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BAILIE K, EKERMANS G. An exploration of the utility of a self-report emotional intelligence measure. Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology 2006; 2(2) : 3-11.


EKERMANS G. A comprehensive framework for emotional intelligence. In Emotional Intelligence: Theoretical & Cultural Perspectives, Springer, Australia, 2006: 777.

EKERMANS G. Emotional intelligence and culture. In Research on Emotional Intelligence: International Symposium 2005, Tertiary press, Australia, 2006: 255-266.


BOSHOFF AB, BOSMAN L, DANNHAUSER Z, NEL P, SPIES M. Servant Leadership as a Research Topic in POB. 13thAnnual International Conference on Advances in Management (ICAM), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2006.

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DANNHAUSER Z, BOSHOFF AB. A model of the relationship between servant leadership, trust, and team commitment. Paper read at the 13thAnnual International Conference on Advances in Management (ICAM), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2006.

DANNHAUSER Z, BOSHOFF AB. Structural equivalence of the Barbuto and Wheeler Servant Leadership Questionnaire on North American and South African samples”. 4th Annual International Roundtable Conference on Servant Leadership, Virginia Beach, USA, August 2006.

DANNHAUSER Z, BOSHOFF AB. Structural equivalence of the Barbuto and Wheeler Servant Leadership Questionnaire on North American and South African samples. Paper read at the 1stInternational Conference on Values-based Approaches in Leadership, Bellville, South Africa, March 2006.

DANNHAUSER Z, BOSHOFF AB. Structural invariance of the Servant Leadership Questionnaire. 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Business (ICCB), Leura, Blue Mountains, Sydney, Australia, September 2006.

EKERMANS, G. Investigating the measurement invariance of the Bar-On EQ-i: evidence for cultural bias? Paper presented at the Second Annual International Emotional Intelligence Symposium. Melbourne, Australia, 2006.

ENGELBRECHT, A.S., VAN ASWEGEN, A.S. & THERON, C.C. The influence of value-based leadership on the ethical climate in organisations. International Conference on Value-based Leadership, Graduate School of Business, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2006.

ENGELBRECHT, A.S., VAN ASWEGEN, A.S. & THERON, C.C. The influence of transformational leadership on the ethical climate in organisations. Annual Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) Conference, Saratoga Springs, New York, 2006.

POOVAN, N, DU TOIT, MK & ENGELBRECHT, AS. The impact of the social values of ubuntu on team effectiveness. International Conference on Value-based Leadership, Graduate School of Business, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2006.

SPIES, M, NEL, P. Emotional Labour and Emotional Exhaustion amongst Customer Service Representatives in a Call Centre: A Mixed-Method Approach. 13th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management (ICAM). Lisbon, Portugal, 2006.


BAILIE, K & EKERMANS, G. An exploration of the utility of a self-report Emotional Intelligence measure. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Industrial Psychology Conference. Pretoria, 2006.

SCHLECHTER, AF & ENGELBRECHT, AS: The influence of transformational leadership on meaning and organizational citizenship behaviour. Annual Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOPSA) Conference, CSIR Conference Centre, Pretoria, 2006

SPIES, M, NEL, P. Emotional Labour and Emotional Exhaustion amongst Customer Service Representatives in a Call Centre. South African Positive Psychology Conference (SAPPC), Potchefstroom, 2006.


BAILIE K. An exploration of the utility of a self-report Emotional Intelligence measure. MA, 2006. 105 pp. Supervisor: G Ekermans.

BEYERS W. The development of a structural model reflecting the impact of emotional intelligence on transformational leadership. M.A., 2006. 113 pp. Supervisor: Dr W S de Villiers.

DUNBAR-ISAACSON H. An investigation into the measurement invariance of the Performance Index. MComm(cum laude), 2006, 95pp. Supervisor: Prof CC Theron.

MILLER A. A sample survey of the career maturity of disadvantaged learners in the Western Cape. M.A., 2006, 188pp. Supervisor: Prof CC Theron.

POOVAN, N. The impact of the social values of ubuntu on team effectiveness. MA, 2006, 100 pp. Supervisor/Co-Supervisor: Prof MK du Toit/Prof AS Engelbrecht.

SOLOMON N. The development and evaluation of a second-order factor structure for the Leadership Behaviour Inventory (LBI). MComm, 2006,. 78pp. Supervisor: Prof CC Theron.


SCHLECHTER, AFThe influence of transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, trust, meaning and intention to quit on organizational citizenship behaviour.Ph.D,. 2006, 377 pp. Promotor/Co-promotor Prof AB Boshoff/Prof AS Engelbrecht.