March 24, 2014
Dear Parent,
It’s hard to believe that in a few short weeks your senior will be graduating from high school. While I celebrate with you, I will miss them being a part of the youth ministry here. As they move into this next phase of life, I want to do all that I can to help your student transition well in their spiritual life, but my role will soon be limited.
As a parent, you will likely continue to have the most influence on your student’s life. Would you partner with me in helping your student to continue to grow in Christ as they go to college this fall? You can help your student continue to grow in their faith by encouraging them, and helping them to plan for spiritual growth.
In order to help them connect with a local church and/or a Baptist Student Ministry where they are attending college, I would like to shareyour student’s contact informationwithTexas BaptistStudent Ministry. Their information will be received for the sole purpose of inviting your student to become involved in the Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) on their campus and to beinvolved in a local church during their college years. Being involved in the BSM can be a significant way for your son or daughter to grow in Christ, develop close friendships with other Christians and to serve the Lord. You and your student can find out more about BSM at including the contact information and websites for all of the BSMs on the campuses in Texas.
Many students disconnect from their faith when they graduate from high school or while they are in college. Let’s work together to be sure that your student stays connected to Christ and continues to grow in faith during these crucial years. Let me know how I can help you in this time of transition.
Youth Minister
Anywhere Baptist Church