The 2007 Chris McCray Tournament For Academic Excellence
Playoffs 1 (Round 9)
Packet by Oklahoma State
Written by Members of Oklahoma State’s Quizbowl Team
With Contributions From Jonathan Magin, JB, DL, DG, AH, JW, SP.
Edited by Mike Bentley and Jonathan Magin


1. Tim Matheson played Griff King, a character who was paroled after killing his stepfather in a role meant to replace Dan Blocker’s character on this show, and the Chinese cook on this show, Hop Sing, frequently delivered words of wisdom. This show has the distinction of being the earliest debuting American television show to have all of its episodes filmed in color. The name “Ponderosa”, taken from the central family’s ranch, was given to syndicated episodes while it was still on the air. This show’s actual title comes from its setting near the Comstock Silver Lode in Virginia City, Nevada. FTP, name this long running western that followed the exploits of Ben, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe Cartwright.
ANSWER: Bonanza

2. (JB) His first film role was as Tommy Doyle in Halloween 6. More recently, on stage he played the roles of Walker and Ned in Three Days of Rain, a play that also saw Julia Roberts's Broadway debut. Amy Heckerling cast him for next spring's I Could Never Be Your Woman and earlier gave him his breakthrough role in her 1995 retelling of Emma, Clueless. He's better known now for his supporting roles, including playing Andy in Wet Hot American Summer and Phoebe's husband on the last season of Friends. FTP, name this actor, who also played David in The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Brian Fantana in Anchorman.
ANSWER: Paul (Stephen) Rudd

3. He once described Canadians as a bunch of flannel-wearing hockey fans who mispronounce the word “offense”, and he also once made a bet that the New England Patriots would win the World Series. When his autobiography was stolen, his arch nemesis used his Antiques Roadshow appraised plastic bear, Smacky, as ransom. He is dominated by three obsessions: to have a movie made about his life, to eat a monkey, and to kill Fungo, the ferret living next door. On occasion he has worn his owner’s VW hood ornament as bling, and he frequently sports a Yankees cap. A would be presidential candidate in 2008, FTP, name this lazy, selfish cat who lives with Rob Wilco and Satchel Pooch in “Get Fuzzy”.
ANSWER: Bucky Katt

4. This team has drafted Randy Winn, Josh Booty, and Taylor Tankersley, and Orestes Destrade finished his career by playing for them. Last year, they became the first team to reach .500 after being twenty games below .500. All of their championship teams have featured Jeff Conine, and thanks to their current GM, Larry Beinfest, they finished with a surprising 78 wins last season, helped by the development of pitchers like Ricky Nolasco, Scott Olsen, and Anibal Sanchez. They won their first World Series on a single by Edgar Renteria, and won their most recent title with a complete-game shutout pitched by Josh Beckett; those championships occurred in 1997 and 2003. FTP, name this team owned by Jeffrey Loria, whose current players include Hanley Ramirez, Miguel Cabrera, and Dontrelle Willis.
ANSWER: The Florida Marlins (accept either answer)

5. This artist paid homage to Kiss by contributing Hard Luck Woman to the Kiss My Ass album, and one of his greatest hits albums was sold only in McDonalds. That album contained the tracks Could Shoulder, New Way to Fly and Alabama Clay, while his eponymous first album contained a track where “this ol’ highway’s getting longer”, a song titled Much Too Young To Feel This Damn Old. He’d follow that album up with the enormously popular albums No Fences and Ropin’ the Wind. Also known for a confusing alter ego, Chris Gaines, FTP, name this country singer who scored hit after hit in the ‘90s with songs like “Friends in Low Places,” “The River,” and “The Dance”.
ANSWER: Garth Brooks

6. One of their nemeses allegedly watches 60 Minutes, but is better known for being a jock whose father’s occupation gives him a garage full of the treasures that they always scheme to get. They attend Peach Creek Junior High, home of the Cobblers, and their would-be white trash girlfriends, the Kankers, live out in the trailer parks, although they have come to the cul-de-sac on vacation. They each have multi-colored tongues, and one has a terrifying younger sister, Sarah. Another has a never-seen older brother and the third is an only child. FTP, Jonny, Plank, Rolf, Kevin and Nazz all live in the same neighborhood as what jawbreaker-addicted trio who all share similar first names, the namesakes of a Cartoon Cartoon series on Cartoon Network.
ANSWER: Ed, Edd n Eddy

