To be eligible for a scholarship, fellowship or award selected by the Curry Student Awards Committee, students must be nominated by a Curry faculty member.

Students, if you have been notified that you have been nominated for a Curry Student Awards Committee award, please download this form, complete all information, sign and send it electronically or deliver it to your faculty nominator or faculty endorser.

Once you have completed the top portion of this form, faculty nominators must complete the bottom portion and submit to the Curry Student Awards Committee by December 19th, 2016.

Questions concerning Student Resume & Information Form should be directed to Filip Loncke, Chair of the Curry Student Awards Committee. Additional information about award criteria can be found on the Curry School Foundation website in the list of scholarships/fellowships/awards available school-wide.

Submission of completed form with signature on the honor statement indicates you have read the selection criteria on the Curry Foundation website and are eligible for the award.


Please complete the following information, then send or deliver to nominating faculty member(s) to complete the bottom portion of this form.

Check carefully to ensure the information submitted is accurate and complete.
Personal Information
First Name: / Last Name:
UVA ID (on student ID card): / Computing ID (UVA email prefix):
Last 4 digits of SS# / Sex:
Current Local Address:
City State Zip:
Local Telephone: / Email Address:
Academic Information
Semester and year you plan to graduate:
Degree Program:
If in a certification program, specify area:
Curry School Advisor:
Indicate full or part-time status:
Number of years you have taught in a Virginia public school (if this is a selection criterion for the award you are seeking:

The following are awarded annually to Curry students. Before submitting this form, review the criteria listed on the Curry Foundation website to ensure that you are eligible. If you qualify for the award that you have been nominated for, place a mark next to the appropriate award.

Curry Student Awards Committee:
Awards, Scholarships, and Fellowships
Awards - Awarded to Current Students
Jessie C. Carpenter Award
David F. Cooke Award
Brenda Holliday Loyd Award
Mary Catherine Ellwein Award
Paul B. Walter Master of Education Student Award
Recipients of scholarships and fellowships must be enrolled in at least two semesters in the upcoming year: Summer & Fall; Summer, Fall, & Spring; or Fall & Spring.Doctoral students MUST be enrolled full-time. If a recipient is not qualified for the upcoming academic year, the scholarship/fellowship will not be held over for the following year.
Scholarships and Fellowships - Awarded to Incoming & Continuing Students
Marjorie Hare Andrews Graduate Fellowship
Robert T. Canevari Scholarship
Miles Cary Endowed Fellowship
Asa B. Johnson Scholarship
Nathan E. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Miriam & Edward D. Knight Scholarship
Philip Morris Minority Scholarship
Snyder-Crumpacker Fellowship
I. Academic Awards and Honors (note that lines expand to accommodate content)
Award or Honor / Awarding Institution / Date
II. Co-curricular Activities (note that lines expand to accommodate content)
Student Organizations / Leadership role/responsibility / Date
Professional Organizations / Leadership role/responsibility / Date
Service Organizations / Leadership role/responsibility / Date
III. Special Talents or Interests - including athletics, music, & hobbies
IV. Products, publications and/or presentations made (include full citation)
V. Personal Statement about yourself and your chosen field (250 words or less):
VII. Curry Faculty References:

Add additional information here:

I certify, on my honor as a student of the University of Virginia, that the information I am submitting is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: / Date:

Faculty Nominator(s):

Complete the evaluation for this nominee then submit form and recommendation letters, if applicable, to the faculty committee’s “joinable” UVA collab site by no later than December 19th, 2016.

The Collab site can be accessed by logging in at, my workspace tab, membership, joinable sites link, then search “Curry Awards 2017” (case sensitive) to join.

Save your recommendation letter and name the document as follows: STUDENTLASTNAME,FIRSTINITIAL_AWARDNAME_FACULTYLASTNAME.


Please rate the Nominee on the following by checking appropriate box / No Opportunity to observe / Above Average / Excellent / Truly Exceptional
Intellectual Ability
Breadth of general knowledge in the field of Education
Teaching ability or potential
Research ability or potential
Record of Academic Success
Record of Service to the Community at Large
Ability to Work Well with Students and Faculty
Record of Service to the Curry and University Community
Participation in Co-Curricular Activities
General Leadership Ability

Please use the space below for a summary statement indicating the student’s particular qualifications. Please be specific. Why do you feel that this student is best qualified for this award, scholarship, or fellowship?

(A formal recommendation letter may be submitted in place of this summary).

Signature of Faculty Nominator:
Printed Name of Faculty Nominator:
Office Address & Phone: