(Established April 1991)

Mission Statement (October 1999) : Christianity through learning,

caring and serving.

Michele Uren 082 6280617 ; 031 7624962 e-mail :

Church Office: (031) 7655515 Website : http://www.stdom.co.za

Please take me home – not to be read in church.

A PRAYER OF HOPE : Heavenly Father, often it is difficult to feel any hope. We hear so much bad news. Often situations around us appear to be out of control and we feel powerless to change them. Yet we remember that when Jesus died on the cross and all appeared hopeless, You raised Him to new life. Even death could not defeat You. Instead you give us hope through His resurrection. May we live this and every day in the knowledge of Your love and power and always grow in hope. Grant us open and expectant hearts. Help us to see and celebrate signs of Your power at work in our world today. Then we can begin again to live out our hope as Your disciples – with confidence, courage and joy. Amen. (Prayers from Corrymeela)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Samantha Anderson, David Baker, Martine Basson, Peter Basson, Yvonne Bates, Vilma Benedetti, Anne Briginshaw, Bronwen Brotherhood, Pieter Budde, Bradley Campbell, Colleen Campbell, Jeremy Campbell, Kevin Cilliers, Jacqueline Clarke, Gregory Cobbledick, Franco Colarossi, Stella Connolly, Rosemary Cooke, Giovanni Corielle, Spaso Curach, Valerie Danbrook, William Dormer, Nontandu Duma, Lucretia Edwards, Mary Ellwood, Stenio Fabre, Anke Fagelund-Gjersoe, Louise Fitzsimons, Nicole Flood, Tatum Galway, Jade Galway, Enrico Giai-Minietti, Luciano Gigante, Samuel Gormley, Nelsie Gray, Neville Green, Margaret Green, Dieter Hamman, Margaret Hamman, Nic Haskell, Tamra Hill, Connor Hoeben, Yvonne Hughes, Ethan Hurst, Kenneth Hutchinson, Jan Joubert, Milan Jurjevic, Sandy Kedian, Colleen Kilfoil, Sean Kilfoil, Caitlin Kloppers, Nathan Kloppers, Grace Langley, Vincent Lawe, Damien Lello, Hans Linz, Leanne Loubser-Goldblatt, Mary Macquet, Sophie Macquet, Sybil Maingard, William Marshall, Matthew Martin, Rodger Maurel, Jennifer McDonald, James McKenna, Nkululeko Mfeka, Pamela Mfeka, Allen Montile, Pamela Montile. Thembinkosi Ndlovu, Byron Nel, Kayleigh Neville, Julie Ntsekhe, Sean O’Flaherty, Anne Osborn, Dawn Pilkington, Erin Porter, Diane Poupard, Colette Powell, Tammy Pretorius, Anthea Rawlins, Megan Roos, Morel Rousseau, Willi Scherzer, Tony Schroeder, Sebastian Schroeder, Stuart Scott Martin, Rebecca Stanley, Kolbe Stellenberg, Rosina Stewart, Noel Swart, Roslyn Tripepi, Nola Twelves, Myles van Musschenbroek, Richard Walshe, Magdalena Walters, Bianca Wesley-Smith, James Wesley-Smith, Gail White, Beverley Wortmann, and Astrid Zwart - and to those celebrating milestone birthdays: Marguy Moustache who turns 30, Xolile Mtwa who turns 40, Tadeusz Dzwig, Mike Madden and Zanele Ngubane on their 60th, Dave Rowe who celebrates his 70th, and Luigi D’eramo and Peter Lakin on their 80th.

My sincere apologies to Monique Lim who was congratulated in last month’s issue on her half-century. Monique celebrated her 40th birthday in September and not her 50th!

- Claire Newton who spoke at the Breakfast Forum on “Body Language for Confidence” – a most interesting topic which was really enjoyed by those who attended.

- The Marianhill priests who were the celebrants at the weekend Masses while Father Brian was on his well-earned leave.

- Zoe Purcell for organising the very simple, but effective celebration to mark the occasion of the beatification of Benedict Daswa.

- Yvonne Hughes, Martin, Brenda, Gary, Sean, Carynne and families would like to thank everyone for the prayers and kindness shown to them during John’s hospitalisation; and for the messages of sympathy and comfort in their bereavement.

