Acts 2:1-4

Messiah Confirmation Sunday

May 7, 2017

Pastor Nathan J. Thompson

Today is an exciting day as we celebrate Confirmation for five 9th graders and one 10th grader from Messiah. These young people have been busy these past few weeks finishing up their Habitudes lessons with Pat; focusing with me on what it means to truly affirm their faith in Jesus; in writing their personal Faith Statements. Congratulations to each one!

Recently I have been asking various groups of people what they remember about their Confirmation training; about their Confirmation Service. Some responses I received: the pastor was pretty strict; they had a large class combined with another church; they had lots of memory work to do; the Confirmation service was their first communion. What do you remember?

One thing I remember from mine was that we had a catechization (examination) night where each of us had to answer a question from our pastor. My pastor, Pastor Bob Anderson, was very gracious in that he warned me beforehand to be ready to recite from memory Martin Luther’s explanation in the Small Catechism to the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed.

This Third Article proclaims that we “believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.” It proclaims our belief in the third person of the Trinity—God the Holy Spirit.

I stood up then and shared the explanation: “I believe that I cannot by my own understanding or effort believe in Jesus Christ my Lord, or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me through the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and kept me in true faith.

“In the same way he calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it united with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. In this Christian church day after day he fully forgives my sins and the sins of all believers. On the last day he will raise me and all the dead and give me and all believers in Christ eternal life. This is most certainly true.”

An impression people often have is that our Lutheran heritage really didn’t go for this Holy Spirit stuff. Some may think that Luther and the reformers wanted people in the church to focus more on reason (intellect) rather than on the Holy Spirit’s power; mystery; experience.

My father (who was the national director (leader) of our Lutheran denomination’s evangelism office) became friends through some meetings with the president of the Assemblies of God denomination. This man grew up Lutheran yet his faith came alive in this Spirit-filled church.

Interestingly enough he told my father one time that if the Lutheran church (Lutheran people) ever took seriously the writings (teachings) on the Holy Spirit by Martin Luther there would have been no need for an Assemblies of God denomination. Our heritage as a Lutheran church was founded (centered) on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2 (the Day of Pentecost) tells the story of the day that the church of Jesus Christ was born; the day when its mission to the world began. “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.

“They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Because of Pentecost (this giving of the Holy Spirit) these Spirit-filled disciples went out and literally changed all of history and the world.

The truth of the Holy Spirit is that when Jesus was physically in this world in human form he was confined to being only in one place at a time. Jesus could only minister to one or a few people at a time; could only preach in one place; was limited by time and travel.

When Jesus was ascending back to his Father in heaven he said these words, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

As Jesus bestowed his Holy Spirit on the church (his disciples) the good news is that now Jesus is with each one of us always to the end of time; he touches our lives and ministers to us wherever we go. His presence and power are there for all who trust and rely on him.

One's life without the Holy Spirit can be illustrated by an empty glove. On its own this glove is not able to do or accomplish very much. It looks good and has lots of potential; on its own however it is limp and helpless.

Yet when the Holy Spirit comes into your heart (life); when you are filled with his love and power it is like a hand being put into this glove. Through the Holy Spirit you are given gifts; given power to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Through the Holy Spirit working in your human vessel you are able to love others as Jesus has loved you; are able to serve the poor and needy in the name of Jesus; are able to witness to and tell others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the center of living for and following Jesus.

This is also true for each of you Confirmation students affirming your faith in Jesus; as well as for each of you adults as you continue to live out your Confirmation promises. To ask the Holy Spirit to fill you; to be empowered by Christ's passion for growing God’s kingdom the Holy Spirit empowers you to live lives centered in giving and service.

Pastor and author, Tony Evans, shares how he was in the airport one day rushing to catch a plane. He was sweating and puffing when he looked to his right and saw a man who was actually walking half as fast as he was yet was going faster. The reason was because this other man was walking on a moving sidewalk.

In the same way when you put your faith in Jesus; when you are filled and walk in the wind of the Holy Spirit he comes underneath you like a moving sidewalk; he carries you along. You're still walking yet are now dependent on him. His power leads you forward in hope and mission.

Throughout history it is amazing to see how the power of the Holy Spirit has led people (his church) forward. Beginning with that small group of people assembled on Pentecost the church of Jesus Christ has multiplied; it has spread throughout the whole world.

The church established schools; hospitals; mission programs at home and in distant lands. The church has helped to build up the worth (dignity) of people no matter what their race; has given a vision of hope and possibility for many. The result is that the influence of Christ is seen throughout the whole world; it has influenced (changed) all of history.

Here at Messiah you may be tempted to think that certain visions (goals) are impossible; that the challenges are too great. However you need to be reminded that miracles happen when you allow the wind (the power) of the Holy Spirit to lead. Truth is that you cannot accomplish anything relying on your own skills; power; expertise. Only the Holy Spirit working in you can lead you forward in faith and courage.

An important part of the Confirmation Service is when we lay hands on each person and pray this prayer: “Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in (name) the gift of your Holy Spirit; confirm his faith; guide her life; empower him in his serving; give her patience in suffering; and bring him to everlasting life. Amen.”

It can be pictured with these two jars of water; two packets of Alka Seltzer. Too often as people live their faith they talk about the Holy Spirit as more of an intellectual concept; as an interesting truth that they easily neglect. It is like having this unopened tablet in one's life in some nominal ways. The Spirit is there, yet the person is not tapping into his power.

However if you ask God each day to fill you with his Holy Spirit. If you pray to stir up the gift of the Holy Spirit in you; it is like putting this opened Alka Seltzer tablet into this jar. It comes alive; it is filled with power; it gives life to everything you do.

In a few minutes we are going to pray (just like with the Confirmands) that God will stir up his Holy Spirit in you. Often times your spiritual walk with Jesus may feel like a burden; may feel like you are simply going through the motion of routine in worship and service; are lacking in much joy and passion. There are times when your Christian life may be pretty dull and tired.

Each day however God wants to stir up his gift of the Holy Spirit in you. God wants to fill you with a passion to live for (to serve God anew); to be a witness for him; to use your gifts (talents) in ways that help grow and strengthen his kingdom on earth. This truly is God’s will for you.

So please bow your heads as I pray this prayer for you: “Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in each one of these people the gift of your Holy Spirit; confirm their faith; guide their lives; empower them in their serving; give them patience in suffering; and bring them to everlasting life. And let all the people say ‘Amen.’”

God's richest blessings on our Confirmands this morning as we lay hands on and pray this prayer for them! May this day not be a graduation from confirmation; may it rather be an affirmation to live by faith in Jesus; in the power of his Holy Spirit each and everyday.