First Sacraments 2018
Parent Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Please view the attached First Sacraments 2018 Calendar!!
It is that time to register your child for their First Sacraments! Please go to our parish website . Once there, look at the top right for the words "Faith Formation" and click on the tab. Then click on Religious Education to take you to our webpage. Scroll down and click on the link "Register for Religious Education here" and it will take you to our registration site.If you are new to the site you must create a new account (on the right —“first time user”). If you have an account you can sign in on the left as “return user.” If you cannot remember your username/password or need assistance, please call our office at 641-424-0499, or email Carolyn at .
We have a great program to prepare your child for their First Reconciliation and First Communion. The most exciting part about the program is that it involves you!
The Parent Meeting is on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at6:30pm at Holy Family Church Hall. Before the meeting you will have the opportunity to choose a Mass time for First Communion (see list below).However, there are a limited number of pews available at each of these Mass times. So, in order to be fair, we are asking that you come starting at 6:30pm on Wednesday January 31, 2018 at Holy Family Church Hallto sign up for your choice. It will be first come, first choice. The parent meeting willfollow at 7:00pm.
At the parent meeting you will receive important information about the Parent-Led First Reconciliation Preparation and First Reconciliation night. There will also be some adult formation offered by one of our priests. Please view the times/dates/churches on the next page of this letter. Then, with your choice,come at 6:30pm before the parent meeting on January 31, 2018 to sign up!
*Note we are sorry but we cannot take early or phone sign-ups. Please make sure you have someone at this meeting. Only one parent needs to attend (children need not attend) or it can be a friend or relative who comes in your place.
**If you are unable to make this meeting you will be placed at the Mass where there are pews available.
2018 First Communion Mass Times/dates/churches to choose from:
** 1 pew per child/family (holds 8 adults comfortably) **
Saturday, April 21st at 4pm Mass at Holy Family, 10 pews available
Sunday, April 22nd at 7:30am Mass at St. Joseph, 8 pews available
Sunday, April 22nd at 9am Mass at St. Joseph, 8 pews available
Sunday, April 22nd at 11amatMass at Holy Family, 12 pews available
Other Important Reminders:
*Please bring a check made out to Epiphany Parish for $35 to the parent meeting.
*When registering, please check the box that you can receive text messages from us as a way to communicate any cancellations or changes to the schedule.
*All other communication is done through email so make sure you are checking frequently for important information.
Thank you and Blessings to you and your child during this wonderful time of experiencing your Catholic Faith. We look forward to spending time together with you and your child.