Minutes of Committee Meeting No. 36

held on Monday 3rd December 2012

Present : Clair Chilvers (in the Chair), Wendy Ellyatt, Phil Farmer, Agnes Hanson, Jill Maryszczak, Jonathan Moffit, Maurice Gran, Adrian Phillips and Cassandra Phillips (Secretary).

1. Welcome & Apologies

The meeting was held at 6.30 p.m. at 30 Painswick Road (care of Cassandra Phillips).

Apologies for absence were received from Richard Lyons and Vanessa Angelo-Thomson.

  1. Minutes of Committee meeting held on 5 October 2012

The Minutes were accepted as a true record.

  1. Organisational Issues
  2. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman informed the Committee that Anne McWilliam wished to resign from the Committee as she was spending more time in London.

3.2Secretary’s report.

Sandy reported that she and Adrian had cleared the brambles from round the newly planted tree on the corner of Andover Rd and Andover Walk, and would ask for help from members in weeding round the SPJARA-planted shrubs on Grafton Rd.

3.3 Membership Secretary’s report.

Jonathan reported that so far 136 members had paid up this year, giving an income of £555 from the members

3.4Treasurer’s report. Agnes reported there was currently £1,733.29 in SPJARA’s bank account. It was agreed that members should be encouraged to pay by annual standing order, and that the correct wording should be added to the membership form for 2013. Chez Maryszczak had advised that we should always ensure that a record was kept of the details of income received and payments made as cash.. Action : Agnes, All.

4Current Issues:

4.1 New Tree planting

Richard sent a report saying that regarding new trees in Church House garden the situation was unchanged, and they would not proceed until they had resolved the drainage issue. Our offer to them was still there. Re Tryes Road, he had exchanged emails with the GCC but understood the issue was about their financial commitment. He would try to get this resolved in the current planting period. One resident was objecting to further planting in this street

Action: Richard

4.2 Norwood Triangle surface

It was agreed the loose surface and drainage problems needed to be resolved urgently, especially since well over 50% of the project had been funded by a Big Lottery “Community Spaces” grant. The whole surface needed to be relaid, though this could not now be done before the spring. Gloucestershire Highways had told Phil the company who laid the surface were no longer on the approved list so could not be asked to replace it, and GH did not now have a budget pay for the work. Wendy said that the new senior official in GH was trying to help, and would be helped by a strong letter from SPJARA, copied to Rob Garnham, Tim Harman and Cheltenham Connect. It was agreed Adrian should draft this letter. Agnes would supply the details of all the Norwood Triangle funding

Action: Wendy, Adrian, Agnes, Phil

4.3 Connect Streets (Bath Rd) project

Wendy and Adrian reported that Phase 2 was now underway and would include boundary signs, a painted enamel sign on the Exmouth Arms wall opposite the Co-op, interpretative boards in the car park, and tree planting in the front gardens of the middle section of houses on the west side. Adrian was in contact with Lloyds Bank and 7 of the house owners, most of whom had agreed to have trees planted in their front gardens.

Action: Wendy, Adrian

4.4 Parking Regime

It was reported that a recent opinion survey organised by Peter Todd (a Gratton Rd resident) showed that about 2/3 wanted an extension to the new parking zone into Gratton Rd and Ashford Rd, as those just outside the zone were finding it difficult to park and were now willing to pay a residents charge. It was decided that this survey should be an item in the next SPJARA Newsletter, saying that we are aware that many people had changed their minds since taking part in the Council’s 2010/11 survey (which SPJARA had helped organise), and that the Committee would support the review of the parking zone boundaries requested by Peter Todd.

Action: Sandy

4.5 20 mph limit

It was reported that Rob Garnham was interested in discussing this, including how it could be enforced. It was agreed to discuss this at the 2013 AGM, and to invite Bronwen Thornton to give a talk about urban speed limits. Action: Sandy

4.6Street Cleaning

There had been some postponements due to Council workers being needed for urgent flood clear-up, but the programme should be completed soon.

4.7Civic Society meeting on Cheltenham’s future

Adrian and Richard represented SPJARA at a meeting of civic amenity etc. groups, called by the CCS at Parmoor House on 29 November to discuss the “future of Cheltenham”. The themes which all agreed were of importance were: good design (or rather the lack of it) in much development and in the public realm; the management of parks, trees, greenspace and green infrastructure; the vitality of the town centre and other shopping areas; and movement around town (cars, buses, cycling and walking). Other issues were the relatively narrow social base represented by the organisations present, and the need for improved communication between individual civic society bodies, the CCS and the local authorities (GCC and CBC). A further meeting would be convened by CCS Chair Stephen Clarke early in 2013 to decide how to take this forward.

It was agreed that Adrian should continue to represent SPJARA in this dialogue, which could be useful in pursuing joint action on, e.g., a 20 mph zone (although Richard had sent a note saying he did not think SPJARA should be part of it). Action: Adrian

4.8 Planning and tree felling applications

Adrian reported that he had written on behalf of SPJARA (with the agreement of the owners and neighbours) to request that a large garage at the back of 6 Park Place should have a green (living) roof. The planning decision was expected in mid December.

Richard had written (also on behalf of SPJARA and with the agreement of the owners) to request that the large sycamore being felled due to disease in the garden of 74 Painswick Rd should be replaced by a suitable tree that would grow to a large size.

Action: Adrian, Richard

4.9History project Walking Trail leaflets

Wendy reported that Cheltenham Connect were planning a local walking tour programme, for which the 2010 Walking Trail leaflets would be needed. About 1000 remained, but she hoped SPJARA could share the cost of reprinting another 5,000, and of providing leaflet dispensers in the car park etc. She would provide detailed costings at the next Committee meeting.

Action: Wendy

5.Programme of activities

5.1 Wine tasting, 26 October

The wine-tasting party was agreed to have been very successful, with 24 people attending, and excellent nibbles provided by Jill, Carol and Agnes. It made a profit of about £90.00.

5.2Family Christmas party, 8 December

Unfortunately, ticket sales were very small so it was decided to cancel this event.[note: Church House had not had any more requests for this time so there was no cancellation charge]

5.3 2013 Spring/Summer Events 2013

a) Colesbourne snowdrops in February,: Maurice reported that this would cost £12.50 each (including refreshments) and the party should be at least 20. He would book a slot for SPJARA.

Action: Maurice

b) Dyrham Park or Snowshill (National Trust), in April or May. Adrian and Sandy would research, and make a booking for SPJARA

Action, Sandy,Adrian

c) 2013 Summer Jazz Party

It was agreed to hold this again in June or July (avoiding the Cheltenham Connect summer fair in June). Maurice would see if it could be in Pete Wiltshire’s garden (Grafton Rd), or in Roger Owen’s garden as in 2012. Action: Maurice

d)2013 Autumn Wine tasting

Vanessa had suggested this might be a combined book/wine tasting event to be held at the time of the Literary Festival, perhaps in the Parabola Arts Centre with a local wine writer Research: Vanessa, Maurice

6. Newsletter

It was agreed to produce newsletters in mid January and late April, and agreed that Jonathan should claim for the paper and ink expenses.

Action: Sandy, Phil, Jonathan, Jill

7. SPJARA website

Adrian reported he had now updated the website. It was agreed a link to the website should be added to all SPJARA emails and Newsletters.

Action: Jonathan, Adrian

8. AGM Date

It was agreed this should be in the week of 20 May

[n.b. Church House is now booked for the AGM on Wednesday 22 May 2013]

9. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 27 February 2013

SPJARA Minutes 03.12.2012