Andrew Colin Gow


Professor of History

Department of History and Classics

University of Alberta

2-28 Tory Bldg.

Edmonton, AB T6G 2H4


(780) 965-5071

CITIZENSHIP: Canadian and British

DATE OF BIRTH: 30 November 1962




Ph.D. in Late Medieval and Reformation History, May 1993. Specialization in religion and culture in late medieval and early modern Europe.

Dissertation: The Red Jews: Apocalypticism and Antisemitism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany.

Supervisor: Heiko A. Oberman

Major Comprehensive Examination Field: Europe 800-1648 (Alan Bernstein, Gordon Griffiths, Heiko Oberman, Donald Weinstein)

Minor Comprehensive Examination Fields: Europe 1648 to the present (Richard Cosgrove) and Classics (Richard Jensen)


M.A. in Early Modern European History, 1988.

Research Paper on sixteenth-century pamphlets as news carriers. Main professors: James Estes, Paul Grendler, Julian Dent.


Advanced studies in modern German history and medieval German literature (Hauptseminar/Oberseminar level), 1985-86, as DAAD Stipendiary. Main professors: Christof Dipper, Ottmar Geuenich, Hans-Erich Volkmann.


B.A. (Honours) with Highest Honours in History and German, 1984. B.A. Honours Thesis: "Die propagandistische Funktion der Metapher in der mittelhochdeutschen Kreuzzugslyrik"; supervised by Jutta Goheen.


Andrew Colin Gow



Gow, Andrew, Desjardins, Robert, and Pageau, Francois. The Arras Witch Treatises: Johann Tinctor's Invectives contre la secte de vauderie and the Recollectio casus, status et condicionis Valdensium ydolatrum by the Anonymous of Arras (1460). College Park, PA: Pennsylvania State

University Press, 2016.

Male Witches in Early Modern Europe, co-authored with Lara Apps. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003.

Reviews: in Renaissance Quarterly, Summer 2005 vol. 58, i2, pp. 673-675, by David O. McNeil; H-German July 2005, by Kathryn Edwards (6 pages on Male Witches and a related book); English Historical Review November 2004, CXIX/484, pp. 1422-1423, by Malcolm Gaskill; Anthropos, 2004, vol. 99,2, by P.G. Maxwell-Stuart (3 pages); Journal of Ecclesiastical History, April 2004, vol. 55/2, by Merry Wiesner-Hanks(2 pages); Sixteenth Century Journal 2004, XXXV/2 by Jane P. Davidson (2 pages); The Telegraph, March 15, 2003, by Damien Thompson, Books, pp. 6-7; The National Post, by Charlie Gillis, October 30, 2002.

The Red Jews. Antisemitism in an Apocalyptic Age, 1200-1600. SMRT 55. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995.

Reviews: in Speculum 72,2 (April 1997), 476-478, by R. Po-Chia Hsia; Journal of Church and State 39,1 (Winter 1997), 149-150, by Timothy Fehler; AHR (December 1996), 1533, by Robert Chazan; ZfGeschichtswissenschaft 44,9 (1996), 848-849, by Matthias Zimmer; SCJ XXVII,4 (1996), 1061-1062, by Stephen Burnett; ARG Supplement 24 (1995), 116.

Edited and Co-edited Books and Collections:

Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof. Poetry, Prophecy, and Justice in Hebrew Scripture. Essays in Honor of Francis Landy on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday.Gow, Andrew and Peter Sabo, eds. Biblical Interpretation Series, vol. 157. Leiden: Brill, 2017.

Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 40.4 (2017).Gow, Andrew and Robert Bast, eds. Special issue on piety, violence and conflict in the early Reformation, in honour of Prof. Tom Scott and on the 500th anniversary of Luther’s 95 theses.

Confronting the Past. Ukraine and its History, 882-2009. A Festschrift in Honour of John-Paul Himka on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Co-edited with Roman Senkus and Serhy Yekelchyk; published as vol. 35 of the Journal of Ukrainian Studies (2010-11; published in 2012).

Mountain Masculinity: The Life and Writing of Nello "Tex" Vernon-Wood in the Canadian Rockies, 1906-1938, co-edited with Julie Rak. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2008.

Hyphenated Histories.Central European Bildung and Slavic Studies in the Contemporary Academy. Edited and introduced by Andrew Colin Gow. Leiden, Boston and Tokyo: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007, hors série.

