The Age of Enlightenment and Natural Law at a Glance
EQ: How did the Enlightenment shape the foundations of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution?
"All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions."
John Locke
Starting with the Protestant Reformation in Europe (Martin Luther) and the split from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church began to reign in their authority by having a series of Inquisitions. People charged with heresy (those whose views were considered against the Bible or the Church) were often tortured and killed. Henry VIII’s creation of the Anglican Church, the state religion in England, resulted in the Puritan movement in an effort to purify the church back to the intent of Martin Luther. Puritans under leaders such as Oliver Cromwell fought civil wars in England, Ireland and Scotland killing thousands. In France Catholics fought Protestants again killing thousands and causing many to flee for their lives.
During this time period philosophers began to use reason to theorize the where the authority of government comes from as well as the role of government and the individual. Others would use these ideas in the areas of economics and science. Ultimately these ideas would travel to America and would lay the foundation on which our country would be created. Natural Law or Natures Law
Age of Enlightenment/ Age of Reason a time when men in Europe and America replaced religious dogma and intolerance with reason. 1600s - 1700s
Natural law, Nature’s Law, the Law of Nature, Natural Rights is a theory that some laws are basic and fundamental to human nature and nature itself and are discoverable by human reason and apply everywhere.
As Isaac Newton was explaining Natural Law in the heavens.
People like John Locke were explaining Natural Law regarding Government.
Adam Smith was explaining Natural Law in the field of economics “the free hand of the market”
and capitalism will always correct itself without the need for government intervention Lazier Faire (hands off) Capitalism is based on competition. Influence (Wealth of Nations Book)- capitalism is our form of economy
John Locke: (1632-1704): A Philosopher who created the idea of Natural Law & Rights in the area of Government.
1. men are created equal
2. men endowed (born) with unalienable (rights that cannot be taken away)
3. Rights come from a creator. Not a specific god
4. the job of government is to protect these rights: Life, liberty, Property.
5. governments are created by men with the consent or permission of those being governed.
6. If a government does not protect these rights or is abusive over a long period of time, it should be abolished.
Locke’s Influence 2nd paragraph of DOI
“We the People” Gov. Created by the people with consent of gov. US Constitution
Rights are you born with: Life, Liberty and……. property (Locke) ……Pursuit of Happiness (Jefferson)"
What if you are not born with rights but rights are granted to you by the state? (Government) If you are not born with rights and rights are given to you from a person or government rights can therefore be taken away. You are property of the state.
Importance of Pursuit of happiness: No class system the pursuit of opportunity!!!
Voltaire: (1694-1778) – A French Philosopher who was inspired by Locke. Wrote to Catherine the Great and King Fredrick of Prussia against absolute monarchies and argued for Natural Law. Friend of Ben Franklin
Document – Religious freedom –
influence - 1st Amendment to the Constitution. Establishment Clause - Congress shall establish no religion or prevent the free exercise….
Montesquieu, was a French social commentator and political thinker is famous for his theory of separation of powers
Influence (Article 1 leg. Branch, Article 2 Executive Branch, Article 3 Judicial branch US constitution)
Rousseau - argued that we are inherently good, but we become corrupted by the evils of society. ‘Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains’. It is an expression of his belief.
Influenced - the French Revolution
Thomas Hobbes Lived during English Civil War. Argued for a strong decisive government. Wrote his Famous book the Leviathan. Individuals mutually unite into political societies, agreeing to abide by common rules. He also advocated rule by an absolute sovereign, NON Example
Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence based on these ideas as well as George Mason’s Declaration of Rights. Thomas Jefferson built on those of others!!! James Madison Drafted the Constitution
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin among many others all were Enlightenment thinkers.
1. Why did Locke have a problem with the Devine Right of Kings concept?
2. How did the Scientific Revolution influence the Enlightenment?
3. Based on human nature how did Hobbs and Locke view the role of government?
4. What is meant by the term Enlightenment and Natural Law?
5. Give an example of enlightenment figures in science, government and economics
6. How did Newton’s discoveries demonstrate natural or universal laws?
7. How does Adam Smith Lazier Faire and the “free hand” of the Market show Natural law in economics?
8. John Locke know his basic bio and what influenced him to develop Natural Law in Government
9. According to Lock, what are his principles of government?
On equality --
Where do rights come from?
What is the role of government?
How are governments created?
Under what circumstances should a government be abolished?
10. Locke mentioned rights such as Life Liberty and Property, What did Jefferson mean by “Pursuit of Happiness?” How did this make America unique from all other countries?
11. What is the importance of the Magna Carta as an influence for enlightenment government?
12. Know the views and works of the following Philosophes:
13. Why were women against the Philosophes?
14. Compare and contrast the American Revolution with that of the French Revolution? Don’t do this yet!!!!