Boulder, USA, 28 November -1 December 2011 / ET-GDDP-4/DOC 1

Updates for WMO No:1060
Manual on WIS

Appendix C

The following document provides the draft update to the Manual on WIS list of stations. To be verified and sent to publications to be included in the Manual on WIS first release as approved by World Meteorological Congress XVI.

APPENDIX C – Approved WIS Centres

APPENDIX C.1 Global Information System Centres (GISCs)

Note: Per Resolution 4 of Congress XVI, centres in this table marked with an asterisk were conditionally designated as WIS GISCs, subject to demonstration of meeting the pre-operational compliance requirements of CBS.

WMO Member / Centre Name / Region
Australia / *GISC - Melbourne / 5
Brazil / *GISC - Brasilia / 3
China / GISC - Beijing / 2
France / Western European Virtual GISC - Toulouse / 6
Germany / Western European Virtual GISC - Offenbach / 6
India / *GISC - New Delhi / 2
Iran, Islamic Republic of / *GISC - Tehran / 2
Japan / GISC - Tokyo / 2
Korea / *GISC - Seoul / 2
Morocco / *GISC - Casablanca / 2
Russian Federation / *GISC - Moscow / 2
Saudi Arabia / *GISC - Jeddah / 2
South Africa / GISC - Pretoria / 1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / Western European Virtual GISC - Exeter / 6
United States of America / *GISC - Washington / 4

APPENDIX C.2 Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPCs)

Note: Per Resolution 4 of Congress XVI, centres in this table marked with an asterisk were conditionally designated as WIS DCPCs, subject to demonstration of meeting the pre-operational compliance requirements of CBS.

