eCommerce Platform

ATO eCommerce Platform Project

AD081 - New enhanced Client Update service suite message format


Contents 2

1.1 Architecture Decision AD081 - New Client Update service suite message format 2

Change Log

Version / Author / Date / Comments
0.1 / Sagar Anand
Brendan Kee
Anupama Duggirala / 29/08/2016 / Drafted

1.1  Architecture Decision AD081 - New enhanced Client Update service suite message format

Subject Area / SBR ebMS3 and EMC / Topic / Message Design
Architectural Decision / New enhanced Client Update service suite message format / ID / AD081
Issue or Problem Statement / The purpose of this document is to outline the messaging format for new Client Update(CU) services and to consult on the message format of these new enhanced services.
Enhanced services are being delivered by the ATO to align with the future strategy to support similar formats to single touch payroll (STP), business registrations project (ABR) and the Digital Delivery Solutions (DDS[1]).
A new enhanced CU service suite is being provided to allow the viewing of client and client account information currently recorded by the ATO, with the intention of interacting in the same transaction context as the previously released service suite (e.g. Account List, Lodgment List).
The list of the new and enhanced CU services are contained in the new suite are detailed in the Appendix with a comparison to its existing CU service equivalent. These new services will be integrated with new ICP interfaces which will allow real time validations and processing or occur as well as permitting access to a wider range of accounts.
The DDS initiative has delivered new software services through the e-commerce channel in the JSON format as this is a lightweight format that also has another advantage if ATO provides these services in the future to support mobile applications.
Due to the commitments made to increase the software services made by the ATO commissioner for the December release, the DDS initiative would prefer the approach which would allow the ATO to deliver additional value added services within the committed timeline, and is consistent with the broader transaction context of the DDS value-added services.
The existing CU service suite as part of the PLS delivery, which are limited to submitting updates to the ATO and only function for the Income Tax (IT) and Activity Statement(AS) products will continue to be able to be consumed in parallel to the new enhanced CU service suite.
Motivation / ·  Simple and easy and reusable pattern
·  Faster, easy to maintain and support
·  Least amount of effort/duration to implement
Alternatives / Option 1 – Develop the new suite of CU services using JSON
·  JSON services perform faster than XBRL services due to JSON being less processing intensive than XBRL.
·  JSON will enable ATO to deliver the new client update services on a fast delivery timeline.
·  Less expensive on resources for transformation than XBRL.
·  Able to be enabled for future mobile application development
·  Software developers who have delivered only PLS services will need to change technologies to update their services.
·  Additional validation rules will need to be created for the JSON format as the built-in technical validation (schema) is not as strict as XBRL
Option 2 – Develop the new suite of CU services using XML
·  XML will enable ATO to deliver the new client update services on a similar delivery timeline as JSON.
·  XML schema is well supported by third party tools.
·  Less expensive on resources for transformation than XBRL.
Software developers who have delivered only PLS services will need to change technologies to update their services.
Aspect / Option 1 – Develop the new suite of Client Update services using JSON / Option 2 – Develop the new suite of Client Update services using XML
Framework changes / No / No
Implementation effort / Medium / Medium
Ongoing maintenance effort / Low / Low
Reusable Pattern / Yes / Yes
Resource intensive / Low / Low
Consistent with existing patterns / Yes / Yes
Message Format
XBRL / XML / JSON / Other (e.g. Structured CSV)
Criteria / Criteria
Dimensional Data Reporting / + / - / -
Large Message Size / -
High Volume / - / -
Trust, Reliable Messaging
Long Running
Requires Authentication
Requires low latency response
Requires Availability Tolerance
Lots of Participants / - / + / + / -
Self Describing / + / +
Support Multiple MEPS
Decision / To be determined
Derived requirements
Related Decisions / ·  Consumers of the existing CU services will be able to continue using those PLS services.
Other alternatives (discarded)

Appendix: List of current and proposed CU services



[1] DDS was formerly Digital Enabling Services (DES)