Unit 4 Review
Chapters 51, 52, 53
Supplemental Instruction
IowaStateUniversity / Leader: / Kelsey
Course: / Bio 211 (5)
Instructor: / Dr. Holscher
Date: / 11-30-09
  1. What is a fixed action pattern and what is it triggered by?
    An FAP is a genetic predisposition to a response that cannot stop once it has been started. It is triggered by a sign stimulus.
  2. Describe the three types of movement that animals use:
  3. Taxis: oriented movement toward/away from a stimulus
  4. Migration: a regular, long-distance change in location
  5. Kinesis: a simple change in activity or turning rate in response to a stimulus
  6. List and briefly describe the types of learning animals can use:
  7. Habituation: loss of responsiveness to a stimuli
  8. Spatial learning: establishment of memory based on how things are oriented
  9. Cognition: knowing represented by awareness, reasoning, and judgement
  10. Imprinting: dependent upon a critical period
  11. Associative learning: association of one environmental feature with another
  12. What type of selection is agonistic behavior characteristic of?
    intrasexual selection
  13. What does Hamilton’s rule say about altruism and the likelihood of it occurring?
    An altruistic act is likely to occur if the coefficient of relatedness times the benefit to the recipient outweighs the cost to the altruist.
  14. What is ecology?
    the scientific study of interactions between organisms and the environment
  15. List and briefly describe the main branches of ecology:
  16. Organismal: how structure and behavior make an organism well-adapted to its environment
  17. Population: examines groups containing members of only one species to see how/why size changes over time
  18. Community: interactions between different species living in the same area
  19. Ecosystem: energy flow and chemical cycling between organisms and the environment
  20. Landscape: exchange of energy and materials across multiple ecosystems, “patchwork”
  21. Global: view of the biosphere as the global exosystem, examines regional exchange of energy and materials
  22. Why do we have different seasons?
    because of the tilt of the earth on its axis (at 23.5 degrees)
  23. What do oceans and large lakes do for nearby land (in terms of climate)?
    they moderate the temperature of nearby land (keep it not too warm or cold)
  24. What is the largest biome?
    oceanic pelagic
  25. Draw the two types of aquatic biomes, including all important labels:

  26. When does seasonal turnover in lakes occur?
    spring and fall
  27. What is the difference between an oligotrophic lake and a eutrophic lake?
    oligogotrophic: oxygen rich, nutrient poor
    eutrophic: oxygen poor, nutrient rich
  28. What does a climograph tell us?
    where a biome falls in terms of temperature and precipitation levels
  29. Which aquatic biome is referred to as a “transition zone”?
  30. Which aquatic biome needs a solid substrate to attach to?
    coral reef
  31. Which aquatic biome receives almost no sunlight?
    marine benthic
  32. Which terrestrial biome has little variation in temperature?
    tropical forest
  33. Which terrestrial biome has low precipitation and sparse vegetation?
  34. Which terrestrial biome long, cold winters and hot summers?
    temperate grassland
  35. What is permafrost, and in what biome is it found?

Permafrost is a layer of frozen soil that keeps vegetation from growing, it is found in the tundra biome.