Updated November 2017
Fremington Community Primary and Nursery School
School Information
In 2017/18 the government has continued to allocate PE and sport premium for primary schools. The amount allocated for our school is shown below.
PRIMARY SCHOOL PE AND SPORT PREMIUM FUNDING – ACADEMIC YEAR 2017/18Total Amount of Sports Premium Received. / £1600 (an additional £9K to be received)
PE Subject leader / Mrs S Pye
PE Sports Premium Funding 2017 - 2018
Goals / How will these goals be achieved – Effective use of funding / Funding breakdown / Timescales / How will we monitor progress? Evidence / Impact this funding has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment.PE partnership with feeder secondary school primary schools in the area and local partners / Membership to
Barnstaple Primary
Schools PE and Sport
RUN by Mrs C. FARR / £2200 / Sept 2017 – July 2018 / Feedback from
CPD training
Termly meeting to discuss impact in cluster groups / Allow children to access and increase participation in competitive school sports with other schools in the local area
Increased opportunity of clubs at other locations
Ensuring that all children attend at least one festival a year
Increased pupil participation – through regular interschool
competitions and tournaments
Gifted and Talented programme
Support for PE co-ordinator in planning a longer term vision for PE and sport in the school
More confident and competent staff including lunchtime play leader Increased school – community links
Enhance the quality and provision of lunchtime play / Employ a lunchtime play leader, have the new lunch time assistant attend the play leaders training to enable them to work with the play leaders the following year.
Update and purchase new resources and a shed to keep lunch time equipment in. / £2250
£700 / November 2017 / Increased participation of physical activities at lunch time.
More positive behaviour at lunch times. / Enhance the quality and provision of lunchtime play, children become more active at lunch times.
Provide transport to the festivals and the other competitions throughout the year. / Provide transport to and from events – to allow more children to take part. / £600 for the coaches for the festivals.
£1400 for the coaches for other competitions / Sept 2017 – July 2018 / Increased participation. Every child has the opportunity to attend at least one festival. / Allow children to access and increase participation in competitive school sports with other schools in
the local area.
Increased participation
Continuing to develop positive attitudes to health and well-being Increased school – community links
Improved pupil attitudes to PE. Allow children to access and increase participation in a wider range of sports.
Developing stronger links with local high schools.
Allow children to access and increase participation in a wider range of sports.
Enhance the quality and provision of an inclusive curriculum in PE and sport across the school / Update and purchase new resources.
15 x gymnastic mats
1 new mat trolley
2 x netball posts / £1700 / November 2017 / Ensure new resources are being used and used properly. Check PE shed is kept tidy and organised Audit of resources when new shed is ordered. / Children using high quality resources therefore impacting in their attitudes towards their learning.
A more inclusive curriculum that inspires and engages all pupils.
Purchase specialist equipment and teaching resources to develop new sports in the school / Look at new sports to offer the children for example:
New age curling set.
Quick sticks set / £1000 / January 2018 / Staff feedback / Introduce new sports that the children that they may not have tried before.
Provide high quality gymnastics training for teachers / Chris Farr to come in and run training for all year groups. Chris will run demo lessons for teachers to observe provide handouts for teachers to watch the progression. / £300 / January 2018 / Staff questionnaire to see if staffs’ confidence has been raised. / Children receive high quality teaching of gymnastics.
Provide pupils who are gifted and talented in sport with expert intensive coaching and support. / Children to attend the 3 days throughout the year set up for them to experience new sports and to showcase their talents. School to supplement the cost of the aspirational trip to Bath. / £175 / July 2018 / Children share the experience of these events in the school newsletters. / Gifted and talented children to be recognised for their talent.
Encourages them to try new sports.
Raise the profile of sport within the school and encourage younger children to try their best and be inspired to
Provide top up swimming lessons for those year 5/6 pupils who have mobility issues / Swimming teacher employed for 2 hours weekly to take this group of children / £975 / Ongoing through the year / Discussions between swimming teachers and teachers. / Children who find participation in sports difficult are able to access extra swimming and increase mobility and confidence
Continue the house teams sports day. / Purchase/update new equipment for updated
School Games Sports
Day, medals and trophy for the winning house. / £300 / Summer 2018 / Staff, pupil and parent feedback / Develop a competitive edge to the sports day.
Children given a purpose for their participation (earn points for their team)
KS1 and KS2 working together at the sports day.
Continue the yearly swimming gala / Purchase medals
for winning house team. / £100 / Summer 2018 / Staff feedback / Hold a swimming gala yearly in the summer term where the children earn points for their house team.
All children participate from reception to year 6.
Less confident swimmers compete against each other in races aided by floats.
All children feel as though they can compete and succeed.
All children to receive a participation certificate.
Create a swimming team from year 3 – 6, hold a competition with Pilton Blue coats / Invite Pilton school to bring a team of swimmers to compete in a gala. 2 boys, 2 girls from each year group.
Swimming teacher to hold the event and choose the team.
Children to have some sessions before the event to practise their strokes and how the event will be run.
Purchase medals for winners and a trophy for the winning team / £500 / Spring 2018 / PE coordinator to attend the event and gather feedback from the children and staff involved. / Gifted and talented swimmers to compete against another school.
Raise the profile of sport within the school and encourage younger children to try their best and be inspired to
Increase pupil participation through competitions and tournaments / Entry fees for competitions and tournaments / £500 / Sept 17 – July 18 / Children, parents and staff feedback / All the above
Partnership work on physical education with other schools and local partners / Cost of supply cover / £1500 / September 17 – July 18 / PE subject leader reports to Head Teacher
School pupil PE premium update for computer. / Updated PE statement for Sport
Premium on school website
Application for Schools Games Mark raising schools profile through media – local newspaper
Release teacher to take their team to competitions to improve continuity and give the team maximum confidence.
CPD for staff
Increase participation and range of clubs / We are looking to expand the number of clubs we offer and utilise outside coaches / £900 / Sept 17 -July 18 / We aim to see an increase in pupil participation / This will forge further links with the community and outside agencies and improve pupil participation for all ages and abilities
Employ expert advice to evaluate the schools the schools current strengths and weaknesses in PE and sport and implement plans for improvement / Employ Chris Farr to look at the provision of PE and sport across the school. / £300 - 500 / July 18 / PE coordinator to implement plans and monitor PE lessons and provision of sports available to the pupils. / Support for PE co-ordinator in planning a longer term vision for PE and sport in the school
More confident and competent staff
Children receive improved provision and teaching of PE
In addition we also aim to offer the following:
•A variety of friendly and competitive fixtures in a variety of sports against other school outside our catchment.
•Continued development of Young Sports Leaders at lunchtimes and past pupils for our Sports Day.
•Trained Fun Fit teachers to deliver session to aid children’s concentration and fine motor skills.
•Inspiring assemblies and celebrating individuals successes outside of school
•A yearly parental questionnaire aimed at improving provision
•FA skills football programme and CPD for key stage 2
•Visits to Tarka Tennis for coaching and have coaches come into school
Fremington Community Primary and Nursery School is fully committed to the development of PE, sport and healthy lifestyles of its pupils. We welcome the funding from the government and will measure its impact rigorously to ensure that we are providing a high quality, value for money programme – ensuring every child matters.