- The Confirmation candidates who, with great youthful enthusiasm, helped to take the patients at Hillcrest Government Hospital to the chapel for their service on 6 September.

- The Social Life committee who organised the Heritage Day potjie competition, to the chefs : Wally Lage, Paul Wortmann, Mychelle and Wayne Taylor, Leon Raymakers, Rob Rouessart, Marj Petsch and Jane Croot and the Lifeteen Core Team and to those who supported the event. And congratulations to St Dom’s Master Portjie Chefs – Jane Croot and Marj Petsch!

- The members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul for hosting tea after Mass on their patron saint’s feast day to show their appreciation to the St Doms parishioners for your continued support.

WELCOME TO: Heather Arbuckle who will, we hope, enjoy being part of our St Doms parish community.


- The Oliver family on the death of May, a truly gracious lady.

- Ana Luca Rodrigues and family on the death of her mother, Maria Pereira.

- Tadeusz Kowalski and family on the death of his wife, Krystyna.

- Yvonne Hughes, Martin, Nicki, Jaime-John and Aidan and the family on the death of John, their husband, father and grandfather.

- Sheryl Janse van Vuuren and family on the death of her mother, Katherine Wittstock.

- Ellen, Rob, Cheron McConnell and family on the death of their husband, father and grandfather, Robert Snr after an illness which he bore with great stoicism.

- Clive and Nina Mitchell and family on the death of Clive’s Mum.

- Anne Osborn and family on the death of her middle daughter, Mary.

A WALKING WITNESS (from an article by Annemarie Paulin-Campbell of The Jesuit Institute of South Africa)

Pope Francis, as a Jesuit, is steeped in the Spirituality of St Ignatius, which is the spirituality of love expressed in mission and service. In his spiritual exercises Ignatius highlights that “love is expressed more in deeds than in words”. There is no gap between what Pope Francis says and does – something extremely rare and powerful in leadership. Millions of people throughout the world are drawn to him because of his very clear witness to the values of the Kingdom. In his life, Pope Francis is modelling for us the way to live the Gospel values and is challenging us to follow his example.


- Ashleigh Marais who took first place in the under 56 kg junior World Power Lifting Championships in Las Vegas and is now officially the strongest junior female in the world! That is some record and a great achievement!

- John and Pat Daly on the birth of John’s granddaughter, Taya.


V  The Mass intention for the first Saturday Mass and Rosary at 08h00 on 3 October is for the Confirmation candidates, their parents and sponsors. We look forward to this being attended by a large number of parishioners.

V  Well done to the Praise and Worship band – they first joined together under the guidance of Mary Ann Wanliss in September 2004 and their first Mass was on the first Saturday in October. Since then they have gone from strength to strength and the Sunday evening youth Masses have become a fixture at St Doms.

V  On 4 October during the 08h00 Bilingual Mass we will celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assissi and you are invited to bring your beloved pets along to receive a special blessing. It is a joy to hear the entire congregation joining in singing the parts of the Mass in Zulu – well done to all!

V  The blessing of all those writing exams will take place during the 08h00 and 17h30 Masses on 18 October which is World Mission Sunday. Mission Sunday unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, mutual friendship and support, both spiritual and material. It is the day to reach out beyond the needs of the local parish and diocese and assist missionaries as they spread the Good News.

V  The following young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during Mass at 08h00 on Sunday 25 October: Kirsten Davis, Kyle Howard, Gugu Mfeka, Ryan Janus, Caitlin Kavanagh, Caitlin Kriek, Jessica Saville, Julia Schauerte, Luc Schimper, Kate Swart, Stephen Madden, Tyler Van Musschenbroek, Portia Nzuza, Tatyana Williams, Marvannah Stoffels, Shannon Oliver, Diago Ferrandino and Mpilo Mfeka. Please pray for them and their families as they prepare for this important sacrament. You are invited to join them after Mass for tea in the hall.

V  The Feast of All Saints will be celebrated on Saturday 31 October at 17h30 and at both Masses on Sunday 1 November.

V  Pious lists will be handed out during the month. You are requested to return them, together with an offering, in the prepared envelopes, before the end of the month. The pious lists will remain on the altar for the month and we will pray for the faithful departed at every Mass during November.

