State Board of Dentistry

Meeting Summary

March 21, 2014

Regulatory Report

Legal counsel is working on draft regulations that would double the civil penalties for licenses. This will result in licensees meeting the threshold for penalties and a trigger the prosecutorial process more quickly than the current system.

Legal counsel will promulgate regulations for HB 1056, legislation that allows out-of-state dentists to apply for temporary licensure. The General Assembly passed this bill and it was signed into law in February. The regulations will provide more specifics on what exactly out-of-state dentists will need to obtain a temporary license.

Legal counsel does not see any impediment to the State Board of Dentistry pursuing regulations or legislation that would make teeth whitening the sole practice of dentistry. There are significant differences between the North Carolina Dental Board and the Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry and the latter has the authority to do so.

Legal counsel is finishing revisions to the regulations for anesthesia permit holders. The board will have the opportunity to review a draft preamble to the regulations at its May meeting. The preamble provides a comprehensive explanation of why the board believes updates to the current regulations are necessary. Dr. Marinak reported that he attempted contacting leaders in the pediatric dental community who had previously expressed concerns about the regulation updates, but no one responded. He believes the only outstanding issue pertains to non-permit holders treating patients in a permit holder’s office.

The Governor’s Policy Office is still reviewing the draft regulations for the administration of botox and dermal fillers.

Legal counsel is updating the current regulations to add changes that the General Assembly made to the Volunteer Health Services Act and a package of bills pertaining to reporting child abuse.

Legal counsel has almost completed minor updates to the board’s current regulations on licensure.

Legal counsel plans to draft the preamble that must accompany the draft regulations regarding mobile dental vans before they can be circulated for review.

Chair’s Report

Dr. Deem gave an overview of the ADA’s Community Health Coordinator (CDHC) pilot program at the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry. When the pilot program was first proposed, the board had set specific requirements, including:

  • CDHCs must be certified EFDAs or licensed hygienists.
  • The board needed to have representation on the CDHC Oversight Committee.

There are a total of seven CDHCs, six of whom working in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and one currently on medical leave. They primarily work at recruiting patients to visit the FQHCs for dental treatment. Some are performing radiographs if they have supervising dentists. Dr. Deem stressed that the board needs an update from the ADA or Temple on the status of the pilot program. The board needs clarification on whether the CDHCs are still practicing and to what degree, whether there is still funding from the ADA, etc.

Ms. MariellenBrickley-Raab, the board’s representative on the CDCH Oversight Committee reported that the committee is “in the dark” about the status of the program. She also stated that the committee never received any data after the pilot program was to end, including the report that was given at the ADA’s Annual Session in October.

Committee Reports

EFDA Committee: Ms. Theresa Goody reported that the committee would like to work with PSI, the company administering the EFDA certification examination, to make improvements. She asked for the board’s approval to request that PSI change its exam to include questions about coronal polishing, as well as a regular collaborative review of the exam by the committee and PSI. The board supported the committee’s request.

Dental Practice Ownership Committee: Dr. DeFinnis reported that the committee hopes to have draft regulations promulgated by the fall. The committee plans to meet with an expert consultant on large group practices.

Next Meeting Date: May 2, 2014, 9:00 a.m., Penn Center, Harrisburg, PA

2015 meeting dates:

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