Full name

Semyon Nezhynski (Jewish name Shleime)

Where and when were you born?

Lokhvitsa, Poltava region, 29th January 1923

Where else did you live?

Kiev, Leipzig (today Germany), Kirovabad (today Ancha, Azerbaijan), Yerevan (today Armenia), Batumi (today Georgia)

Your educational level?

Finished a special artillery school in Kiev, Artillery College in Leningrad, Higher Artillery Headquarters Officer’s School in Kolomna, Moscow region (today Russia), Military Academy (Moscow), Library College in Moscow, Faculty of Directors of Book Supply Facilities

What sort of work do/did you do?

Professional military, retired in the rank of colonel of guards, director of a book supply facility

How religious was your parents’ home? How were you raised?

My parents were deeply religious. We observed Jewish traditions, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays, followed the kashrut and went to the synagogue.

What is your mother tongue?


What other languages do you speak?

Russian, Ukrainian, German

If you were in an army, tell us which army and the dates

Soviet army, 1941 – 1945 – front; 1945 – 1949: Soviet troops in Germany; 1949 – 1969: professional military

Where were you during the Holocaust?

In the army: Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany

What did you do after the Holocaust?

Served in the army, retired in 1969 and became director of a book supply facility


Their names

Anna Nezhynskaya (Jewish name Hana)
Arkadi Nezhynski (Jewish name Abram)

Where and when were they born?

Both were born in Lokhvitsa, Poltava region
Anna: 1914
Arkadi: 1916

What is their mother tongue?


Their educational level?

Anna: finished a Pedagogical College in Lokhvitsa
Arkadi: Jewish secondary school

Their occupations?

Anna: accountant
Arkadi: construction worker

Where do/did they live?

Both lived in Kiev

Where else did they live?

Anna: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region (today Russia)

Do they have children?

Anna: son Zakhar Lipavski, born in 1936, schoolteacher
Arkadi: daughter Nelly Nezhynskaya, Kiev 1937, cashier; son Anatoli Nezhynski, Kiev 1938, electrician; daughter Raisa Nezhynskaya, Kiev 1941, accountant

Where and when did they die?

Arkadi: Kiev, 1997



Irina Nezhynskaya (nee Razumnaya)

Where and when was he/she born?

Ordjonikidze (today Vladicaucasus, North Osetia); 1923

Where else did he/she live?

Leipzig (today Germany), Kirovabad (today Ancha, Azerbaijan), Yerevan (today Armenia), Batumi (today Georgia), Kiev

Is he/she Jewish?


What is his/her mother tongue?


His/her educational level?

Graduated from the Faculty of History of Pedagogical College in Ordjonikidze


Librarian, scientific employee at the local historical museum of Adjaria (Batumi), later – bibliographer in Kievknigotorg

Tell me anything you know about his/her siblings (Name, date of birth and death, occupation, place of residence, name of wife and children, whether their family is Jewish and whether it is religious).


Their names?

Olga Nezhynskaya
Vladimir Nezhynski

Were they raised Jewish/do they identify themselves as Jews?


Where and when were they born?

Olga: Ordjonikidze (today Vladicaucasus, North Osetia), 1945
Vladimir: Leipzig (today Germany), 1948

Where else did they live?

Olga: Leipzig (today Germany), Kirovabad (today Ancha, Azerbaijan), Yerevan (today Armenia), Batumi (today Georgia), Kiev
Vladimir: Leipzig (today Germany), Kirovabad (today Ancha, Azerbaijan), Yerevan (today Armenia), Batumi (today Georgia), Leningrad (today St. Petersburg, Russia), Kiev

Their educational level?

Olga: finished Book Sale Faculty/Book Supply College in Kiev
Vladimir: Military Medical Academy in Leningrad

Their occupations?

Olga: librarian
Vladimir: military doctor, colonel of medical services

How many grandchildren do you have?

Vladimir: daughter Maryann Nezhynskaya, born in 1973, finished Medical College, medical nurse

His name?

Moisey Nezhynski

Where and when was he born?

Lokhvitsa, Poltava region; 1888

Where else did he live?

Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region (today Russia)

Where and when did he die?

Kiev, 1968

What sort of education did he have?

Jewish secondary school

What sort of work did he do?

Clerk; later he worked in a crafts shop, and in 1938 he became a construction worker

How religious was he?

My father was religious, observed traditions, celebrated holidays, went to the synagogue regularly, prayed at home and wore a beard before World War II

What was his mother tongue?


Army service: which army and what years?

Private in the tsarist army, 1911 – 1913

Tell me about his brothers and sisters. (name, date of birth and death, occupation, place of residence, family, etc.)