WMO Member or Contributing Org. / Centre Name / Centre location
Region / City / Function / TC / Programme / GISC
Australia / * IPS (Ionospheric Prediction Service) / 5 / Sydney / IPS / CBS / Melbourne
Australia / * NCC (National Climate Centre) / 5 / Melbourne / NCC / CCl / Melbourne
Australia / *Darwin RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) / 5 / Darwin / RSMC-Geographical / CBS / Melbourne
Australia / * WMC (World Meteorological Centre) - Melbourne / 5 / Melbourne / RTH / CBS / Melbourne
Australia / * ATWS (Australian Tsunami Warning Centre) / 5 / Melbourne / TWS / JCOMM / Melbourne
Brazil / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 3 / Brasilia / RTH / CBS / Brasilia
Bulgaria / * RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 6 / Sofia / RTH / CBS / WE-VGISC
Canada / * RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - Montreal / 4 / Montreal / RSMC-Activity-ATM / CBS / Washington
China / *RCC (Regional Climate Centre) / 2 / Beijing / RCC / CCl / Beijing
China / *NMSC (National Meteorological Satellite Centre) / 2 / Beijing / NMSC / CBS / Beijing
China / * RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) Beijing / 2 / Beijing / RSMC-Geographical / CBS / Beijing
China / * RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - EER (Environmental Emergency Response) / 2 / Beijing / RSMC-Activity-ATM / CBS / Beijing
China / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 2 / Beijing / RTH / CBS / Beijing
Croatia / * Marine Meteorology Centre / 6 / Zagreb / Marine Meteorology Centre / JCOMM / WE-VGISC
CzechRepublic / * RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 6 / Prague / RTH / CBS / WE-VGISC
ECMWF / ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) / 6 / Reading / RSMC-Activity-Medium-Range-Forecasting / CBS / WE-VGISC
EUMETSAT / EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) / 6 / Darmstadt, Germany / Satellite Centre / CBS / WE-VGISC
Finland / * FMI-ARC (Finnish Meteorological Institute - Arctic Research Centre) / 6 / Sodankylä / Arctic Data Centre / CBS / WE-VGISC
France / GPC/LRFMME (Global Producing Centre / Lead Centre for LongRange Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble) / 6 / Toulouse / GPC/LRF / CBS / WE-VGISC
France / RCC (Regional Climate Centre) / 6 / Toulouse / RCC / CCl / WE-VGISC
France / NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) / 6 / Toulouse / Regional NWP support / CBS / WE-VGISC
France / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - EER (Environmental Emergency Response) / 6 / Toulouse / RSMC-Activity-ATM / CBS / WE-VGISC
France / *RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) on Tropical Cyclones / 1 / La Réunion / RSMC-Activity-TC / CBS / TBD
France / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 6 / Toulouse / RTH / CBS / WE-VGISC
France / VAAC (Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre) / 6 / Toulouse / VAAC / CAeM / WE-VGISC
Germany / GCC (Global Collecting Centre) - ship observations / 6 / Hamburg / GCC / JCOMM / WE-VGISC
Germany / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) / 6 / Offenbach / GPCC / CBS / CCl / CHy / WE-VGISC
Germany / GRDC (Global Runoff Data Centre) / 6 / Koblenz / GRDC / CHy / WE-VGISC
Germany / GRUAN (GCOS Reference Upper Air Network) Lead Centre / 6 / Tauche/ Lindenberg / GRUAN-LC / CBS / WE-VGISC
Germany / RCC-CM (Regional Climate Centre - Climate Modeling) / 6 / Offenbach / RCC (Europe) / CCl / WE-VGISC
Germany / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) / 6 / Offenbach / RSMC-Geographical / CBS / WE-VGISC
Germany / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 6 / Offenbach / RTH / CBS / WE-VGISC
Germany / ICSU World Data Centre for Climate / 6 / Hamburg / WDCC / CCl / WE-VGISC
Germany / WDC-RSAT (WorldDataCenter for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere) / 6 / Oberpfaffen-hofen / WDC-RSAT / CAS / WE-VGISC
Germany / WRMC (World Radiation Monitoring Center) / 6 / Bremerhaven / WRMC / WCRP (GEWEX) / WE-VGISC
Hong Kong, China / WWIS (World Weather Information Service) / 2 / Hong Kong / WWIS / CBS / Tokyo
India / *RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) on Tropical Cyclones / 2 / New Delhi / RSMC-Activity-TC / CBS / New Dehli
India / * RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 2 / New Delhi / RTH / CBS / New Delhi
Iran, Islamic Republic of / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 2 / Tehran / RTH / CBS / Tehran
Italy / * RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - Marine and Ocean / 6 / Rome / RSMC-Geographical / CBS / WE-VGISC
Italy / * RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 6 / Rome / RTH / CBS / WE-VGISC
Japan / GPC/LRF (Global Producing Centre for Long-Range Forecast) / 2 / Tokyo / GPC/LRF / CBS / Tokyo
Japan / TokyoClimateCenter / 2 / Tokyo / RCC / CCl / Tokyo
Japan / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) on Atmospheric Transport Modeling Products for Environmental Emergency Response and Backtracking / 2 / Tokyo / RSMC-Activity-ATM / CBS / Tokyo
