What are the four major processes in the body?

  1. Provision of energy
  2. Production of blood
  3. Formation of soft tissue
  4. formation of hard tissue


  1. What does BMR stand for?

Basal metabolic rate

  1. Explain the meaning of BMR.

BMR is the amount of energy required to sustain basic functioning of the human body.

  1. List the factors that influence BMR.



Body size

Body type



Environmental temperature

  1. How is energy measured?


  1. Use table 3.1 in text to complete the following energy requirements per kg, per hr for the activities below

Sitting = 1.7

Writing = 1.7

Standing relaxed = 2.1

Driving a car = 3.8

Vacuuming = 11.3

Walking rapidly = 14.2

Running = 29.3

Swimming (4km/hr) = 33

Rowing in a race = 67.0

  1. Complete the following table using your text.

  1. What is the result of more energy being consumed than what is needed?

This energy then gets turned into fat if it’s not getting used, which increase weight

  1. Makes a list of foods/drinks that’s would equal the sum of your total energy requirements. Include kj’s per food item and make sure you cover all main meals and snacks. (Use Table 3.3)

Meal / Food item / kj
Breakfast / -egg fried
-egg boiled
-white bread (1 slice)
-wholemeal bread (slice) / -330
Snack / -carrot
-apple / -170
Lunch / -big mac
-subway six inch
-sausage roll
-sausages / -2060
Snack / -potato chips
-French fries / -990
Dinner / -pasta
-KFC nuggets
-Domino’s Pizza (1 slice)
-Hungry jacks whopper / -830
Total kj’s / 15,961kj
  1. Does this surprise you? If so why? (consider the amount you usually consume per day)

No, I wouldn’t know how many kilojoules I would consume a day though I doubt it would be almost 16,000. This is because if I was having dinner I wouldn’t have pasta, KFC nuggets, Pizza and a whopper, I would only choose one and maybe increase the quantity.

  1. What are the nutrients which are the body’s fuels/sources of energy?

- Carbohydrates

- B-group vitamins

- Iron

  1. Complete the flow chart below explaining how the nutrients are used for energy production.


  1. Identify and explain the 3 main components of blood?
  • Plasma – makes up 55% of blood and contains a clotting material and transports nutrients, gases, hormones and waste. Water
  • Red blood cells – make up 44% of blood and contain haemoglobin, which carries oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases.
  • White blood cells – make up 1% of blood and help with fighting disease.
  1. List the nutrients responsible for the production of blood.


Vitamin c


Vitamin a


B6, folate(B9) and B12


  1. Complete the following flow chart on the components of blood and nutrients required for blood production.


  1. What is classified as soft tissue in the body?

Muscles, organs, tendons, ligaments and skin

  1. Identify the 6 nutrients required for soft tissue formation



Vitamin c


Vitamin a


  1. Complete the flow chart explaining the role of each nutrient in regards to soft tissue formation.


  1. What is classified as hard tissue in the body?

Bones, teeth and cartilage

  1. Identify the 5 nutrients required for hard tissue formation


Vitamin c

Vitamin a


Vitamin d

  1. Complete the flow chart explaining the role of each nutrient in regards to hard tissue formation.

3.5 Nutritional Imbalance

  1. Outline the consequences of a high GI diet on the health of youth.

High GI diet will give you a big load of energy but will decrease and somewhat fatigue quickly according to table 3.31 this will cause more eating to get more energy, which could result in youth being overweight/obese.

  1. a. Discuss how nutritional imbalance may contribute to low energy levels

if an individual is consuming High GI foods the energy levels will sky rocket but decrease over time and cause very low energy levels.

b. Explain how this could impact on the health of youth

Low levels on energy will encourage the indivual to continue eating food to get more energy which could result in obesity. Low levels of energy also effect concentration levels in youth.

  1. Explain how consuming fibre can optimise health

Consuming a good amount of fibre will keep your digestive system healthy and affect your bowel in a good way.

  1. a. What is anaemia?

Inadequate consumption of iron

b. How can it impact on the health of youth?

Reducing the amount of red blood cells in your systems, therefore you will start to get the symptoms of fatigue, weaknesses, headaches and cold hands and feet.

  1. Explain how Carbohydrate, protein and fat intake can lead to obesity

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are all energy sources and if this energy isn’t burned it will turn into fats. This will eventually lead to obesity.