On Halloween, many children like to trick or treat.This practice evolved from an All-Hallows'-Eve tradition in which English citizens knocked on doors to beg for “soul cakes.” In return for the treat, beggars promised to pray for the dead of the household.

All Saints Day is a festival that began in the seventh century when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Roman Pantheon to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and church martyrs. Our denomination does not have a system to elect people to sainthood. We do not pray to saints, nor do we believe they serve as mediators to God. United Methodists call people “saints” because they exemplified the Christian life. In this sense, every Christian can be considered a saint.

The UMC will celebrate All Saints Day on Sunday, November 3rd. It is a time to recognize the saints who have gone before us. We recognize Paul and the disciples of Jesus as the first saints, but we also recognize friends, family members and local church members who have entered the church triumphant.

On All Saints Day, we celebrate the lives of those who exemplify the faith, and who invite us to follow their example. Some churches toll bells as names are read. In other congregations, members light candles to remember the saints who have died. Often, family members display framed photos of their loved ones.

We honor our saints by recognizing the ways in which they have blessed us with their gifts of love, compassion, service and generosity. And, likewise, today we can bless others abundantly by generously giving our tithes and offerings.It is in their names that we offer our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness to continue the mission and ministries of our church.


Loving God, today we celebrate All Saints Day. Many of those who died during the year are people whom we loved. Words fail when we try to explain how much we miss them. We know we were blessed by our time together, and we give thanks that they are now in your care. Amen.

Welcome Baby Nelson

A potluck dinner will be held in the fellowship hall after church on Sunday, November 17th to congratulate Pastors Luke & Bethany and to meet baby Calvin. Please bring a dish to share. A basket will be available for contributions to a church gift for baby Calvin.

Salvation Army Food for Friends. We will be serving the meal at the Mankato Salvation Army on Saturday, December 28th. A collection of toiletries, socks, caps and mittens will be

taken along.

Advent Candle Lighters/Readers

families or small groups of 3 or 4 are needed forDecember 1st,8th15th, 22ndand for Christmas Eve on Tuesday the 24th. Contact Pastor Luke or the church office.

Thanksgiving Eve

Worship service

The Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service will be held here on Wednesday, November 27that 7:30pm. Pastor Luke will be giving the sermon. An offering will be taken for the Le Sueur Food Shelf. Everyone is welcome to stay after worship and enjoy pie and fellowship. Contact Doreen or Nyla if you can bring a pie to share.

Hanging of the Greens: Help decorate the church building for the season, inside and out. Saturday, November 30that 9am. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be provided.

Sunday School

Mission Project

We will again be having

a clothing & toy collection

fortwo Le Sueur families. Contact Joan Schwarz (665-2777) by December 1stif you have a donation or would like to help with shopping.

The choir will be singing "Lead Me Back to Bethlehem" onSunday, December 15th. We welcome anyone to sing with us during theChristmasseason. Cantata rehearsals start at 7:30 pm onWednesdayevenings thru Dec. 11th.

Serving in November


November 3Larry & Lana Beck

November 10Roger & NylaProbst

November 17Ivan & Doreen Lehnert

November 24 Don Bauleke and TuikkuJalli

November 27 Roger & Nyla and LeRoy & Lynda


November 3Lynda Antonsen

November 10Peg Edberg

November 17Emily Wilke

November 24Lori King


November 3Larry & Nancy Hylarides

November 10Lori King

November 17Clarice Ulrich and Mary Studer

November 24Lori King

Please let the church office know when you have switched a dateof service with someone.

Coffee Corner

As a sponsor of Equal Exchange

(UMCOR) the Serendipity Circle has decided to donate this year’s profits of $265 to the Back-Pack program at Park & Hilltop Elementary Schools. We want to thank the people who have supported us by purchasing Equal Exchange products. Coffee, tea and chocolate are available after worship or on weekday mornings in the church office. Remember – UMCOR receives 15 cents for each purchase. To learn more Equal Exchange and its support of small farms, pick up a brochure at the coffee table. Contact Judy Dahn if you see a product you would like to try.

Remember - Everybody wins:

1. You are purchasing a quality product;

2. You are helping small farmers & their families;

3. You are, indirectly, contributing to UMCOR;

4. You are supporting a local mission project.

From the U.M.W.