Anglo-American Millennialism from Milton to the Millerites, co-edited with Richard Connors. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers (Studies in the History of Christian Thought CXIII). Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2004.

Reviews: Church History, by John Kloos, 74,4 (December 2005), 859-860; AHR, by Avihu Zakai (October 2005), 1131-1132.

The Apocalyptic Year 1000. Religious Expectation and Social Change, 950-1050, co-edited with Richard Landes and David Van Meter. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Fifteen articles by an international group of both established and younger scholars, including Umberto Eco.

Reviews: Church History, by A. Daniel Frankforter, 73,2 (June 2004): 428; Journal of Interdisciplinary History 2005, 36.1, by Jo Ann McNamara, pp. 79-80; Speculum, October 2004, 79,4, by Felice Lifshitz, pp. 1110-1112; History: Review of New Books, by Robin Barnes, 32,4 (Summer 2004): 152.

Continuity and Change. The Harvest of Late Medieval and Reformation History. Essays in Honor of Heiko Augustinus Oberman on his 70th Birthday, ed. by Robert Bast and Andrew Gow. Leiden: Brill, 2000.

Reviews: in Renaissance Quarterly Vol. 56, No. 3 (Autumn, 2003), 826-827, by David Steinmetz.

Translated book:

The Reformation: Roots and Ramifications. A translation of Heiko A. Oberman's Die Reformation. Von Wittenberg nach Genf (Göttingen, 1986). Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1994 (220 pp).

Reviews: Jill Raitt, Church HistoryVol. 65, No. 1 (March, 1996), 97-98.

Journal articles:

With PearlAnn Reichwein, “Is the weekend dead? Pedagogical reflections on leisure philosophies, praxis and social change in academic work/life.” Leisure/Le Loisir 37, 1 (2013), 17-35.

“Teaching Method and Theory to History Undergraduates.Intellectual Challenges and Professional Responsibilities,” in History Compass, Volume8, Issue3 (March 2010),258-274.

“The Contested History of a Book: The German Bible of the Later Middle Ages and Reformation in Legend, Ideology, and Scholarship,” in Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, vol. 9, article 13 (2009),1-37. (17,500 words)

“’I had no idea such people were in America!’: Cultural Dissemination, Ethno-linguistic Identity and Narratives of Disappearance,” in Spaces of Identity, Volume 6, Issue 1, April 2006: (3600 words)

“Žydzi i judaizm w chrześcijańskich scenariuszach końca świata: zapiekła nienawiść czy ireniczne itineraria?” [Jews and Judaism in Christian End-Time Scenarios: Hard-Wired Hatred or Irenic Itineraries?],Polish translation by Przełożył Mariusz Czaja with English abstract], in: Barbarzynca. Pismo Antropologiczne (2005) 10; 8-12.

“‘Sanguis naturalis’ and ‘sang de miracle’: ancient medicine, ‘supersitition’, and the metaphysics of mediaeval healing miracles”, in: Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 87,2 (2003), 129-158.


Andrew Colin Gow

"Gog and Magog on Mappaemundi and Early Printed Maps: Orientalizing Ethnography in the Apocalyptic Tradition", in: Journal of Early Modern History 2,1 (1998), 1-28.

"The Jewish Antichrist in Medieval and Early Modern Germany", in: Medieval Encounters 2,3 (1996), 249-285.

"Pope Eugenius IV and Jewish Money-Lending in Florence: the case of Salomone di Bonaventura during the chancellorship of Leonardo Bruni" co-authored with Gordon Griffiths (University of Washington). In: Renaissance Quarterly XLVII, 2 (1994), 282-329.

refereed chapters:

With Jeremy Fradkin, “Protestantism and Non-Christian Religions”, in: Ulinka Rublack, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Reformations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 274-300.

“Protestant Geschichtsklitterungen: The History of Medieval German and Netherlandish Bibles”, in: Johannes Gudian, Johannes Heil, Michael Roth and Felicitas Schmieder, eds., Erinnerungswege - Festschrift für Johannes Fried (Frankfurter Historische Abhandlungen, Bd. X), Stuttgart 2015.

“The Bible in the Germanic Languages (Middle Ages),” in:The New Cambridge History of the Bible vol. II, eds. E. Ann Matter and Richard Marsden. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011 (7,500 words).