Japan / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) on Tropical Cyclones / 2 / Tokyo / RSMC-Activity-TC / CBS / Tokyo
Japan / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) on Data Processing and Forecasting System / 2 / Tokyo / RSMC-Geographical / CBS / Tokyo
Japan / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 2 / Tokyo / RTH / CBS / Tokyo
Japan / Meteorological Satellite Centre / 2 / Tokyo / Satellite Centre / CBS / Tokyo
Japan / WDC-GHG (World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases) / 2 / Tokyo / WDC-GHG / CAS / Tokyo
Korea / * GPC & LRFMME (Global Producing Centre / Lead Centre for LRF Multi-Model Ensemble) -Seoul / 2 / Seoul / GPC / LC-LRFMME / CBS / Seoul
Korea / * NMSC (National Meteorological SatelliteCenter) / 2 / Jincheon / NMSC / CBS / Seoul
Korea / * WAMIS (World Agrometeorological Information Service) / 2 / Seoul / WAMIS / CAgM / Seoul
Netherlands / * RCC (Regional Climate Centre) / 6 / De Bilt / RCC / CCl / WE-VGISC
Netherlands / * Satellite Centre / 6 / De Bilt / Satellite Centre / CBS / WE-VGISC
Norway / Arctic Data Centre / 6 / Oslo / Arctic Data Centre / CBS / WE-VGISC
Norway / * NILU (Norwegian Institute for Air Research) / 6 / Kjeller / NILU / CAS / WE-VGISC
Russian Federation / GDC (Global Data Centre) - Solar Radiation / 2 / St. Petersburg / GDC (Solar Radiation) / CBS / Moscow
Russian Federation / * RCC (Regional Climate Centre) / 2 / Moscow / RCC / CCl /CBS / Moscow
Russian Federation / * RNODC (Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centre) and GDC (Global Data Centre) / 6 / Obninsk / RNODC and GDC / JCOMM / Moscow
Russian Federation / * RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - EER (Environmental Emergency Response) / 2 / Obninsk / RSMC-Activity-ATM / CBS / Moscow
Russian Federation / * RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) / 2 / Moscow / RSMC-Geographical / CBS / Moscow
Russian Federation / * WMC (World Meteorological Centre) - Moscow / 2 / Moscow / RTH / CBS / Moscow
Russian Federation / * RTH/RSMC (Regional Telecommunication Hub / Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) / 2 / Khabarovsk / RTH/RSMC-Geographical / CBS / Moscow
Russian Federation / * RTH/RSMC (Regional Telecommunication Hub / Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) / 2 / Novosibirsk / RTH/RSMC-Geographical / CBS / Moscow
Russian Federation / * WDC (WorldDataCenter) for Ice - St. Petersburg(Global Cryosphere Watch) / 2 / St. Petersburg / WDC (ICE) / CBS / Moscow
Saudi Arabia / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 2 / Jeddah / RTH / CBS / Jeddah
Serbia / *RCC (Regional Climate Centre) / 6 / Belgrade / RCC / CCl / WE-VGISC
South Africa / * RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) / 1 / Pretoria / RTH / CBS / Pretoria
Sweden / * IPY (International Polar Year) data repository / 6 / Norrköping / ADC-IPY / CAS / WE-VGISC
Sweden / * BALTRAD (Weather radar network for the Baltic Sea Region) / 6 / Norrköping / Nordic Radar / CBS / WE-VGISC
Sweden / * RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) Norrköping / 6 / Norrköping / RTH / CBS / WE-VGISC
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) / 6 / Exeter / GPC/LRF / CBS / WE-VGISC
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / Marine Observations Centre / 6 / Exeter / Marine Observations Centre / JCOMM / WE-VGISC
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - EER (Environmental Emergency Response) / 6 / Exeter / RSMC-Activity-ATM / CBS / WE-VGISC
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre) - Global and Regional Climate Centre / 6 / Exeter / RSMC-Geographical / CBS / WE-VGISC
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / RTH (Regional Telecommunication Hub) Exeter / 6 / Exeter / RTH / CBS / WE-VGISC
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / Specialized Ocean & Wave forecasting / 6 / Exeter / Specialised Ocean/Wave Centre / JCOMM / WE-VGISC
United States of America / * GOSIC (Global Observing SystemsInformationCenter) / 4 / AshevilleNC / GOSIC / CCl / Washington
United States of America / * NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) / 4 / WashingtonDC / GPC/LC-LRFMME / CBS / Washington
United States of America / * NCAR (NationalCenter for Atmospheric Research) / 4 / BoulderCO / NCAR / CBS / Washington
United States of America / * NGDC (National Geophysical DataCenter) / 4 / WashingtonDC / NGDC / CBS / Washington
United States of America / * NODC (National Oceanographic DataCenter) / 4 / WashingtonDC / NODC / JCOMM / Washington
United States of America / * NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) / 4 / WashingtonDC / RMSC-Geographical / NESDIS / CBS / Washington
United States of America / * ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) / 4 / WashingtonDC / RSMC-Activity-ATM / CBS / Washington
United States of America / * WMC (World Meteorological Centre) - Washington / 4 / WashingtonDC / RTH / CBS / Washington
United States of America / * WAFC (World Area Forecast Centre) / 4 / WashingtonDC / WAFC / CAeM / Washington