Have you caught the “Catch My Breath”

fever yet? The concert at 7pm on November 29th at LSHS with Home Free is going to do just that, take your breath away. Tickets are $15. Doors will be open at 6pm. We will have bazaar items and refreshments for sale. All profits from the concert, bazaar/crafts and treats table will go to the United Methodist Women. The UMW gives to the Southern Prairie District Mission, Youth Camperhsips, Emma Norton Women’s Services and many more areas in our own church. Come early for some good buys and Christian fellowship.

Pastor Luke spoke to us in his sermon on August 4th about giving to those who have less than you, sharing your bounty with others. So after you have bought tickets for you and your family, just maybe you would have enough bounty left to purchase a ticket for someone that is not able to so that they may enjoy the wonderful music from Home Free also.

Thanksgiving is upon us, let us give thanks for all of the wonderful things God has bestowed on us. See you on November 29th.




Ruth Circle: We will meet on November 19th to pack “Goodie Bags” for our Honorary Members.

Rebekah Circle: We will meet on November 19th at the home of Marie Sunderman.

Serendipity Circle of Friends: We will meet on Nov. 18th to plan the 2014 calendar.

From the Memorial

& Gifts Committee

This year’s memorial gifting of $3,562 was as follows:

$500 to U o f M Wesley Campus Ministries

$375 towards tables in Narthex

$500 for Stanley Baringer Scholarship

$800 to REACH for 2 standing microphones

$800 to trustees for tables in sanctuary

$587 towards speakers and microphones for

Gardenview Nursing Home sound system.

All Saints Sunday is November 3rd. Those who have passed in the last year are:

NameD.O.B. D.O.D.

Gerald Distel8/6/1927 11/17/12

Milton Mootz10/2/1922 1/22/13

Robert Oehlsen9/14/1941 2/2/13

Eugene Sunderman3/29/1930 4/26/13

Sandy Culbertson3/29/1945 5/7/13

Edward Winter3/18/1927 8/20/13

Allen Turvey10/29/1931 7/22/13

Save the Date!

Sunday, November 17that 7pm is the

Shared Annual Church Conference at

Centenary UMC in Mankato.

Contact a committee chairperson if you

would like to attend

Help Wanted

If you have décor you can lend for the Harvest Table contact Lana Beck. Needed are: home canning jars, gourds and mums.

From the

Church Office


Wednesday, November 20th.

Church Office Phone #: 507-665-2314

Church Website:

Office e-mail address:

Pastor’s e-mail address:

Secretary’s office hours: M-F from 9am-1pm

Pastor is available by appointment.

If you have dropped your land line and are now using only a cell phone, please call the church office and let us know your number. If you have a child in any activities or in Sunday school, we need to be able to get ahold of you in case of an emergency.

Did you miss worship last Sunday? Our services are broadcasted on CATV#7 at 1:30 & 7:30pm Sundays. We also have DVDs of past services.

If you want to schedule a meeting in our church building please contact to office to check the calendar. This is a courtesy to others and to our custodian’s cleaning schedule.

Don’t forget to set your

clocks back on the evening

of Saturday, November 3rd


Our Sympathy to:

Laurie Heldberg on the death of her aunt, Sandra Armado.

Dave & Susan Jones on the death

of brother-in-law TerryPenland.

Our Thoughts and Prayers to:

Charlie & AnnDundas and family - uplifting

Cheryl Amundson - uplifting and support

Chris Hlad - uplifting and support

John Wentworth - thoughts and prayers

Ralph Hayford - thoughts and prayers

Helen Sinell - moved to Gardenview Nursing Home

Audrey Tohal - recent surgery

Gerry Wilson - thoughts and prayers

Annie Pierre - recently hospitalized

Willard Coffelt - recent surgery

New Address

Helen Sinell: 621 N. 4th, Le Sueur

Glenn & Karen Hague: PO Box 74,


Thank you:

We would like to thank everyone who attended our 60th anniversary party on Sunday, October 6th. Thank you for all the cards. It’s great to have such a friendly congregation.

Buz & Betty Purdy

Dear Mission Committee: Thank you so much for investing in the new church starts.

On behalf of the Le Sueur Rotary Club and the children who receive BackPack food, I thank you for your generous donation. Your donation will help to fill 120 bags of food!

