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Title and Scope

  1. Title of paper

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  1. Abstract

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  1. Subject area(s)

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  1. Time period & geography

Please give details of the archaeological/historical time periods and areas covered in your paper.

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  1. Key words

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  1. Illustrations

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  1. Tables

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  1. Extent

All papers should be 10,000 words or less, incl. bibliography, captions and main text. What is the proposed word-count of your paper?

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  1. Submission date

Please give a realistic date by which you expect to deliver the manuscript of your paper, incl. any image files and permissions, to the Antiquaries Journal for initial editorial review.

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Author Information

  1. Details of corresponding author

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  1. Details of co-authors

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  1. Biographical note

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  1. Previous publications

Please give details of any relevant past publications (journals or books).

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  1. Social media & websites

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  1. Additional information

If you have anything else you would like to share with us to help us promote your paper (for example, any anniversaries or related events linked to the subject), please give details here.

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