DON’T FAIL YOUR CHILDREN : In an article by Sarah-Leah Pimentel which was published in The Southern Cross recently, she says that the greatest gift she received from her parents was her faith. She goes on to say “Many families mistakenly think that the religious formation of young people is the task of the parish priest and the catechist – with a combined contact time of about two hours a week. Yet, parents see their children for several hours each day. They have the greater influence. Constantly finding excuses for why your child couldn’t attend catechism teaches them that a relationship with God is the least important thing in a list of other competing priorities such as the soccer final, the premiere of the latest movie, the birthday party, the music concert or the extra-curricular activity. The family is the first site of evangelization. The family is the first church that children will encounter. If your domestic church is an abandoned place, filled with cobwebs, you cannot be surprised when your children want nothing to do with the church. Each family is called to model itself on the Holy Family. Like Mary and Joseph, we are invited to present our children to the community of God’s people and to celebrate in the life of that community in our common meal, the Holy Eucharist. If we are not doing this, we have failed our children, rejected our God-given role as the custodians of life and abandoned the mission Christ left us : to be His witnesses to the end of the earth.”

Volunteers are not paid – not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.


Ø The alternative power source has been installed, tested and, we are happy to report, is running well. Our sincere thanks to Errol Forbay for his guidance and attention to this.

Ø The SSVP 100 Club draw and Bring and Share supper will take place after Power Hour and Benediction on 2 October. Everyone is welcome – the more the merrier!

Ø The members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul will be on retreat on Saturday 3 October after Mass until 12h00. This is not exclusively for the members, but is open to anyone who would like to attend.

Ø The “Ask a Priest” evening will be held on Wednesday 14 October starting at 19h00. In order to enable the panel to prepare adequately, please email your questions to Linda in the parish office or to Mike Buckle () by 5 October at the latest. Please come along on the 14th to hear the answers to your questions.

Ø Don’t let loose change weigh down your pockets or wallets. The solution is to collect a can from the church entrance and place your coins in there – it’s amazing how quickly they mount up to make a good source of income for the Society of St Vincent de Paul. The full cans may be placed in the SSVP trolley.

Ø You are invited to join the Rosary Rally to pray for South Africa on Saturday 10 October at 12h00. The goal of the rally co-ordinators is to get at least 100 groups praying across South Africa on the Saturday closest to October 13, which is the 98th anniversary of the miracle of the sun at Fatima. The Rosary Crusade is an initiative of “South Africa Needs Our Lady”, a campaign of “Family Action South Africa”. Let’s stand up together to pray publicly for Our Lady’s intercession for our troubled nation.

Ø The members of the Ladies Guild will be collecting items over the next few months for distribution to the patients at Don Mackenzie Hospital. As there are between 140 to 180 patients in the hospital, it would be appreciated if parishioners could assist with toiletry items such as soap, facecloths, toothbrushes, body lotion and the like, which may be left in the SSVP trolley.

Ø Our next Breakfast Talk will take place on 24 October at 08h00 when our guest speaker will be our very own Pauline Rousseau who will talk about her experiences on her recent Camino pilgrimage. Tickets are only R30 each and include a delicious breakfast prepared for you by the members of the Ladies Guild.

DENIS HURLEY CENTRE : The firm I work for recently participated in an international Corporate Social Responsibility Day, during which the employees of each office throughout the world undertook to participate in community activities. Our group volunteered to help with serving a meal to the homeless at the Denis Hurley Centre, which they do four times a week. We were given a brief tour of the Centre and after a short talk by the director, Raymond Perrier, about their work, we helped with serving lunch and washing up. The meals for some 200 people at a time are prepared by their “chef”, Tracey, who has been serving the community at the Cathedral in this way for some 12 years. I found it a most humbling experience, serving the very people who I normally try to ignore when I see them in the street. Being treated with dignity, they behave in an extremely dignified manner and I was struck by the fact that, as I greeted and served them, I was looking into the face of Our Lord. If you, as a family group or part of a church group, would like to volunteer to assist in this way, please call Raymond Perrier at the Centre (031 3012240).

Other news of the Centre is that on 9 November, which would have been Archbishop Hurley’s 100th birthday, the Centre will be formally opened and blessed by Cardinal Napier at 10h00. And at 18h30 there will be a gala concert in the mall between the Centre and the Cathedral. “’World Religions in Harmony” will feature the KZN Philharmonic orchestra and massed choirs. Tickets for the event will shortly be available from Computicket or by emailing .