“Das Gefolge des Antichristen: Zur Legende von den „roten Juden“,” in: Der Antichrist. Die Glasmalereien der Marienkirche in Frankfurt (Oder).Ulrich Knefelkamp and Frank Martin, eds. Berlin: Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevian der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften/Leipzig: Edition Leipzig, 2008, 102-112.

Gow, Andrew. "Empirical Empire: Eurocentrism and Cosmopolitanism in the 'Last' Mappamundi (Fra Mauro)." Europa im Weltbild des Mittelalters. Kartographische Konzepte. Ed. Ingrid Baumgärtner and Hartmut Kugler. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 2008, 259-267.

“Wie übergeht oder ignoriert man eschatologisches Gedankengut? Und warum? Und wenn man es einmal übergangen oder verkannt hat, was wären dann konkret die Folgen?”[How does one overlook or ignore eschatological ideas? And why? And having overlooked or misrecognised them, then what?], in: Endzeiten. Eschatologie in den monotheistischen Weltreligionen, Wolfram Brandes and Felicitas Schmieder, eds. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2008, 1-12.

“Humanities and humanities-history: obsolete Bildung and its future in the automatic university”, in: Hyphenated Histories.Central European Bildung and Slavic Studies in the Contemporary Academy. Edited and introduced by Andrew Colin Gow. Leiden, Boston and Tokyo: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007, 3-18 [mutual refereeing/revision among all contributors and outside review].

“Fra Mauro and the End of Authority: Authority and Empirical Evidence on a Venetian Mappamundi”, in: The Hereford World Map. Medieval World Maps and their Context, ed. Paul Harvey. London: The British Library, 2006, 405-414.

“Challenging the Protestant Paradigm. Bible Reading in Lay and Urban Contexts of the Later Middle Ages”, in: Scripture and Pluralism. The Study of the Bible in the Religiously Plural Worlds of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Thomas J. Heffernan and Thomas E. Burman. Studies in the History of Christian Thought, vol. 123. Leiden: Brill, 2005, 161-191.

“The ultra-orthodox pizza joint and the Scouting room. Enclaves in secular and sacred space as negations/confirmations of dominant institutional cultures”, in: Placing History: Themed Environments, Urban Consumption, and the Public Entertainment Sphere (Orte und ihre Geschichte(n): Themenwelten, urbaner Konsum und die Öffentlichkeit von Freizeit), ed. Susan Ingram and Markus Reisenleitner. Vienna: Turia & Kant, 2003, 149-163 [By invitation, mutual refereeing/revision among all contributors].

“Christian Colonialism: Luther's Exegesis of Hebrew Scripture”, in: Continuity and Change. The Harvest of Late Medieval and Reformation History. Essays in Honor of Heiko Augustinus Oberman on his 70th Birthday, ed. Robert Bast and Andrew Gow. Leiden: Brill, 2000, 229-252.

“Kartenrand, Gesellschaftsrand, Geschichtsrand: Die legendären judei clausi/inclusi auf mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Weltkarten”, in Helwig Schmidt-Glinzer, ed., Fördern und Bewahren. Studien zur europäischen Kulturgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1996 (=Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, vol. 70), 137-155.

"Toleration and Terror. The Jewish Experience in the German-speaking lands, 1400-1800", in: European Tradition and Experiences, ed. Ladislau Gyemant. ClujNapoca: European Studies Foundation Publishing House, 1999, 1227.

Other Minor Publications:

Gow, Andrew, Robert Desjardins and François Pageau. "Tinctor's Foul Manual". Digital exhibition hosted by Bruce Peel Special Collections and Archives on the University of Alberta website concerning the 15th-century demonological treatise we discovered in Bruce Peel in 2005, and have been working on (on and off) ever since. Live since October 2016.

Gow, Andrew. "A Student's Recollection." Collaboration, Conflict, and Continuity in the Reformation. Essays in Honour of James M. Estes on his Eightieth Birthday. Ed. Konrad Eisenbichler. Essays and Studies, 34. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2014, 41-43.

Conference proceedings:

“La tradition de ‘l'Antéchrist’ juif en occident et la résistance de l'orthodoxie grecque face à cette légende”, in: Mikhail Dmitriev, Daniel Tollet, and Elisabeth Teiro, eds., Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin: approche comparative. Actes du colloque organisé les 14-15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2003, 43-58.

