York Township Water & Sewer Authority
Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2015
Chairman Ed Dick called the regular monthly meeting of the York Township Water & Sewer Authority to order at 6:30 P.M. with the following in attendance:
Members Township Staff
Jamie Reid Ron Jager – Gannett Fleming, Inc. Karen Atkinson Diane Mitchell – York Township
Ed Dick Robert Miller – York Township
Zane Williams Steve Hovis – Stock & Leader
Tom Pinkerton
On the motion of Mrs. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Reid, the minutes of the March 16, 2015 Water & Sewer Authority meeting were approved. All were in favor.
Visitors and Public Comments:
Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor Hovis
HOP – Denniston project - Waiting for contact from developer.
Majestic Circle - Encroachment and ROW Agreement – Homeowners did not sign agreement.
Public Works Report: Robert Miller
Mr. Miller reported that he has contacted Gene Myers with Kinsley Construction regarding six or seven deep sewer line repairs. Two of these repairs are in the Tyler Run Interceptor area. Our crews will bypass pump and haul stone if necessary.
Authority’s Authorized Representative Report: Gary Milbrand
Engineer’s Report: Ron Jager – Gannett Fleming
Tyler Run Interceptor Meeting with DEP – Mr. Jager gave a brief overview on the meeting he and Gary Milbrand had with DEP on April 9, 2015. Gary Milbrand presented DEP with the history of the Tyler Run Interceptor and all the issues and problems we have had including all the measures we have taken to correct the surcharging concerns. They were very receptive and are not requiring York Township to have a corrective action plan and will allow Mr. Milbrand to sign planning modules. It was a very productive meeting and all our objectives were met.
Tyler Run Interceptor Project – Mr. Jager reported that the bog turtle study will start on Friday or the following Monday. He also reported that letters were sent to all the property owners in the Tyler Run Interceptor project area regarding the topographic survey that will be done for the project.
Honey Valley PS grinder upgrade - Mr. Jager reported that bids were opened for the procurement of a rail mounted grinder for the Honey Valley pump station on April 17, 2015. JWC Environmental was the low and only bidder at $46,685.00. Some of the clarifications of the contract are that JWC will submit shop drawings for review and approval within four weeks of the commencement of the contract times and the goods will be delivered to the point of destination and ready for York Township’s receipt of delivery seven weeks after JWC receives approved shop drawings. The payment terms were also reviewed. The Water & Sewer Authority held a brief discussion and then made a motion to approve the contract.
On the motion of Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Williams the Water & Sewer Authority approved the awarding of the bid received from JWC Environmental for the lump sum amount of $46,685.00 for the rail mounted grinder system with the attached clarifications. All were in favor.
Public Sewer Adoptions
Mr. Miller reported that we will be adopting the sewer lines in the Woodland Heights development this year. This will happen when we adopt the roads which are Aspen Lane and another segment of David Dr. There is also the possibility of adopting the sewers in the streets in The Woods at Biscayne development. When these adoptions happen we will supply the Authority with more information.
Requisitions and Checks
On the motion of Mrs. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Reid, check #1177 for Stock & Leader ($997.30) and checks #1172 thru 1176 to pay for the Authority members 1st Quarter 2015 was authorized for payment. All were in favor.
On the motion of Mrs. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Williams the Water & Sewer Authority meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.
Diane Mitchell