DEMO UNLIMITED believes a safe workplace must be a prime consideration of all employees and jobsite personnel.

With this in mind, the following safety guidelines have been developed which all personnel will be expected to follow. Remember everyone benefits when a conscious effort is made to practice safety. Safe jobsites are a reflection of safety conscious employers and employees.


1.  Safety Policy Statement

2.  Safety Policy

3.  AWAIR Program Objectives

4.  Management Commitment and Employee Involvement

5.  Worksite Analysis

6.  Hazard Prevention and Control

7.  Safety and Health Training

8.  Minnesota Employee Right-To-Know Program

9.  Respiratory Protection Program


DEMO UNLIMITED is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment for all its employees. Regard for safety for the general public, our own employees, and our subcontractor employees, is of the utmost concern at all levels of our organization.

Safety does not occur by chance. It is the result of careful attention to all company operations. Employees at all levels must accept responsibility in complying with the company’s policies for maintaining safety and occupational health.

It is the responsibility of every member of management to make the safety and health of our employees their daily concern. Providing a safe place to work, the proper protective equipment, and a work environment conducive to safe work practices and policies is a primary and major concern to management.


DEMO UNLIMITED AWAIR program has been designed and is intended to reflect the company’s interest in the welfare and safety of all employees and any jobsite personnel, directly or indirectly, under company supervision.

Safety Policy

It is the policy of DEMO UNLIMITED to maintain on its construction projects, a working environment which is in compliance with the safety provisions of all applicable Federal, State, and Municipal laws relating to the work being performed, and with all applicable orders, rules, and regulations of Federal, State, Municipal officials, and agencies.


Each employee is responsible to themselves and to DEMO UNLIMITED for their own safety and for the safety of the other employees he or she may be working with. In addition, managers and supervisors are generally responsible for the safety of every individual under their direction or control. The performance of managers and supervisors in the areas of loss prevention and control will be evaluated on that basis.

Although safety is everyone’s concern, to assure itself that the objectives of the program are being fulfilled, DEMO UNLIMITED has specifically authorized one of its managers to coordinate and administer all aspects of the company’s AWAIR program separately from other aspects of the company’s operations. In this capacity, the Safety Director will report directly to the President of the company. The Safety Director has authorization to take any action necessary in order to implement the provisions to the AWAIR Program.

Implementation – Responsibility and Authority

The function of project administration and control rests with the Project Manager/ Superintendent or job foreman and his or her staff. As a result, the Project Manager/Superintendent or foreman has responsibility for assuring that all work on a project is conducted in accordance with the company’s AWAIR program. As the company officer specifically in charge of safety, the Safety Director will advise the company’s Project Manager/Superintendent and job foremen, as necessary, in their implementation of the company’s AWAIR program.

The independence and authority of the Safety Director as the Corporate Officer with specific responsibility for implementation of the company’s AWAIR program will be maintained separate and apart from the authority of the company’s Project Manager/Superintendent. In the event that project management personnel do not take timely and proper corrective action, or because the emergency nature of a specific activity precludes their being aware of the situation, the Safety Director will have authority to temporarily suspend an activity, procedure or condition that may expose any person, who is or may be at the project site, to serious injury or death.

Relationship With Other Contractors

Whenever, in the opinion of DEMO UNLIMITED, any of its subcontractors have not taken sufficient precaution for the safety of the public, or the protection of the work being constructed, or of adjacent structures or property; and, whenever, in the opinion of DEMO UNLIMITED, an emergency has arisen and immediate action is considered necessary; then DEMO UNLIMITED, with or without prior notice to its subcontractor, may provide suitable protection by causing work to be done or material to be furnished and placed. The subcontractor shall reimburse the company for the cost of such work and material. The performance of such emergency work shall not relieve the subcontractor of responsibility for any damage, which may occur.

Additionally, whenever DEMO UNLIMITED shall notify one of its subcontractors that any person on the worksite who demonstrated uncooperative or undesirable attitudes towards the implementation of DEMO UNLIMITED AWAIR program, knowingly or willfully violates standards, rules, or regulations which may create, cause, or expose himself or any individual(s) to injury, then such person shall be immediately removed from the site of the work and shall not be re-employed thereon except with the consent of DEMO UNLIMITED.

Any differences or conflicts that may arise between DEMO UNLIMITED, its subcontractors, and other contractors in regard to the compliance with DEMO UNLIMITED program, shall be resolved as determined by DEMO UNLIMITED Safety Director responsible for administering DEMO UNLIMITED AWAIR program.


Our objective for the AWAIR program is to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, to comply with Federal and State OSHA Safety and Health regulations, to provide a safe, healthy workplace, and to lower workers’ compensation costs. These objectives can be achieved by recognizing and managing our workplace hazards and increasing safety awareness for all our employees.

Our AWAIR program includes the following five main elements: management commitment and employee involvement, worksite analysis, accident and injury reporting, hazard prevention and control, and safety and health training.

Management Commitment and Employee Involvement

The elements of management commitment and employee involvement are complementary and form the core of our AWAIR program. Management commitment provides the motivating force and the resources for organizing and controlling activities within an organization. DEMO UNLIMITED regards worker safety and health as a fundamental value of the organization and applies its commitment to safety and health protection with as much vigor as to other organizational goals.

Employee involvement provides the means by which workers develop and/or express their own commitment to safety and health protection for themselves and for their fellow workers.