“(En)gendering Evil: Sinful Conceptions of the Antichrist in the Middle Ages and the Reformation”, in: Rudolf Suntrup and Jan R. Veenstra (eds.), Medieval to Early Modern Culture/Kultureller Wandel vom Mittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit, vol. 2 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2002), 147-158. Revised and expanded print version of an article originally published in Journal of Millennial Studies 2,1 (1999) ( published by the Center for Millennial Studies, Boston University).


Andrew Colin Gow

“Popular Persuasions. Flagellants and the Construction of Sanctity in Latin and Orthodox Christendom”, in: Fonctions sociales et politiques du culte des saints dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin au Moyen Age et à l'époque moderne. Approche comparative. Actes du deuxième colloque international du L.A.H.R.C.O.R. Ed. Marek Derwich and Mikhail Dmitriev (Opera ad historiam monasticam spectantia, Series I, Colloquia 4) Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw Press, 1997, 405-416.

Minor Electronic publications:

Russian version of “The Red Jews: Apocalypticism and Anti-Semitism in Medieval and Early Modern Germany”, first published in Vestnik Evreiskogo Universiteta 2, 20 (1999), now posted on the website of the International Council of Christians and Jews (

“(En)gendering Evil: Sinful Conceptions of Antichrist in the Middle Ages and Reformation”, in: Journal of Millennial Studies 2,1 (1999) ( published by the Center for Millennial Studies, Boston University; ISSN 1099-2731).

“Jewish Shock-Troops of the Apocalypse: Antichrist and the End, 1200-1600”, in: Journal of Millennial Studies ( published by the Center for Millennial Studies, Boston University; ISSN 1099-2731). 1,1 (1998). Download from: (22 pp. MS). NOTE: portions of this article appeared in my article "The Jewish Antichrist in Medieval and Early Modern Germany" (as above) and are republished in electronic form by kind permission of Koninklijke Brill.


“Mappaemundi and Early World Maps, 1200-1500: A Bibliography of Historical Scholarship”, co-authored with Dr. Jolanta Pekacz; ca. 450 pp. Distributed electronically (1997) and in hard copy (1998) via MapHist, the leading international scholarly forum for the history of cartography (560 subscribers), moderated by Dr. Peter van den Krogt, Department of Geography, University of Utrecht/Netherlands. Published on the 1997 MapHist CD-ROM by the Explokaart Project, Department of Geography, University of Utrecht. Also available at


Andrew Colin Gow


“Medieval History: A Digital Introduction for University Students” Website built by Mathias Kluge, M.A., for the division of medieval history, University of Augsburg; co-sponsored by the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.:

“Beyond ‘History and Memory'. Traces of Jewish Historiography in the Middle Ages.”(Johannes Heil, Jenseits von ‘History and Memory’. Spuren jüdischer Geschichtsschreibung im Mittelalter. Johannes Fried zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 55 (12.2007), pp. 989-1019), in:Medieval Jewish Studies Online 1 (2007/2008),

"Captivitas Babylonica: Johann von Staupitz's Critical Ecclesiology" (Heiko A. Oberman, "Captivitas Babylonica. Die Kirchenkritik des Johannes von Staupitz", in: Reformatio et Reformationes: Festschrift für Lothar Graf zu Dohna zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Andreas Mehl and Wolfgang Christian Schneider [Darmstadt, 1989], 97-106), in: Heiko A. Oberman, The Impact of the Reformation (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1994), 26-34.

"Duplex Misericordia: The Devil and the Church in the Early Theology of Johann von Staupitz" (Heiko A. Oberman, "Duplex Misericordia: Der Teufel und die Kirche in der Theologie des jungen Johann von Staupitz", in: Theologische Zeitschrift: Festschrift für Martin Anton Schmidt, ed. Theologische Fakultät der Universität Basel [Basel, 1989], 231-243), in: Heiko A. Oberman, The Impact of the Reformation, 35-47.


“The Red Jews: Apocalypticism and Jew-Hatred in Medieval and Early Modern Germany”, in: Jews and Slavs (Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2004), 24 pp. ms.

encyclopedia and reference book entries:

“Apocalypticism, Medieval”, in: The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, vol. I, ed. Robert Benedetto et al. (Louisville and London: Westminster JohnKnox Press, 2008), 33-34.

“Medieval Satire”, in: The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, vol. I, ed. Robert Benedetto et al. (Louisville and London: Westminster JohnKnox Press, 2008), 414-415.

Lemma "Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism .IV. Christianity .b. Medieval Times and Reformation Era", in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, ed. Hans-Josef Klauck et al. (Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009).

