Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council

Clerk: Steve Young, The Hawthorns, 60 Main Street, Bubwith, Selby YO8 6LX, Telephone 01757 288234


Dear Councillor

A meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 20 July 2016 at 7.00pm in the Methodist Chapel, Selby Road. You are summoned to attend, if you are unable to attend, would you please contact me in order that I can record your apologies.

Note that planning applications and decisions will be available to view in the meeting room from 6.30pm and hopefully at the PC Surgery on Saturday 16 July 2016 between 10am and 12 noon

The PC meeting may be recorded by the public as per the legislation

Steve Young


Public session, Tom Matthews is hoping to attend to update on play area work

Welcome and Apologies

49/16 Minutes of PC meeting 15 June 2016

Declaration of Interest. To record any declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda

50/16 Matters arising

ü  Parish Council website, Wind turbine Community Funds, nothing to report

ü  Handyman issues, need to review placement of flags

ü  Grapevine August edition plus new editor!! Copier issues have been investigated by Andrew Lee and some progress made

ü  Adoption of BT telephone box Back Lane and re-siting, Mike Wright to report

ü  Pedestrian crossing at village centre, consultation by ERYC update, financial commitments towards the £10,000 matched fund update

ü  Snowdrop Garth road adoption, still waiting

ü  Cemetery report, meeting with Church arranged for 7pm Tuesday 16 August, siting of seat

ü  Car parking in the centre of the village, update

ü  Moor End pot-holes

ü  Play area update

ü  In Bloom

ü  Big Lottery Fund, Celebrate England or grant to arrange a party, see email sent 7/7/16. I have been in touch with Lou Ratcliffe for Holme Grown Group ideas and hopefully she will have thoughts in time for the PC meeting. The Village Hall Committee might have ideas?

ü  Recycled plastic seats/picnic benches

51/16 Planning applications

16/02039/PLF Erection of a pig building at Throlam Farm, Drain Lane for Mr David Thompson

16/01419/PLF Conversion of existing flat to two dwellings at Flat 1, 70 High Street for Mr Matthew Webber

16/01857/PLF Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing at Arglam Dairy Farm, Arglam Lane for Mr Kunz

16/02255/PLF Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing bungalow at Laurel View, 5 Lock Lane for Mrs Elaine Snowden

52/16 Planning decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council

16/01362/PLF Construction of menage and fencing on existing paddock for private use at Arglam Lane Farm, Arglam Lane for Mrs A Kunz, granted

16/01517/PLF Erection of conservatory to side at Orchard Cottage, 2 Station Lane for Mr Kirk, granted

16/01684/VAR Variation of condition 9 (approved plans) of planning permission 12/04924/PLF) to allow for design modifications at Hartford House, 12 Old Road for Mr Victor Stiff, granted

Pre-application advice distributed to the village reference potential application for 175 houses Back Lane

Note that an appeal has been submitted against refusal of planning permission for Siting of a mobile home to replace existing residential caravan at land south east of Holme Industrial Estate, Skiff Lane for Mr G Raper

53/16 Accounts, balances of £24,456.07 current account, £2,240.24 saver account (reserves £1000 towards election 2019, £1,372.42 towards pedestrian crossing)

Difference to last meeting, debits; £2,683.48 payments approved at last meeting plus £446.84 cheque/DD to be confirmed, credits £519.33 donation to pedestrian crossing fund, £128.00 cemetery, £222.50 Grapevine

Cheque to be confirmed £250.04 XBM copier costs

Cheques to be approved: £XX Peter2 Wiles handyman (£444.60 salary plus £XX expenses), £117.05 Mel Raper litter picker, £809.11 Steve Young Clerk June (includes £22.51 post), £36.88 Market Weighton Mowers cutter head

Direct debit to be approved £196.80 copier lease (26/7/16)

Newsletter/copier 2016/17 to date. Income £647.50 Expenditure £934.32 (£778.60 ex VAT)

54/16 Reports

55/16 Correspondence

The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 17 August 2016 in the Methodist Church Hall