julie Swift
Minutes Done by Kim Yettaw – PAC Secretary
Reviewed previous LSS PAC Meeting Minutes fromNovember 14, 2016
Motion to AcceptNovember 14, 2016 Minutes byTanya Young/Laurie BowickSecond/Motion Carried
Administration Report:
Dawne Tomlinson-Dawne showed an updated drawing of the new LSS rebuild. The dance studio will be starting renovation sometime Spring Break. Filming will take place Friday and will be presented at the Christmas assembly. Thank you for the $1200.00 worth of Superstore gift cards that were distributed to over 37 families. The Christmas Hampers are being put together. Dawne introduced Mr. Moinowho will be taking over as Principal in January.
President’s Report:
Julie Swift – nothing to report
Vice President’s Report:
Laurie Bowick- nothing to report
Secretary’s Report:
Kim Yettaw – nothing to report
DPAC Report:
Bob Andrews
Treasurer’s Report:
Tanya Young-Tanya sent emails to the teachers that requested items informing them they were getting what they asked for. They were all very appreciative and the PAC got many thank you’s.
Community Round Table committee
Nothing to report
Old Business:
Craft Fair was again very successful bringing in over $3400.00. It is being thought of having it as a 2 day event. The date for next year is booked for November 18, 2017. Thank you to everyone that helped make it a success.
New Business:
Mr. Marcello Moino gave a little history about himself. He is looking forward to being LSS new Principal and continuing to make LSS a great school.
Meeting Adjourned by Julie Swift at 7:50pm
Donald and Joslyn &
Other contacts:
Dawne Tomlinson –