New Dictionary of National Biography: rewritten main entry on rabbi Aaron Hart (Uri Pheibush; 1670-1752), first chief rabbi= of England, with rewritten or new subsidiary entries on his brother the financier Moses Hart, and on his distant relative Aaron Hart (1724-1800), the first Jew to settle in British Canada (900 words).

In The Encyclopedia of Monasticism (Chicago: Fitzroy-Dearborn, 2000), entry on 'The Dissolution of Monastic Houses in Continental Europe' (1,000 words).

In Medieval Trade, Travel and Exploration: An Encyclopedia, ed. John B. Friedman. New York & London: Garland, 1998. Entries on: Henry of Mainz (300 words), Fra Mauro (500 words), The Monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai (500 words), the Red Jews (750 words), Andreas Walsperger (500 words), Borgia map (100 words), Gog and Magog (300 words), Vienna-Klosterneuburg map corpus (300 words).

In Making History. A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, ed. D.R. Woolf. New York & London: Garland, 1998 (2 vols.). Entries on: Johann Thurmair (Aventinus), Johann Carion, Erik Erikson, Joachim Lelewel, Heiko Oberman; each c. 500 words.

Essays and other publications:

“The Brisket King, or: The Perils of Dualism” inZeek Magazine, 6 October, 2008:


Andrew Colin Gow


Ph.D. students: Jolanta Pekacz, 1995-1998 (Assistant Prof., U of Saskatchewan, 1999-

2003; Associate Professor of History and Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University, 2003-)

Mohamed Hassan Mohamed, co-supervision with Guy Thompson, 2004-

2005 (Assistant Professor of History, University of Windsor, 2007-)

Tonya Lambert, 2002-2005 (withdrew 2005)

Rev. Tony Maan, 2004-2008 (Pastor, Maranatha Reformed Church, Lethbridge, AB, 2008-)

Rob Desjardins, 2004-2009

Natalie Leishman, 2005-2006 (changed topic/supervisor)

Henry Suderman, 2008-2011

Erin Garvin, 2010-2011, co-supervision with Selina Stewart

Lara Apps, 2011-2015

James White, 2012-

François Pageau, 2013-

Michelle Stanley, 2013 (withdrew due to illness, 2015)

Rita Neyer, 2015-

Gina Froese, 2015- (co-supervision with John Kitchen)

M.A. students: Tim Chodan, 1996-1998

François Bailleux, 1996-1998

Lara Apps (ex Brindle), 1997-2000

Patricia Dutchak, 1999-2001

Rob Desjardins, 2000-2003

Sandro DiMarcello, 2000-2002

Shya Young (Religious Studies), 2004-2007

Rhonda Kronyk (co-supervision with Daniel Woolf), 2004-2007

Carolyn Salomons, 2005-2007

Filip Ani, 2008-2009

Daniel Erin, 2009-2011

Jeremy Fradkin, 2009-2011

Elham Heidari, 2009-2011

Ashley Sims, 2010-2012

Kaitlyn Plumb, 2010 (withdrew 2013)

Katrina Witt, 2011-2014

François Pageau, 2011-2013

Matthew Papai, 2012-2015

John Manderscheid, 2013-2016

Elisabeth Hill, 2014-2016

Ph.D. Committees: History: Robert Cole, Colin Neufeldt, Susan McMahon, Pamela Stanton, Elena Krevsky, Natalka Cmoc, Sean Ryan, Matthew Neufeld, Natalie Leishman, Sarah Brand

English: Stephen King, Natalie Dear

German: Markus Wust

Religious Studies: Glenn Fairen, Kristian Klippenstein


Corey Liknes, Erik Jaegermann, Melanie Cook, Steven Tymko, Michael Rutherford, Mandy Batke, Troy Gillespie, Daniel Erin, Allison Jones. Samantha Sheplawy, Williams Shaw, Muhammad Abdur Rehman Raheem


“In and Out the Window: Jews in (and out) of Tri-Confessional Augsburg, 1438-1803”, at the Annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Montreal, 24-26 March, 2011 (refereed).

“Alexander the Great in Literary and Religious Texts and Contexts, from Antiquity through EarlyModernity”. Counter-Stories and Entangled Histories. Shared Heroes in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, a conference at the Columbia University Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies. Columbia University, NY/NY, 15-16 November, 2010 (invited paper, all expenses paid).