name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
Shleime-Leib Nezhynski / Lokhvitsa, before 1888 – Leningrad (today St. Petersbrug, Russia), 1970s / Worked in a house appliances repair shop / No information / Michael Nezhynski (Jewish name Moshe), military doctor
Lokhvitsa, 1910s –
Leningrad, 1990s / Religious. Observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Sabbath and Jewish holidays, prayed at home, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays, followed the kashrut before World War II
Israel Nezhynski / Lokhvitsa, 1886 – Lokhvitsa, 1937 / Worked in a shop in Lokhvitsa / Hana Nezhynskaya
(nee Lantsman)
Lokhvitsa, 1887 – Leningrad, 1962
Housewife / Riva Turevskaya (nee Nezhynskaya) Lokhvitsa, 1913 – 1980s, Leningrad
Sophia Odesskaya (nee Nezhynskaya) 1916 – 1942, shot by Germans with her daughter Inna, Anatoli Nezhynski
Lokhvitsa, 1920 –
Leningrad, 1990s / Religious. Observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Sabbath and Jewish holidays, prayed at home, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays, followed the kashrut before World War II
Fania Kundik
(nee Nezhynskaya) / Lokhvitsa, 1889 – Leningrad, 1962 / Seamstress / ? Pundik
? - ? / Naum Kundik, 1915 - 1992
Efim Kundink, 1919 – 1980s
Both were doctors / Religious. Observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Sabbath and Jewish holidays, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays, followed the kashrut before World War II
Iosif Nezhynski / Lokhvitsa, 1890 – Leningrad, 1959 / Household appliances repairman / No information / 2 sons and a daughter. Anatoli, one of his sons, lives in Israel now. / Religious. Observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Sabbath and Jewish holidays, prayed at home, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays, followed the kashrut before World War II
Lisa ?
(nee Nezhynskaya) / Lokhvitsa, after 1890 - ? Beryzovka, Odessa region / Housewife / No information / No information / No information
Rachil ?
(nee Nezhynskaya) / Lokhvitsa, after 1890 - ? / No information / No information / No information / No information
Boris Nezhynski
(Jewish name Boruch; stepbrother, born in grandfather’s 2nd marriage) / Lokhvitsa, 1913 – San-Francisco (USA), 2003 / Lived in Leningrad, worked at a household appliances repair shop / No information / Mark Nezhynski / Atheist

Where was he during the Holocaust?

Evacuation: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region (today Russia)

If he survived, what did he do after?

Lived in Kiev, pensioner

Your paternal grandfather’s name?

Morduch Nezhynski

Where and when was he born?

Nezhin, Kiev province,1852

Where else did he live?

Lokhvitsa, Poltava province

Where and when did he die?

Lokhvitsa, 1938

What sort of education did he have?


What sort of work did he do?


How religious was he?

My grandfather was religious. He observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Sabbath and Jewish holidays, prayed at home, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays and followed the kashrut. He wore a beard, but had no payes. At home he wore a yarmulka and to go outside he wore a hat.

What was his mother tongue?


Army service: which army and what years?


Tell me about his brothers and sisters.

Name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
No information

Where was he during the Holocaust?

Died before

Your paternal grandmother’s name?

? Nezhynskaya (nee ?)

Where and when was she born?

No information

Where else did she live?

Lokhvitsa, Poltava province

Where and when did she die?

Lokhvitsa, 1900

What sort of education did she have?

No information

What sort of work did she do?


How religious was she?

My grandmother was religious. She observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Sabbath and on Jewish holidays, prayed at home, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays and followed the kashrut.

What was her mother tongue?


Tell me about his brothers and sisters.

Name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
No information

Where was she during the Holocaust?

Died before

Her name?

Vera Nezhynskaya (nee Lantsman) (Jewish name Dveira)

Where and when was she born?

Lokhvitsa, Poltava province; 1890

Where else did she live?

Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region (Russia), Kiev

Where and when did she die?

Kiev, 1966

What sort of education did she have?

Jewish elementary school (4 years)

What sort of work did she do?


How religious was she?

My mother was religious. She observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Jewish holidays, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays and followed the kashrut. My mother wore a wig and a kerchief before World War II.

What was her mother tongue?


Tell me about his brothers and sisters.

name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
Ilia Lantsman / Lokhvitsa, before 1889 – USA, ? / No information / No information / No information / No information
Zakhar Lantsman
(Jewish name Skharia) / Lokhvitsa, bifore 1889 - ? / No information / No information / Michael Lantsman
Lokhvitsa, 1917-1976, Leningrad / No information
Hana Nezhynskaya
(nee Lantsman) / Lokhvitsa, 1897 – Leningrad (today St. Petersburg), 1962 / Housewife / Israel Nezhynski
1886 – 1937,
Worked in a crafts shop / Riva Turevskaya (nee Nezhynskaya) Lokhvitsa, 1913 – 1980s, Leningrad.
Sophia Odesskaya
(nee Nezhynskaya) 1916 – 1942, shot by Germans with her daughter Inna.
Anatoli Nezhynski
Lokhvitsa, 1920 –
Leningrad, 1990s / Religious. Observed Jewish traditions, went to the synagogue on Jewish holidays, prayed at home, celebrated Sabbath and Jewish holidays, followed the kashrut before World War II

Where was she during the Holocaust?

Evacuation: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region (today Russia)

If she survived, what did she do after?

Lived in Kiev, housewife

Your maternal grandfather’s name?

Shleime Lantsman

Where and when was he born?

Place unknown, 1850s

Where else did he live?

Lokhvitsa, Poltava province

Where and when did he die?

Lokhvitsa, 1917

What sort of education did he have?

Finished a yeshivah

What sort of work did he do?

Rabbi (in the synagogue in Lokhvitsa)

How religious was he?

My grandfather was religious. He was a rabbi. However, I don’t know any details. My grandfather died before I was born. We didn’t have his photographs and my mother told me little about him.

What was his mother tongue?


Army service: which army and what years?


Tell me about his brothers and sisters.

name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
No information

Where was he during the Holocaust?

Died before

Your maternal grandmother’s name?

? Lantsman (nee ?)

Where and when was she born?

Place unknown, 1860s

Where else did she live?

Lokhvitsa, Poltava province

Where and when did she die?

Lokhvitsa, 1910s

What sort of education did she have?

No information

What sort of work did she do?


How religious was she?

My grandmother was religious as was expected from a rabbis wife. My grandmother died before I was born and I don’t know any details about her.

What was her mother tongue?


Tell me about his brothers and sisters.

name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
No information

Where was she during the Holocaust?

Died before