APPENDIX C.3 National Centres (NCs)

(none listed at this time)


ADCArctic or Antarctic Data Centre

ADC-IPYArchive Centre for International Polar Year data

AGRHYMETCentre for Agriculture, Hydrology and Meteorology

CASCommission for Atmospheric Sciences

CAeMCommission for Aeronautical Meteorology

CAgMCommission for Agricultural Meteorology

CBSCommission for Basic Systems

CClCommission for Climatology

CGMSCoordination Group for Meteorological Satellites

CIMOCommission for Instruments and Methods of Observations

CHyCommission for Hydrology

COMSSatellite Distribution Centre

DCC-OCFData Collection Centre for OfficialCity Forecasts

DCPCData Collection or Production Centre

EC-PETEC-Panel of Experts on Education & Training

ET-GDDPAd hoc Expert Team on GISC and DCPC Demonstration Process

GCCGlobal Collecting Centre (ship observations)

GCOSGlobal Climate Observing System

GDCGlobal Data Centre

GEWEXGlobal Energy and Water Cycle Experiment

GISCGlobal Information System Centre

GOSICGlobal Observing Systems Information Centre

GPCGlobal Producing Centre

GPC/LRFGPC Long-Range Forecasts

GPC/LC-LRFMMEGPC/Lead Centre for LRF Multi-Model Ensemble

GPCCGlobal Precipitation Climate Centre

GRDCGlobal Runoff Data Centre

GRUAN-LCLead Centre for GCOS Reference Upper Air Nework.

ICG-WISInter-commission Coordination Group on WIS

IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPSIonospheric Prediction Service (Space Weather)

JCOMMJoint WMO-IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology

NCCNational Climate Centre

NCNational Centre

NCARNationalCenter for Atmospheric Research

NESDISNational Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service

NGDCNational Geophysical DataCenter

NILUNorwegian Institute for Air Research

NMCNational Meteorological Centre

NMSCNational Meteorological SatelliteCenter

NODCNationalOcean Data Centre

NWPNumerical Weather Prediction

ODCOcean Data Centre

PWSPublic Weather Services

RCCRegional Climate Centre

RICRegional Instrument Centre

RDMECRegional Drought Monitoring Centre

RNODCResponsible National Oceanographic Data Centre

RRCRegional Radiation Centre

RSMCRegional Specialized Meteorological Centre

RSMC-GeographicalRSMC with Geographical Specialization

RSMC-Activity-ATMRSMC with Activity Specialization on Atmospheric Transport Modelling

RSMC-Activity-TCRSMC with Activity Specialization on Tropical Cyclones

RSMC-Activity-Medium-RSMC with Activity Specialization on Medium-Range Forecasting

RTCRegional Training Centre

RTHRegional Telecommunication Hub

TWSTsunami Warning Service

VAACVolcanic Ash Advisory Centre

WAFCWorld Aviation Forecast Centre

WAMISWorld Agrometeorological Information Service

WCRPWorld Climate Research Programme


WDC-GHGWDC for Green House Gasses

WDC-RSATWDC for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere

WDC-ICEWDC for Ice (Global Cryosphere Watch)

WDCCWDC for Climate

WE-VGISCWestern European Virtual GISC (DWD, MET Office, Météo-France)

WRMCWorld Radiation Monitoring Centre

WMCWorld Meteorological Centre

WWWWorld Weather Watch