7. Harvard freshman Jillian Clarke’s study of this phenomenon made her the youngest ever winner of the Ig Noble Award, winning the 2004 award for Public Health. In addition to her scientific study, Clarke found that some seventy percent of women were familiar with this phenomenon, and a later study conducted by Paul L. Dawson involved the use of salmonella on surfaces such as nylon and tile. A MythBusters episode showed that the exposure regulated by it is more than double what is needed for contamination. FTP, name this “rule” often applied when deciding whether to eat something that’s fallen on the floor.
ANSWER: Five-Second Rule

8. (DL) In its opening, the Four Tops claim “the Board of Education took away my parole,” while the central females perform “Girl for All Seasons” at the June Moon Talent Contest. The lead female in this sequel exhorts her boyfriend not to chase a mysterious biker, but after that biker returns alive he beats the Cycle Lords and reveals himself to be the clean-cut male lead. The only returning cast in this sequel are Eve Arden's Principal McGee, Sid Caesar's Coach Calhoun, and Didi Cohn's Frenchy. FTP, name this movie where Michael woos Michelle Pfeiffer's bad girl Stephanie, a sequel to a musical set at Rydell High about Sandy Olsson and Danny Zuko.
ANSWER: Grease 2

9. One tournament of this name awards the Stonehaven Cup, and has been won a record seven times by Gary Player. Another tournament of this name awards the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup, which was won thirteen times by Adrian Quint. This tournament recently announced that it would change its playing surface from Rebound Ace to Plexicushion, and features retractable roofs over its two main courts, Vodafone Arena and Rod Laver Arena. The last two years, Roger Federer has defeated Marcos Baghdatis and Fernando Gonzalez to win this tournament, which saw Maria Sharapova lose in the finals this year. FTP, name this Grand Slam event won this year by Serena Williams, which takes place each January in Melbourne Park.
ANSWER: Australian Open

10. The third entry in this series, an Xbox exclusive, was set in a Las Vegas-like city, Glitter Oasis, and was subtitled High Roller. To succeed in this game, it is necessary to perform a speed boost known as a Limit Cut, although the second game made dodging traffic easier by introducing hydraulic jumps. That second game, containing the levels Around Apple and Little Apple, also let players pick up multiple people. The original arcade game featured drivers like Gena and B.D. Joe, speedier rickshaw vehicles, and brand name destinations like KFC and The Gap. FTP, identify this Sega series about delivering fares at breakneck speeds.
ANSWER: Crazy Taxi

11. Ryan Estrada draws a weekly comic strip about this site’s mascot, who, according to the site’s official biography, does yard work when the staff yells at him, saying, “Hey Frank! It’s lunch time… go eat the lawn!”, appropriate since he’s a goat. Its parent company, Danga Interactive, was purchased by the software company Six Apart in 2005, six years after it was launched by its creator Brad Fitzpatrick as a method for informing his high school friends of his activity. It originally required an invite to join, although it now handles costs by using advertisements and selling plus memberships. FTP, identify this blogging site, a rival to xanga, whose logo is a blue pencil drawing a circle.

12. One of the engravings on the album of this name makes reference to the fact that its track, Victim of Love, was performed live and without overdubbing. A popular myth stated that on the inside cover of this album Satan can be seen in the form of Anton Lavey looking down from a balcony. The song of this name was performed acoustically with some eight guitars on the reunion live album, Hell Freezes Over, and its lyrics mention that “her mind is tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Bends.” Telling of Pete Rosal’s time in the title establishment, FTP, name this song by The Eagles where you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.
ANSWER: Hotel California

13. They are currently on Wave 11, a series that includes an alarm clock version and a special 25th anniversary edition one of them. They derive their name from the common version of Salvia hispanica, and during a TV Land promotion it was possible to get a Mr. T. one. The original was created by Joseph Enterprises, although that ram has been discontinued in the wake of more successful models like Elmer Fudd, a puppy, and a tree. FTP, identify these fad gifts that involve putting wet seeds on a grooved clay figurine and then watching them “sprout” hair.
ANSWER: Chia pet