Dear Le Sueur United Methodist Church,

Thank you for the very generous gift of $25,000. We are tremendously grateful for your support. It has enabled us to increase the development and delivery of life-changing technologies, helping more people find sustainable pathways out of hunger and poverty.


to pastors Luke & Bethany on the

October 8th birth of a son, Calvin Francis.

to Caitlin DePree and Matt Meyer who

were married in the church on October 12th.

Reminder: We have telephone and e-mail Prayer Chains for anyone wanting prayer support. If you have a prayer request, call Frances at (665-2873)

or the church office.

Bread for the Journey:

November 3-9Genesis 3

Pain and suffering were not part of God's original creation. According to Genesis 3, what introduced suffering into the world? How do you see God's redemptive hand at work even in Genesis 3? What does this teach us about God's relationship with suffering?

Maker of all that is seen and unseen, remind us that we are yours. When we turn away and our love fails, your love remains steadfast. Remind us when we forget and are lost that you are constantly in search of us. Help us to live our lives knowing that we are furiously, passionately, unconditionally, relentlessly loved by you. Amen

November 10-161 Peter 5

1 Peter was written to a church that was experience a lot of conflict and persecution. How would the words in this passage bring them comfort? How does it comfort you? What does it mean to "cast your anxieties on Jesus?"

Lord of all hopefulness, through your son Jesus Christ, you have bought the reconciliation of all things. Remind us of this when we hold on to our anxieties, fears and hurts. Bring us once again to the joy of your salvation. Amen.

November 17-23Psalm 62

This psalm is loaded with insight on the nature and practice of rest. What jumps out to you? How does this passage encourage you? What can you take away from this psalm and apply to your life in terms of how you rest

Lord of the sabbath. You rested after 6 days of work to appreciate your handiwork. Remind us that we are not made simply to produce things but to relish in your blessings. Grant us the rest, the real rest we find you. Amen

November 24-30Philippians 2:1-11

Think about ads you've seen or heard in the last week using phrases like "you deserve it," "you're worth it," and so on. Paul, probably quoting an early Christian hymn, said Jesus "emptied himself" (verse 7). How did Jesus' values differ from the ones Rome, Greece (and 21st century America) thought make for a strong, "successful" life? Do you believe Jesus was well-meaning but naïve—or was he right?

"Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus," Paul wrote in verse 5. How can you adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus if you find your own position, prestige or comfort challenged? What kind of trust and character does it take to adopt that attitude?

Lord Jesus, your earthly life reshaped our world like no one else in history. Yet you did it with none of the ego and self-importance so many self-declared "messiahs" show. Keep shaping my attitudes to be more and more like yours. Amen.

Red Cross Blood Drive – Monday, November 4th from 1pm to 7pm at First Lutheran Church. For an appointment call Marlys 665-2236.

Early Childhood Education Screening will be held at the United Methodist Church of Le Sueur on November 7th8th 8am-5pm.

Grief and the Holidays –The holidays can be difficult for a person who is grieving, especially the first ones after the death of a loved one. We invite you to join us for a program that can help you identify ways to plan and prepare for the holiday season. Thursday, November 19th6pm in the Le Sueur Public Library. There is no cost to attend but pre-registration is necessary. Call 800-327-3721, ext. 2989. Sponsored by Mayo Health System.

Notables Concert–Sunday, December 1st

4pm at LSHS. No admission charged.

Building Blocks Christian Learning Center is seeking to hire one assistant teacher. The position would be a part time position that begins at 12:30 and will close our daycare at 5:30pm.The candidate must meet the minimum education and experience qualifications as set forth by the Le Sueur County Human Services and the State of Minnesota; and have a working knowledge of all Le Sueur County and State Licensing requirements. Candidates must be able to articulate their faith in Jesus Christ. To apply, contact Melissa r at665-9919

St. Peter Regional Treatment Center:

Please remember those without family or friends during the holidays. A gift, regardless of size, shows that someone cares. Suggestions for men & women:

* Toiletries - personal grooming items

* Clothing - indoor & outdoor L to XL sizes.

* Household - bedding/bath items.

* Fun - candy, games, electronics.

* Gift Cards – C&S supply, Target, Barnes &

Nobles, Best Buy, Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart.

100% of the gifts and monies donated to this project go directly to the patients and outpatients. We ask that gifts be delivered to the Volunteer Services by December 1st. We are open M-F, 7am-3pm. 507-985-2249.