The CTE Evaluation and Improvement Plan coversall CTE centers and multi-county centers and all high schools that offerone or more occupational concentrations.

1.Schools with one or more concentrations not meeting the state level of performance on all five ProficiencyStandards will incorporate their plan for correcting those deficiencies in their Strategic Plan or Strategic Plan Update. (High schools will have the option of using the “Assessment of Educational Needs/Plan of Improvement form (Appendix B) as an alternative to revising their Strategic Plan. CTE centers and multi-county centers must use the Strategic Plan.)

Schools will not be required to submit those plans to the Division of Technical and Adult Education Servicesbut must provide a copy to DTAES representatives on request. The Strategic Plan will serve as the “Plan of Improvement” required by the Perkins Act.

2. Schools that fail to make adequate progress toward reducing those deficiencies will be flagged by the DTAES for intervention. For schools with fewer than five occupational concentrations, that intervention might consist of an on-site evaluation by the Office of Educational Performance Audits. Technical assistance and other supportmay be provided by the DTAES. Schools that continue to have significant deficiencies may, at the discretion of the Assistant Superintendent for DTAES, be targeted for a visit from an on-site team.

3. The DTAES may, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, withhold from the LEA all, or a portion, of the school’s federal and state CTE funds if the school a) fails to submit required data accurately and in a timely manner; b) fails to produce an expected number of completers in one or more concentrations over a period of time; c) fails to implement an improvement plan as described, d) fails to make improvement in meeting the Proficiency Standards within the first program year of implementation of its improvement plan, or e) fails to meet anyProficiency Standardfor three consecutive years.

4. The ProficiencyStandards listed on the following page will be used for the 2006-07 school year. Schools will have the option of negotiating a higher but not a lower percentage for any or all ProficiencyStandards.


The evaluation and improvement system for career and technical education is based on the percentage of secondary and/or adult preparatory career and technical concentrations within the school meeting all the following proficiency standards.

Proficiency Standards effective for the 2006-2007 school year:

Standard 1 - Academic Skill Proficiency (Reading): 51.40% of completers in each concentration will be at or above the appropriate ACT WorkKeys reading level for their concentration.

Standard 2 – Academic Skill Proficiency (Math): 51.40% of completers in each concentration will be at or above the appropriate ACT WorkKeys math level for their concentration.

Standard 3 - Technical Skill Proficiency: 52.30% of students tested in each concentration will score 74% or better on the State administered end-of-course Technical Skills Tests.

Standard 4 - Placement: The placement rate for secondary and adult completers in each concentration for the previous year will be 90%.

Standard 5 - Placement in Field: Concentrations will meet this standard if a minimum of 60% of completers placed in employment are placed in field or a related field OR if a minimum of 60% of completers placed in continuing education are continuing their education in the same or a related field.





# / Standard
C 1 / The school (or center and feeder school combined) offers the four required CTE courses for each approved concentration within a two year period.
C 2 / The Content Standards and Objectives for each CTE course offered include, at minimum, those listed in Policy 2520.13. Alternative courses and/or CSOs have been approved by the local Board of Education and the DTAES.
C 3 / The concentrations the school offers have been aligned with the local, state or national job market.
C 4 / Any concentration for which industry-recognized program accreditation/certification/approval is available holds or is in the process of attaining that program credential.
C 5 / Any concentration for which a student industry-recognized credential is available is providing students the opportunity to obtain that credential.
C 6 / Program advisory councils with representation from the local business community review and advise the instructor on curriculum changes.
C 7 / Students are provided the opportunity to participate in co-curricular Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
C 8 / Students are provided the opportunity for a work-based experience learning activity based on their instructional program
C 9 / Post-secondary education opportunities are provided for students through a variety of means (EDGE, Dual Credit, etc.)


# / Standard
I 1 / School and classroom environments are nurturing and supportive.
I 2 / Teachers set high expectations for student performance.
I 3 / A fair and effective classroom management system is in place throughout the school and is practiced consistently by all teachers.
I 4 / Teachers prepare for instruction through the use of curriculum mapping, pacing guides, and lesson plans.
I 5 / Teachers use the State developed Goal Profiles or a comparable system to document individual students’ achievement of the CSOs.
I 6 / Teachers incorporate reinforcement of basic reading, writing and mathematics skills in their technical lessons.
I 7 / Teachers use a variety of research proven instructional strategies to address the learning styles of all students.
I 8 / Teachers use a variety of evaluations, both written and performance, to determine student achievement.
I 9 / Teachers use test data as a basis for re-teaching CSOs and modifying lesson plans.
I 10 / The classroom/lab is clean and well organized and is adequate to provide instruction in all CSOs.
I 11 / All safety practices are in place.
I 12 / The classroom provides sufficient equipment to provide instruction in all CSOs.
I 13 / Instructional materials are sufficient, varied and up-to-date.
I 14 / Program advisory councils with representation from the local business community review and advise the instructor on safety practices, equipment, supplies and instructional materials.
I 15 / Work-based programs or program components are structured and monitored.
I 16 / The school is making full use of instructional technology.

School Effectiveness

# / Standard
E 1 / The school uses the federal accountability standards results to identify school improvement targets.
E 2 / The school uses the Strategic Plan and/or LEA Plan to guide school improvement practices.
E 3 / School funds are allocated to support improvement needs.
E 4 / Research-based staff development plans are aligned with improvement needs.
E 5 / The school administrator is the instructional leader in the school.
E 6 / The school uses enrollment data, placement data and advisory council input to determine the appropriate mix of concentration offerings within the school.
E 7 / Overall school culture/climate is focused on creating conditions for all students’ success
E 8 / The percentage of special needs students in any given CTE programs is proportionate to the percentage of special needs students in the total school system or a study has been conducted to make sure that under- or over-enrollments are not the result of discriminatory practices.
E 9 / The school is involved in the improvement of the community through a variety of activities, including CTSO projects and economic development activities.

Student/Parent Support

# / Standard
S 1 / Career and technical teachers or other knowledgeable representatives of the CTE programs being considered as placements for special needs students attend the I.E.P. meetings.
S 2 / Special needs students placed in career and technical programs are provided the accommodations required by the I.E.P.
S 3 / Accommodations for special needs students in career and technical courses do not include eliminating one or more State approved CSOs from the curriculum.
S 4 / Students are provided adequate counseling and career guidance.
S 5 / Completers are provided placement assistance.
S 6 / If applicable, the school offers support specifically targeted to adult students, i.e., financial aid or referral to community agencies.
S 7 / The school has a process for involving parents in the educational program.