Proposal Submission Timeline
Timeline for grant application submissions for faculty and students, who are seeking sponsored grants awarded through the University of Arizona, in an effort to comply with the University submission requirements.
This timeline should be read in conjunction with the UA Sponsored Projects grants submission policy:
5-6 weeks before the application deadline:
· Notify the Business Center (BC – Nick Smith) with the proposal due date, granting agency and sponsor announcement link.
· Send any requests for mandatory or voluntary cost share or space requirements to the Director, who will then review and copy the BC on the final decision for these two requests.
4-5 weeks before the application deadline:
· Begin your UAResearch (UAR) proposal document, if not already initiated. In addition, you should also initiate your sponsor’s on-line submission, i.e. NSF Fastlane, etc. (UAR
· Submit any requests for Indirect Cost Waiver/Reductions. If funding agency restricts F&A (IDC) please provide the BC with the link or an attachment of the announcement page with this statement. This will be included in the routing of the proposal.
· If your participation in a grant will be as a sub-awardee please let the BC know as soon as possible—a Consortium Letter (Letter of Intent) will need to be created and submitted to the proposal prime institution.
· Meet with the BC regarding the budget and budget justification.
3-4 weeks before the application deadline:
· Submit near finalized or finalized budget, budget justification and project summary documents to the BC to attach to your UAR proposal routing. If your effort is less than the amount of IDC returned to the department, you will need to provide a justification memo to attach.
2-3 weeks before the application deadline:
· Finalize the UAR routing transaction and submit it. It will then be routed to the BC, PI and Co-PIs, College and Sponsored Projects for their approval. Note: if you are collaborating on a project with another unit or College, you need to allow additional time for those areas to review and approve the UAR routing.
6 days-2 weeks before the sponsor due date:
· Once the final approval is received, you are then cleared to submit your finalized proposal via the sponsor portal, i.e. NSF Fastlane.
Note: the SPS receipt of submission policy “to receive the finalized proposal by 8:00am three days prior to the sponsor due date” is still active. This three day policy allows SPS time to conduct a final review of the submission and time to deal with any technical issues. Sponsors have stated that they are not responsible for late submissions due to technical issues with their portals. In addition, the BC and College will now need three days (combined) to review, address any issues and approve.
Sponsored Projects Three Day Policy: (found on the right side of page under internal deadlines for submission)
Please don’t hesitate to contact Nick () at any time with your questions.
Proposal Quick Links
Proposal Quick Reference Guide—ERE & IDC Rates, University addresses, etc: (located on right side of page)
Proposal Preparation Links:
Sponsored Projects Home Page: