Troop Leader and Parent/Guardian Agreement Form

This agreement outlines the mutual responsibilities of a troop leader and parent/guardian.

Remember: April 22nd is Girl Scout Leader Day

The Parent/Guardian agrees to:

Arrange to get my daughter to and from troop meetings and events on time and make sure she attends troop meetings on a regular basis.

Inform the leader of any changes in persons designated to drop off and pick up my daughter.

Follow Girl Scout safety guidelines and encourage my daughter to do the same. Refrain from the use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol at all Girl Scout events and meeting locations.

Bring concerns to the troop leader in a respectful and supportive way, not in the presence of girls. Should I have a complaint or problem, I will share a suggested solution.

Attend parent meetings and group activities, as required.

Inform leaders about special needs and/or allergies (including food allergies) my daughter may have.

Assist the leader in providing a quality experience by offering time, resources, and/or talents.

Acknowledge and appreciate that the troop leaders voluntarily give their time, energy, efforts to provide a quality Girl Scout experience.

Sign and return necessary forms on time with any required fees. Accept all financial obligations that I agree to and/or sign for.

Let my daughter know that I consider her participation in Girl Scouts to be important.

Encourage and support my daughter to pursue additional Girl Scout activities, events, and badges outside of troop meetings.

Encourage and support my daughter to pursue her Bronze Award, yet leaving it up to her to decide whether it is something she wants to obtain.

______Parent/Guardian signature date

The Troop Leader agrees to:

Complete Girl Scout position training, as needed.

Devote sufficient time and energy to the planning and carrying out of troop program and meet with the girls on a regular basis.

Support the mission and values of the Girl Scout movement.

Follow Girl Scout health, safety, and program policies.

Encourage parents to actively participate in the troop and provide information on how they can be additionally involved.

Create an atmosphere of tolerance, acceptance and appreciation of differences.

Encourage and support each girl to pursue additional Girl Scout activities, events, and badges outside of troop.

Encourage and support each girl to pursue the Bronze Award by providing the information about the award and explaining the distinction of receiving the award. The decision, however, will be left up to each girl to decide whether it is something she wants to obtain.

Follow the Girl Scout plan of “girl-led” troops by encouraging girls to plan their activities and badges to earn, while providing guidance and mentoring their choices.

Be open to discussion with parents and girls about any concerns.

Provide information regarding Girl Scout activities beyond the troop setting.

Ensure that the troop is represented at each leaders’ meeting.

Honestly and responsibly manage troop finances. Troop financial information is always available for review.

______Troop Leader signature date

Remember: April 22nd is Girl Scout Leader Day