Info and advice day: supporting children with sensory or complex needs
Delegateregistration form
Monday 23 June 2014, RNIB Pears Centre for Specialist Learning
Please complete a separate form for each person attending the event. If completing this electronically, please note that this form uses table layout: questions are in column one, answers should be typed in column two.
If you would like to complete this application form by telephone please call Sophie Edge on 024 7636 9500 or email the requested details to .
Your details
- Name:
- Job title or role (please indicate if parent or carer):
- Organisation:
- Telephone number:
- Email address:
- Postal address:
- How did you hear about this event?
Please state if brochure, RNIB website, word of mouth, magazine, email, exhibition/event, or other:
Your attendance
- Please tick or indicate what parts of the event you will be attending from the list below:
- Exhibition and networking only (no seminars):
- Seminars, exhibition and networking:
Seminar choices (if applicable)
- Morning session: please tick or indicate which seminar you would like to attend from the list below:
- A) Children and Families Act 2014: what changes will there be?
- B) Understanding your child’s sensory needs
- C) Introduction to creating a multi-sensory communication environment
- D) Supporting a visually impaired student: theory, tips and technology
- E) Introduction to Functional Vision Assessments for children and young people with complex needs
- Afternoon session: please tick or indicate which seminar you would like to attend from the list below:
- F) Storytelling for children and young people with visual impairments (VI) and/or complex needs
- G) Load2Learn - an invaluable resource!
- H) Combining Sensory Processing with TEACCH to help children and young people with complex needs
- I) Interacting, sharing and engaging –enjoying and developing communication with children at the early stages
Your requirements
- Please tick or indicate your preferred format for correspondence and event materials:
- Standard print (Arial 14):
- Large print (please state font size):
- Braille:
- Email:
- Please tick or indicate what additional services you require from the list below, giving details where necessary:
- Guide dog facilities:
- Accessible parking space:
- Wheelchair access:
- Access to changing facilities or hygiene suite:
- Other (please give details):
- Please tick or indicate if you have any dietary requirements from the list below, giving details where necessary:
- Vegetarian:
- Vegan:
- Food intolerance or allergies (pleaseprovide details):
Payment details (for seminars only)
We will issue an invoice requesting payment for the event. Please provide details of the person to contact in relation to invoicing and payment:
- Name:
- Job title:
- Telephone number:
- Email address:
- Invoice address (if different from above):
Terms and conditions
- Bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Once maximum capacity for each seminar is reached, no further bookings can be taken and you will be contacted to choose an alternative session.
- Seminars cost £50 for the day for professionals or £25 for the day for parents and carers. We will issue an invoice requesting payment for the event.
- Cancellations should be made in writing (email accepted). If notice of cancellation is given less than 5 days before the event, we reserve the right to charge if this place cannot be filled.
Returning your registration form
By email:
By fax: 024 7636 9501
By post: Sophie Edge, RNIB Pears Centre for Specialist Learning, Wheelwright Lane, Ash Green, Coventry CV7 9RA
In case of query please call 024 7636 9500.
Thank you - we look forward to welcoming you soon!