14. Near the end of this film, a performance is put on in which the cast sings a song, to the tune of the German national anthem, about the fictional title location, Kellerman’s which is actually a composite of shots from Lake Lure, North Carolina and Mountain Lake, Virginia. The romance has its beginnings when the female protagonist carries a watermelon into the staff quarters and blossoms later after a botched abortion puts the usual performer out of commission, leaving Frances to perform with bad-boy Johnny Castle. With its best known song being “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life”, FTP, nobody puts Baby in the corner in what 1987 flick starring Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze?
ANSWER: Dirty Dancing

15. In a skit on, this person is accused of killing and eating the president’s dog, committing 21 homicides, 5 rapes, and of having ties to Al-Qaeda. Lee Jordan is the only one who has ever officially captured this person, and the organization that she is tied to has employed Patty Larcency as well as robots, aliens, and her anthropomorphic pet cat. That organization, Villains’ International League of Evil, was counteracted by an organization headed by a Lynne Thigpen character, The Chief of the ACME Detective Agency, on this character’s PBS game show. FTP, identify this trenchcoat-wearing thief who sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina.
ANSWER: Carmen Sandiego

16. After this character started working in a hair salon, his love life improved drastically, scoring one night stands with girls like the Lindsay Lohan played Danielle. Earlier he had relationships with Nina, a coworker at the DMV and ultimately the person he’d lose his virginity to, and earlier still he dated Big Rhonda. He was almost deported after vandalizing the town’s water tower, although Laurie agreed to marry him so that he could retain his citizenship. A constant admirer of Jackie, FTP, identify this character with an unpronounceable real name and an unknown homeland who currently resides in Point Place, Wisconsin as the character played by Wilmer Valderrama on That ‘70s Show.

17. The DS game, The Rub Rabbits, had a Japanese title that loosely translated into this phrase and was a sequel to Feel the Magic: XX/XY. On Family Guy, Chris feels betrayed to learn that the answer to this question is a social worker’s place. In the case of Mario and Luigi it involves a detour on Yoshi’s Island. To a girl on “Addams Family Values,” it's a cabbage patch, while Liane Cartman says it involves putting a hoo-hoo dilly in a cha-cha. Dr. Perry Cox answers this question by telling his son that a mommy and a daddy close their eyes and a make a wish. A stork is also the answer to, FTP, what question asked by children, often when they see a pregnant woman or a new baby?
ANSWER: Where do babies come from? (accept reasonable equivalents)

18. Deadspin noted this man’s attention deficit disorder by linking to Card Chronicle’s list of 156 extraneous topics mentioned by him. Not realizing that he was on air with the Sports Animal, he caused controversy by saying that Billy Donovan told him it would be a mistake for an NBA team to select Joakim Noah over Al Horford. The head coach of the 1978-79 Detroit Pistons, he has also appeared in a bafflingly bizarre commercial for Hooters and as “The Deliveryman” in commercials for DiGiorno. A fan of the Yankees and Notre Dame, he calls 3-pointers “trifectas,” excellent freshmen “diaper dandies,” and clutch players “PTPers,” although he may be best known for his devotion to the Duke Blue Devils. FTP, name this incredibly annoying announcer, a color commentator who makes college basketball games on ESPN unwatchable.
ANSWER: Dick Vitale

19. (JW) His political side is shown in the track “One Time’s Got No Case”, a response to the Rodney King beatings. He found an early hit in the UK with “Square Dance Rap”, and a track off of Swass, his debut album, explored his rapper’s Seattle roots and his “Posse on Broadway”. He briefly pursued an acting career starring as the title character on UPN’s “The Watcher”, but returned to music with 1996’s Return of Bumpasaurus. Most famous for a song complains that “Fonda ain’t got a motor in the back of her Honda”, FTP, name this rapper whose anaconda don’t want none if you don’t got buns hon.
ANSWER: Sir Mix-A-Lot (also accept Anthony Ray)

20. One character in this movie states that although women sense his power, he denies them his essence. That character shoots himself after unsuccessfully using a machine gun in an attempt to repulse an attack on Burpleson Air Force Base. This movie also plays the recurring motif "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" during scenes in the "Leper Colony," a B-52 bomber. General Turgidson warns against a "mine shaft gap" after the recall code sent by Captain Mandrake does not reach a plane led by Major "King" Kong, who carries out Wing Attack Plan R by waving his Stetson hat and riding an atomic bomb. The world is destroyed after General Jack D. Ripper orders a nuclear attack on the USSR in, FTP, what 1964 black comedy directed by Stanley Kubrick?
ANSWER: Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb