To be held at theSNCOsMessSouthwickPark

Saturday 5th October 2013at 1030


1. Opening Address to Members Chairman

2. Remembering CTB Fr Michael Brown

3. Apologies Secretary

4. Minutes of Last AGM Secretary

5. Matters arising Chairman

6. Welfare Report Padre

7. Treasurers Report Kate Widnall

7a. Auditors Report Auditor

8. Membership Report Dave Cox

9. Secretary Report Colin Gent

9a. Proposed amendment to Constitution Secretary/David Addis

9b. Statement of Intent-National Arboretum Secretary/David Addis

10. Social Secretary Report Willie Dick

11. Slops Report Nobby Hall

12. FNA Report Tony Hadley

13. Website Manager Report David Addis

14. Serving Members Report Steven Robertson

15. London & Medway Rep Report Colin Gent

16.Election of Committee Secretary

17. President's Address Eddie Widnall

18 Chairman's Closing Address Chairman

DONAGM – Saturday 4th October 2014

Written reports will be accepted during the meeting

Item 9a.Proposal of amendment to the Constitution

Paragraph 3c - delete in total.

Replace with - Overseas Members - those members who permanently reside outside of the United Kingdom shall be able to pay a one off payment of £75.00.

Rational - this change will remove future Life Membership from the Constitution, but still recognise those that live permanently outside the United Kingdom who have little or no opportunity to take part in Association events, but can still be members without the restrictions of annual subscriptions. It will also ease the financial burden and administration on the Association.

This Amendment is unanimously support by the Committee.

Proposed by David Addis Seconded by Colin Gent

Item 9b. Statement of Intent.

Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum.

It has been agreed by the Committeeto pursue the possibility of raising enough funds (£3000) to have a Memorialat the National Arboretumto commemorate those members of the Regulating Branch & RN Police who have crossed the bar whilst in service.

It is hoped that this will be achieved by the joint effort of the Association, RN Police branch and an appeal to all ex Regulators for donations.

An update will be given by the Secretary and David Addis who proposed the motion at Committee level.

1. Election of Officers

1a. For period of two years

In accordance with 4b of the constitution

Position Nominee

Vice Chairman Willie Dick

Treasurer Kate Widnall

Membership Sec Dave Cox

Welfare Rep Fr Michael Brown

Social Sec (1) Willie Dick

London/Medway Rep Colin Gent

Committee Member Henry Cooper

The above having indicated that they are willing to remain in Office for a further 2 years and having received no other Nominees, they are therefore elected.

1b. For period of one year

In accordance with 4v of the constitution

Association Auditor ProposedSeconded


A vacancy still exists on the Committee for a Hearsay/Newsletter Editor.