DEMO UNLIMITED AWAIR program includes, but is not limited to, the following:

·  State clearly a worksite policy on safe and healthful work and working conditions, so that all personnel with responsibility at the site (and personnel at other locations with responsibility for the site) fully understand the priority and importance of safety and health protection in the organization.

·  Establish and communicate a clear goal for the safety and health program and define objectives for meeting that goal so that all members of the organization understand the results desired and measures planned for achieving them.

·  Provide visible top management involvement in implementing the program so that all employees understand that management’s commitment is serious.

·  Arrange for and encourage employee involvement in the structure and operation of the program and in decisions that affect their safety and health so that they will commit their insight and energy to achieving the safety and health programs’ goal and objectives.

·  Assign and communicate responsibility for all aspects of the program so that managers, supervisors, and employees in all parts of the organization know what performance is expected of them.

·  Provide adequate authority and resources to responsible parties so that assigned responsibilities can be met.

·  Hold managers, supervisors, and employees accountable for meeting their responsibilities so that essential tasks will be performed.

·  Review program operations at least annually to evaluate their success in meeting the goals and objectives so that deficiencies can be identified and the program and/or the objectives can be revised when they do not meet the goal of effective safety and health protection.

·  To assure the success of the AWAIR program to promote a safe and healthy working environment; managers, supervisors, and employees must accept responsibility for implementing the AWAIR program.


Responsibility and commitment can be demonstrated by assigning safety responsibility to all employees. A safety coordinator shall be designated to administer the program. Additional responsibilities include:

·  Allocate resources - money, manpower, and material

·  Hold regular safety meetings

·  Establish a safety committee (if more than 25 employees)

·  Support safety efforts by setting a safe example and participating in safety activities

·  Discuss safety with employees during routine tours of project sites


The first line supervisor is the “core” of the safety program. Commitment and responsibility for implementation of the AWAIR program should include:

·  Positive safety attitude, understanding, communicating, and enforcing safety policies and procedures

·  Conducting safety training for employees

·  Participating in supervisory safety training

·  Evaluating hazards in the workplace by making safety inspections and participating in Job Hazard Analysis of high-risk jobs

·  Recognize good work habits; discipline employees for safety violations

·  Participating in accident investigations


As an employee, you may demonstrate your commitment to the AWAIR program by:

·  Participating in safety inspections

·  Attending safety training

·  Participating in safety committee activities

·  Following safety rules, keeping guards in place, and taking care of your equipment

·  Reporting injuries/accidents immediately

·  Making safety suggestions

·  Report unsafe conditions or unsafe acts using Safety Hazard Report (attachment)

·  Participate in Job Hazard Analysis

·  Cooperating with all aspects of the safety program

Management’s continued participation in the AWAIR program can be shown by establishing a written safety policy, evaluation of the safety program, and maintaining the existing program.

Safety program evaluation will be handled by an annual management audit of safety activities in areas of training, safety committees, accident investigations, hazard notification, and record keeping. Incidence will be evaluated annually to determine if program direction must be adjusted.

Demonstration of management commitment to safety can be achieved by listening to safety concerns and correcting safety hazards in a timely manner, evaluating work areas to identify high hazard jobs, conducting hazard analysis on these high hazard jobs, participating in safety activities, and providing safety training programs.

Safety Hazard Report


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A practical analysis of the work environment involves a variety of worksite examinations to identify existing hazards and conditions and operations in which changes might occur to create new hazards. Unawareness of a hazard, stemming from failure to examine the worksite, is a sign that safety and health policies and/or practices are ineffective. Effective management actively analyzes the work and worksite to anticipate and prevent harmful occurrences. The following measures are used to identify all existing and potential hazards:

·  Conduct comprehensive baseline worksite survey for safety and health, and periodically update surveys and involve employees in this effort.

·  Analyze planned and new facilities, processes, materials, and equipment.

·  Perform routine jobsite safety analyses.

·  Assess risk factors of ergonomics applications to workers’ tasks.

·  Conduct regular site safety and health inspections so that new or previously missed hazards and failures in hazard controls are identified.

·  Provide a reliable system for employees to notify management personnel about conditions that appear hazardous and to receive timely and appropriate responses and encourage employees to use the system without fear of reprisal. This system utilizes employee insight and experience in safety and health protection and allows employee concerns to be addressed.

·  Investigate accidents and “near miss” incidents so that their causes and means of prevention can be identified.

·  Analyze injury and illness trends over time so that patterns with common causes can be identified and prevented.

The following responsibilities and procedures have been established to enable us to adequately assess jobsite safety and to provide a means for employees to report, and for management to track injuries and accidents.

Responsibility of the Site Safety Officer:

·  Make periodic inspections of the jobsite, including shops, and recommend corrective measures to eliminate unsafe practices and conditions. Provide a project safety inspection report to the company.

·  Personally and immediately investigate accidents to determine cause.

·  Develop safe work practices and see that employees are trained in such procedures.

·  Maintain accident records and make reports of all accidents to the owner or its designee.

·  Initiate and conduct toolbox meetings and use all means available to stimulate and maintain interest in safety.

·  Attend all general safety meetings.

·  Review recommendations submitted by the Insurer’s Loss Control Engineers and make certain these recommendations receive proper attention.

·  Assist, when directed, in preparation of letters and bulletins regarding accident control.

·  Determine the personal protective equipment to be required (arrange for its availability) and see that it is used whenever and wherever necessary.