Assessment PLANNING

TASKS 1, 2 & 3

Organising Works 2015Last Updated: 11.12.2014 Page 1 of 14pages

Part A: (To be completed by the Participant)


REMINDER: Your signature on your Application Enrolment Form:

  • Declared that the information you provide for this assessment is completely your own work (excepting any third party reports)
  • Declared that you understand this information will be used for assessment of competency against nationally accredited unit/s of competency.
  • Gave permission to ACTU Education Inc to provide required information about your enrolment to relevant bodies

DUE: Course 5

Note: Keep a copy of your plan for completion of Task 4 (review notes) &Task 5 (formal evaluation) due in course 10.


Keep a copy of your assessment. The original will be kept on file by ACTU Organising Centre as evidence of you meeting the required standard of competency.

Feedback and assessment results will be available no earlier than 4 weeks after submission.

Part B: (To be completed by ACTU)

Project: / Task 1: Research your target site.
Task 2: Analyse the information you have researched (includes mapping)
Task 3: 12 week (3month) plan for organising in your target site
Date received by ACTU:
Assessor’s Name:
Outcome: / Date: / Feedback Notes: WRITTEN feedback MUST be given to participants about assessment activity outcomes. Write feedback below or give feedback via email/s and attach copies.
Not Yet Competent
Assessor Signature:
Or attach email from Assessor
Union RESEARCH as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Number of Members
Number of Potential Members
Any important groupings?
Number of existing leaders
(Delegates, shop stewards, branch officials etc)
Names of existing leaders
Experience of existing leaders
Award that applies
Agreements/Individual Agreements/Contacts in place?
Committees in place (include OHS if any)
How often do committees meet?
Give a short history of workplace/disputes?
Employer RESEARCH as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Name of Employer
How old is the company?
Last three years profit/loss
Has the company grown or shrunk in the last three years? By how much?
History with the union? What has their attitude been towards the union?
Name of Manager who you need to target to make the decisions you need made?
Who do they get industrial relations advice from? E.g. Australian Industry Group, Chamber of Commerce, Law Firm?
Where do they sit in the industry are they amedium sized player or a big player or a small player?
What is happening in the industry – any new trends that may lead to outsourcing, downsizing or growth?
Right of Entry
MAPPING RESEARCH as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Which mapping style will you choose / Floor plan
Combination of …
Checklist of mapping info / Members
Potential Members
Hostile workers
Potential Leaders/Activists
Any particular group of workers e.g. women, people from a diverse background?
Have you identified who are supporters and who are hostile?
Do you need to identify departments or different occupational groupings?
Do you need to know about shift changes?
ISSUE RESEARCH as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
How will you research collective issues at this worksite? / Surveys
Systematic organising conversations at workplace
Systematic organising conversations via home-visits or other
Listening Campaign/workplace meetings
What issues do you know already exist or do you think will emerge via your issue research?
Of the issues that already exist has any other union official or workplace leader attempted to solve?
Has there been any member involvement in the issue to date?
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete your analysis of the issues, your mapping, the situation and your power by filling out the tablesbelow
ISSUE ANALYSIS as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Will winning this issue result in a real improvement in people’s lives? List how that improvement will affect workers?
How will winning this issue give people a sense of their own power?
How will winning this issue alter the relations of power at your target worksite?
Why is winning this issue worthwhile?
Is this issue winnable in its entirety – what might be the complications?
What method did you use to test if this issue is widely felt (by lots of people) and deeply felt (easy to agitate around) at this workplace)?
What were the results and how does this demonstrate the issue is widely and deeply felt?
How are you framing this issue to ensure it is easy to understand?
Who is the decision maker who you will target?
Do you have a clear time frame that works for you? Outline.
Could this issue be a divisive one? Or is it a unifying issue – explain your answer.
How will you use organising around this issue to build leadership?
How will you use organising around this issue to build organisation up for the next campaign?
Is this issue consistent with your unions’ values and vision? Explain why you think so.
MAPPING ANALYSIS as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
What does your map tell you about your areas of strength in terms of organisation?
What does your map tell you about areas of weakness for the union in terms of organisation?
What other patterns do you see that you think might influence organising strategy?
SITUATION ANALYSIS (SWOT) as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
STRENGTHS (internal union analysis) / WEAKNESSES (internal union analysis)
OPPORTUNITIES (external to the union) / THREATS (external to the union)

Assessment PLANNING

TASKS 1, 2 & 3

Organising Works 2015Last Updated: 11.12.2014 Page 1 of 14pages

POWER ANALYSIS as at _ _ / _ _ / _ _
MEMBER ACTIVITY  / High Member Activity but by very few members / High Member Activity by many members
Low levels of member Activity by very few members / Low Levels of Member Activity by many members
INSTRUCTIONS: Set 5 goals (one per box) for your target worksite then develop a plan using this table for 3 months of organising activity at your worksite
Goals / Target / Objective / Strategy / Tactic
What you are aiming to achieve by the end of your campaign / The decision maker/s who can deliver your goal / The specific, measurable, achievable (what resources do you have), realistic and time bound outcome that will realise your goal. / The ‘line of attack’ or approach you intend to use to deliver your goal / The specific actions/tasks that you will use in keeping with your strategy
E.g. Grow the number of members of XYZ union / E.g. Potential members / E.g. 75 net new members by 31 August / E.g. Organising Strategy / E.g. Conduct organising conversations across department x & y with activist Jo Blo in week 2 of campaign